bright sun and a gentle breeze The sunny weather shows a vibrant scene in “Underwood”.

In the “HippocampKnight” participant preparation area, there is only half an hour before the countdown to the game. During that preparation time, the tents placed on both sides of the river gathered a lot of communities, and they were all preparing to change into swimsuits for the competition.

The first is Asuka Sauce, wearing a black tulle bikini specially selected by Nie Kong. If the important place is not covered by a scarf, she might not dare to wear it out. That’s the case, the black mysterious swimsuit contrasts with the jade-like snow-white skin on the body, reflecting the mature sex, feeling and a bit of extravagance.

The two-piece swimsuit that Kasugabe wears yesterday. Although her figure is consistent with her age and lacks curves, her slim and well-proportioned qualities are quite conspicuous. Since the body lines are clearly visible after wearing the two-piece swimsuit, I can only say that it is very cute.

Black Rabbits costume is a bikini swimsuit decorated with cute patterns, which exposes the skin like Shirayuki boldly. Whether it’s the pair of oppa or the two well-developed legs, there are more exposed parts today than usual.

He looks very plump, but his appearance is not like Shirayuki Ji, there is no slight deformation! ! The black rabbit and the childish face bewitched the figure, making Asuka and the others dumbfounded. But for the black rabbit who values chastity like Asuka, wearing such a revealing swimsuit should be quite an act of courage.

So at the debut of the black rabbit cowering, Underwood immediately heard the cheers of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

“Oh!” The black rabbit was shocked by shaking his rabbit ears. Although she is not conscious of it, her bold swimsuit really has the power to confuse men. Seeing the beautiful limbs of the black rabbits exposed, filled the venue with heat and roars.

On the screen, the host has come to the stage, and a live broadcast booth is set up in the corner of the stage.

The live broadcast at the corner of the stage is in charge of the white Yaksha wearing a kimono and the female salesperson who supervises her. I saw Bai Yaksha pretending to hold the microphone in her hand. She felt very excited from the very beginning, looking at the graceful bodies of the girls in swimsuits.

“Sorry, let you wait a long time! Then from now on, we will hold “Hippocamp’s jockey! The person in charge of hosting is still the familiar black hakama noble rabbit.” “

White Yaksha appeared in front of the stage and began to speak to the audience and participants, “Then before the game starts, I want to say a word, black rabbit, you look really sexy! “

“Please hurry up and announce the start! What a fool! “Bang! The stone thrown from the black rabbit in the center of the stage pierced the back of Bai Yaksha’s head, bleeding out.

White Yaksha didn’t take care of the painful stone stabbing on his head, and only coughed Gather everyone’s attention again: “Really only say a word! Speaking of Yuetu’s two hundred years old, it should be the second Child period at most, and it can develop so sexually…”

ka! Bang!! Countless stones have turned adults into white Yaksha is overwhelmed.

“Cough cough, alright. I don’t want to continue to suffer, so let’s talk about this question now. As you all know, I waited for “ThousandEyes” to launch a lot of booths during the harvest festival held in the Southern District, and I really didn’t have time to start the preparations for the game. Therefore, I think twice and decide to announce here that the participants who can win in “Hippocamp’s Jockey” will be given prizes they like by “ThousandEyes”! “

Hearing the white Yaksha game will have additional rewards, in the audience, there was immediately enthusiastic cheers and sighs regretting that they did not participate. As for the participants waiting for the game to start, the same goes for them. There was a burning fighting spirit in his eyes.

The black rabbit moved to the center of the stage, holding the rules of the game to make the final confirmation: “Next, I am here to deal with the rules of “Hippocamp’s jockey”. the game final confirmation!

First, as long as you fall into the water, you will be disqualified immediately! But it is allowed to board the river bank or land!

Two, the daughter can only use Dahe! And there will be many fork roads behind Arasano Jukai, please go forward with your instincts!

3. After reaching the top of the mountain at the turning point, you must get the sea tree fruit to return to the end! “

As soon as the black rabbit finished speaking, Bai Yaksha opened her hands and prepared to say: “Participants, please go get the designated item, and go back and forth faster than anyone else!” Im here to announce the jockeys of Hippocamp, start now! “1

Nie Kong, they all put on their swimsuits, and they rode the horsehead meridians picked yesterday and stood in a row in front of the river. The leader of the two wings glare like a tiger watching his prey, Staring at Nie Kong with cold eyes.

His riding-head Merrion is very powerful, and it is not at the same level as the one riding under Nie Kong. It seems to be a good product cultivated since childhood. .

Nie Kong didnt care about the details, sitting on the horsehead mertail looked towards the end of the endless river, giving him the feeling of watching Mori Chan wearing a swimsuit in the previous world participating in a surfing competition. .

“Nie Kong, let us compare in the game. “A dozen meters away from Nie Kong, an unexpected voice interrupted Nie Kong’s thoughts.

Nie Kong turned his head and followed the direction of the voice, and saw an old man wearing boxer shorts. The man, I saw Ikuyasu who is also standing behind him with blond hair, and the two looked in good harmony.

“I said Ikuyasu represents NoName’s competition, I understand it, but why is it dignified Snake Demon King’s Jiao Liu, you have to come and get a kick. “Nie Kong said in surprise.

“Aiya, don’t mention it. It’s not that I can’t stand Bai Yaksha’s nagging a lot, and finally I can only agree to one of her requests to participate in the game. Jiao Liu said dejectedly. But in the same way, his eyes seemed to show an interest that was not used for usual laziness.

“The little Jialing, it seems that I didn’t see her yesterday. “

“haha, Seventh Sister was worried about being dragged by you to change into those clothes forcibly, so he hid with me early in the morning. Aiya, it seems that Nie Kong, you have to work harder. “

Nie Kong did have that plan, but Jialing seems to be smarter.

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