The search officers C plan is to uniform as the primary purpose, whether it is alive or killed.

The special investigator Guijiang Arima also appeared in front of everyone, wearing rimmed glasses and a white coat, staring in the direction of Shindai Rise, and drew out his Kuink weapon.” Please pay attention to your safety.”

As you can see from the plan change, Guijiang Arimas guard against gluttons, everyone did not dare to be careless, and followed Guijiang Arima and attacked in an orderly manner. God is living the world.

After avoiding a person moved towards Kazuko who was about to attack her, her fighting instinct became more and more aroused.

“You smell like it’s delicious!” Kamidai Rise swiftly cut off Shirin He who was standing next to Takasho Arima, and looked directly at Takasho Arima, flashing With the bloodthirsty rays of light.

Ari Ma, without the slightest hesitation, directly waved Kazuko in his hand, moved towards Shindai Rise fiercely, and Shindai Rise fiercely flew away, and Shindai Rise raised Linhes resistance, and was still caught by Arimas Kazuko. Excessive power to fly out a few meters.

Ari Ma, not at all, started to pay attention to the verbal stimulation of Goddailyshi, but directly expressed his thoughts with actions.

“Damn it!” was completely angered by Kijo Arima with a single blow, Kandari Rishi’s eyes were all bloodshot and red, and the four sharp scales waved, and for a moment he fell to the ground while she was around her The two or three investigators who pursued the attack by victory were hit hard.

In God’s heart, humans should only be food for their ghouls. The ghoul is the creature standing at the top of the food chain, so she tramples on life without any scruples.

Seeing the offensive power of God Rise, Arima Gui immediately raised the level of God Rise to a level in his own heart. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, he commanded everyone, “The third-class investigators retreat first, and the other first-class investigators follow me!”

Everyone heard the order. Although they were a little unwilling, they knew that continuing to fight would only hinder the special investigators. , The obedient backed immediately. Even if they are mentally prepared to die, they are not afraid of death, but they are not willing to lose their lives in vain.

The two special investigators of Marutesai Heipanyan were at first, and they were ordered to lurch in a high place to observe the power of the gods and to wait for the order to come out.

Let the lower level test first, and then let the higher level finish, it is already the basic combat strategy for the unknown S-level ghoul.

Looking at the battle between the lower-level investigators and Kandarishi, I was impatient and ready to go, and then received Arima’s order, he immediately rushed to the location of Kandarishi.

Shendai Li Shilinhe scattered, preparing to capture his food, forcibly was cut off by two people who appeared out of thin air wearing Kagko.

“Prepare to finish and clear the field!” Maru Tesai said lightly, his subordinates did not dare to be careless, and directly suppressed Kandarishi’s shoulders, intending to control Kandarishi’s action.

“It’s really dangerous.” One of the first-class investigators immediately avoided the attack of Shindai Rishi, clenched his fists, and directly moved towards the punched of Fiercely’s lower abdomen. He is an investigator who fits Kirishima Shin Kahe, and his body is their weapon.

And the last remaining first-class investigator was not idle at all. At the moment when Kandari was knocked down, he cooperated with Marutes attack to face Kandaris Lenhyuk. Used his own Kagko to suppress it.

Arima Guijiang stared at the gap, calmly coordinating with the suppression of the two Seniors, and waving Kazuko in his hands was moved towards Kandarishi’s hands and swept away, distracting her action.

“You all deserve to die!” Kandari wanted to get rid of violently, and was suppressed by three first-class investigators and an Arima Takashi, and Lin Hyuk was completely suppressed behind him. Pinned firmly, completely impossible to move even a little bit.

There is a horse to chase after victory, and a few black inhibitors are flipped in his hand, and Fiercely’s pierced Fiercely from Kandari’s back, continuously piercing Kanda’s body.

“Ah”Kamidai Rishi let out a bleak scream, and she could clearly feel the severe pain and changes in her body. Hezi, who had struggled to resist, suddenly lost her strength. She wanted to reactivate but was inhibited by another strange monster in her body, which prevented her from reactivating Lin Hyuk.

Looking at the power of the glutton weakening, Yuma’s face revealed a trace of a satisfied smile. He painted CRc drops on the dagger of the goddess body.

A drug that can inhibit the activity of ghouls’ Rc cells was previously researched and sold by Dad Anju Heina. Its function is to prevent the fire star of Kazue cells, and its function is to cut down the battle strength of ghouls.

Now they can capture the S-class ghoul glutton Kandarishi alive, and the loss of the quasi-special investigator can be made up for. If its Kazuko can be made into Kuink’s weapon, it will burst out of unprecedented strength! !

“Sorry, did you bother you?” The three of them were working together to subdue Kamidai Rishike, and when they were about to recover, they suddenly heard a gentle voice, appearing abruptly behind them.

The three of them were all taken aback. They immediately turned their heads back and assumed a posture of fighting at any time, staring at the direction of the voice with the facial expression grave.

Even if the three of them are concentrating on subduing God’s life, they are still alert to the side environment. However, among the four first-class investigators, none of them noticed when the incoming person appeared, making the alarm bell sound for all four.

“You are who!” They looked at each other in blank dismay. They all saw the same thoughts as themselves in the eyes of the other person. They could not help but be on guard, looking towards the car that came in. Sports car.

Slowly the door opened. At this time, four unexpected silhouettes came out of the car, and the men with three loli ran out. What tricks did he play! !

“Are you of the same kind as Goddai Rise?” Guijiang Arima looked at Nie Kong solemnly asked. The arrival was Nie Kong and Dong Xiang and their daughters. Since they heard the sound of fighting, they came from the hospital deliberately.

“Hehe. What do you think.” Hearing Arima Gui treating himself as a ghoul, Nie Kong chuckled, but did not immediately refute it.

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