On the other hand, Roc Demon King took Nie Kong their three people to the meeting hall of the Pingtian Alliance.

A sumptuous banquet was set up inside, and a gentlemanly dressed man was waiting there early in the royal seat. He is a military division of the Peace Alliance, the Great Saint Macaque King.

“The arrival of the distinguished guests really makes our alliance shine. The White Night King, we have had several decades. We haven’t seen it.” As the prime minister, the macaque king said with a chuckle.

“Yes. I came to ask Ox Demon King for something, so I took my Divine Spark back.”

White Yaksha also showed helplessly tired He looked up at the empty table in the throne room, sighed and said: “didn’t expect can’t meet the first candidate Ox Demon King!!”

Jaling eased a bit. He asked in a tone of voice: “In any case, I should apologize for the things that the big brother is not doing. If there are rumors, I can pass them on.”

“No. If there is no direct discussion with him, then there will be no It makes sense. Since there is no way to know when Ox Demon King will be back, I can only find another alternate.”

“Is there an alternate?” Roc Demon King asked.

“en.” Bai Yaksha solemnly nodded, and said with a sigh: “I plan to temporarily…I will retire from the position of the dominant class in the Eastern District.”

“Wh… What?” The expressions of Roc Demon King, Black Rabbit and Macaque King were stained with expressions of astonishment, “Why?”

However, when you think about it carefully, they showed an expression of as it should be by rights. Bai Yaksha in the past has been branded by the Demon King. It was by converting to Buddhism that she finally got the assurance of being a good god and recognized her right to interfere with the lower level.

In other words, getting back the Demon King Bai Yaksha from Divine Spark now means losing the backing support. Already owning Divine Spark, limited activities are also a natural development.

“So I need a strong class dominator who can be my successor.”

This speech of Bai Yaksha contains firm determination and courage, and Responsibility and heavy pressure. Because of this courage, Roc Demon King, who took a deep breath, noticed that there is an extraordinary secret behind this remark.

“Then after you retired from the class dominator, you are impossible to stay below the current four digits, but you want to return to the original class, right?” Nie Kong frowned.

“Sorry, I can’t tell you. No matter what I do, I still think I need a good class dominator.”

“Do you mean the big brother?” Huntian Great Saint asked aloud.

“en! The current class dominators of East, West, North, and South, apart from me in the East District, are the only three alliances of Salamandra, Guiji Alliance, and Dragon Horn Lion Lion. Activities. And their leaders are all young people who have little practical experience with Demon King. If it continues, even if the worst happens, even I alone cannot take care of them all.” White Yaksha said with a bitter smile.

No matter which organization is born in a large five-figure community or alliance. Possess the strength of one of the very best in the middle level, as well as the organizational ability to fight against the Demon King. However, fighting the Demon King will be a fierce battle beyond imagination.

If you encounter the situation where several Demon Kings appeared in one breath some time ago, they actually don’t have the basis to correspond. If Bai Yaksha, who is the strongest “class dominator,” withdraws from the current crisis, then the lower communities in our box garden are too dangerous.

Especially the knowledge of the appearance of the dragon, which made Bai Yaksha worried.

“So the veteran powerhouse with rich experience and familiarity with Demon King games, Ox Demon King is their best member.” Nie Kong asked aloud.

“Wu wu, Lord White Yaksha, please don’t leave. Is it so degenerate that you want the Demon King Alliance to protect, White Yaksha doesn’t want us?” Black rabbit wu wu sobbed, she didn’t want White Yaksha to leave.

“White Yaksha, you are too interesting, right.” Nie Kong frowned and asked.

“hehe.” White Yaksha is like an elder sister, gently touching the black rabbit’s ears, “It’s a pity, it doesn’t make sense for Ox Demon King to be away.”

Ox Demon King, who took the lead when the “Gui Ji” alliance faced a crisis, would surely replace himself to protect the lower class. Bai Yaksha came here with hope, but he ended up wasting time.

“Really? Since the situation is serious so far, then Bai Yaksha, you can give him the dominator. He can catch my move, and the strength should be good.” Roc Demon King raised his eyebrows and pointed Said to Nie Kong.

“I also thought about it, but Nie Kong’s prestige in the Eastern District still cannot carry the banner. Maybe it is possible in the Southern District.”

“King Keshi do as One pleases, I can’t be a dominator.” Nie Kong said.

“Well, since it’s serious enough to be so endangered, I don’t have to hide it from you. Actually, my big brother has something to tell you.”

“You said What?”

White Yaksha reflexively asked, Huntian Great Saint, he did not answer, just took out a letter and threw it to Bai Yaksha.

“Ox Demon King big brother ordered a letter to Bai Yaksha before he set out to support.”

It’s Bai Yaksha’s turn to be unable to speak. If this is true, then On behalf of Ox Demon King, he had predicted that Bai Yaksha would come to visit. Moreover, the seal of the letter is covered with a flag of peace, impossible in disguise.

White Yaksha frowned and opened the letter in a surprised mood: “In the southern tree, the buds of the successor are here, I hope you can participate in joy.”

You can say It is clear and concise to the extreme, which means that the big water tree in the southern district has a successor who can let Bai Yaksha entrust everything.

White Yaksha looked at the short sentence and laughed loudly as if feeling happy from the bottom of his heart.

“haha! Can you predict the development of things in the future? Great Sage Who Pacifies The Heavens. That naughty boy, it seems that no matter the name or the ghost idea, there is no rust!” White Yaksha laughed heartily, her pretty face disappeared cleanly.

White Yaksha turned around happily, letting her silver hair spread out in a fan shape, with his back facing Roc Demon King and Huntian Great Saint facing Nie Kong with soft cheeks. At that moment, instead of the usual jokes and jokes, she exudes convincing and gentle rays of light.

“Nie Kong, thank you for coming with me. Thanks to everyone, I finally found the light!!”

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