With a bang of “hong”, the antique cafe was directly cut off by Nie Kong scarlet Kazuko. Roaring from the broken roof, Fangcun chasing the scarlet Yuhe rushed into the sky and hovered.

Finally, the battle started, and Fangcun almost couldn’t catch it with a random blow. Fangcun looked towards Nie Kong’s eyes, which are a brighter color than any human eyes, as if rays of light are shining in the eyes.

Fangcuns sight stayed on the raised high palm, which was sharp as a sword as the Kuink weapon. He was surprised, secretly surprised by Nie Kong’s strength. If he takes a step slower, maybe his fate will be broken into pieces like the coffee shop.

Fangcuns pale hand cut through the air, and Summon rushed towards Nie Kongs gluttony blood whip with his sharp Kazuko. However, when the two touched each other, they made a low sound that was not caused by a physical collision, but a metal-like collision. Blocking the 2nd attack, followed by the 3rd, the sharp Yu He turned into a sharp blade like a storm of “leaves”. Although Fangcun had cut off a lot of blood whip for gluttony, it quickly merged into the original shape between the waves. In front of him, Nie Kong stood and watched expressionlessly.

“How could I lose to you! No matter how strong Kuink is, your human body cannot be compared to a ghoul. Just kill you.” Fangcun coldly said.

Meanwhile, his Kazue was dancing wildly, like a meat grinder. He looked at Nie Kong in front of him like a hungry wolf.

The sound of broken objects echoed in the steel city. Kazuko on the back of Fangcun broke into hundreds of fragments, and the fragments fell like a rain of needles. Knowing that Nie Kong’s gluttony bloodwhip could not be damaged, Fangcun deliberately controlled Haezi to hit Nie Kong behind! !

bang!! The house in front bears the brunt, shredded like thin paper in front of Yu He in Fangcun.

“The strength is good…really strong! He not only has Yuhe’s incomparable superb speed, but also has an attack power that is many times stronger than that of Weihe. That is the strength of SSS-Rank Ghoul “Kindai Rishi said in shock.

“Yes, yes. But there will be no problem, Dad will definitely defeat him.” Heina looked at Nie Kong on the battlefield closely, but the pretty face still couldn’t conceal has several points of worry Shiana was so nervous that she buried her face behind Heina.

Facing Nie Kong surrounded by Hezi blades at the scene, he calmly said: “It’s ridiculous. In fact, gluttony is my weakest ability, Grisly Wing!”

Nie Kong flicked the blood whip, and Li Shi was shocked to see the blood whip exploded into pieces, and then the blood whip meat foam condensed into groups of scarlet bats.

In the hands of Nie Kong, countless blood-red bats burst out into the sky, like an elegant magician who conjured pigeons out of his hat. The number of Kazuko’s blades was simply crushed by bats. The blade hit the bat, but was annihilated and swallowed clean by them, even spreading to a radius of 100 meters. Li Shi was stunned, Heine was stunned, and then the eyes of the three girls radiated brightly with excitement.


Fangcun Gongshen looked at Nie Kong. Across the tossing river water that was blood dyed red, it stood opposite Fangcun Gongshan. Gong Shan Fangcun stood in front of Nie Kong. His clothes are already torn and you can’t see the original look, and his face is covered with red blood, which is flowing out of his body.

Picking up a piece of bat flesh on the ground, it reflected the blankness in his pupils. His right eye is open, and the red glow is burning in his pupils. . Suddenly, the creeping bat fragments bit him, and the pain caused the fragments to fall from Fangcun Gongshan’s hands. He closed his eyes and was silent. He couldn’t accept that the coffee shop was ruined. The fact that his friend Gu Jian Yuaner and they act recklessly made him regret it a bit.

“You, are you really human?” He opened his mouth and shouted, but he couldn’t make a sound.

“From the very beginning, I didn’t admit that I was a human being.” Nie Kong looked towards Fangcun where he lost a Hezi more than 100 meters away. He was also very surprised and slipped quickly.

After all, it is Grisly Wing which is launched by Gluttony Bloodwhip, and its limited quantity only covers a range of 100 meters. If Nie Kong is replaced by Grisly Wing with real Vampire skills, it will be a disaster for the entire city.

“Now that the outcome is divided, there is no need for an antique cafe.” Nie Kong waved the gluttonous blood whip re-transfigured by a bat, and the blood whip that skyrocketed 100 meters opened like a roaring giant snake. Mouth.

“Did you lose?” Fangcun looked up desperately, waiting for death to come. Suddenly, the sound from the sky attracted the eyes of Gongshan Fangcun.

“xiu!” He saw a few white spots that broke through the sky, and the white spots were continuously getting bigger. Fangcuns eyes shrank, he recognized it, and those white dots dropping from the sky are clearly missiles in human society!

Although he knew that a ghoul appeared and was quickly reported, and then CCG would send troops to suppress it, he didn’t expect such an extreme method! !

“How is it possible that the group of CCG guys are going to kill the humans around them all.” Fangcun said in disbelief.

In general, when fighting with ghouls, humans rarely use highly lethal weapons, because they are afraid of affecting human safety. Fangcun turned his head and looked towards the surroundings, and he suddenly understood something.

Within a radius of 100 meters, because their battle has been in ruins and there is no life left. Forget it, it is a good thing for humans and ghouls to have a very dangerous guy buried with him.

“Hehe, Lord Nie Kong, it seems that we are all defeated.” Fangcun looked towards Nie Kong again with kind eyes, and now Fangcun still smiled leisurely.

“The CCG guys came so fast, and they all learned shrewdly.” Nie Kong, who was staring at the different colors in mid-air, was also surprised. He didn’t care about those ground-to-ground missiles. The formidable power was real. Too little hurt him.

In order to ensure the safety of Heina and Nabai, Nie Kong has no longer cared about Fangcun, he teleported directly to the side of Heina’s three daughters and sheltered them in all directions in his arms.

In Nie Kong’s view, no matter what, the safety of his two daughters is not as important as that. Besides, there are many opportunities to kill Fangcun, and Fangcun may not survive a few missiles.

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