“Is it a thrush?” Qian Ji exclaimed when he saw the person coming.

“Wow, Eldest Miss, long time no see.” Maze Shiro, who glanced at the classroom, threw himself into Qianzhus arms in surprise, embracing Qianzhu like a child and acting like a baby put.

“Hey hey!” The male and female students in the class were all dumbfounded.

“What, what? The transfer students hugged Qiangui when they met?” After all, a few days ago, Qiangui showed his classmates as a close lover with a couple.

“Are you Qianji’s ex-boyfriend?”

The surrounding students suddenly started gossiping.

“Idiot, how can you hug me in front of your classmates.” Qian Ji found the uncomfortable look around him, and immediately pushed the thrush out.

“Eldest Miss, you don’t know I have missed you so much. It’s very good to see you.” The thrush said happily.

“Will the war begin, the love triangle.” By the girls.

“From the appearance alone, one is not an opponent at all, it is completely inferior to others. They look very good, the male child is very handsome, and the girl is very beautiful.” The male student is also taking pleasure in The look of other people’s misfortune.

“Don’t quarrel, everyone. Since Seishirou and Qiangui know each other, let’s sit next to Qiangui. Please remember to take care of your new classmates.” Nie Kong said.

“Yes.” Compared with the male students, the female students answered more enthusiastically. It may be that the handsome figure of the thrush puts a lot of pressure on the male students around.

“Sorry, Eldest Miss, who suddenly transferred to another school. This matter was decided temporarily. It was Mr. Crowder who asked me to follow Eldest Miss to increase my knowledge.” Sitting next to Qianspin, Thrush explained in a low voice.

“I don’t mind, but why do you want to dress like this.” She is a very cute girl, and she is a little unaccustomed to dressing up as a male child.

“Because… because I couldn’t find the designated school uniform for this school, I had to put on my usual clothes.” The thrush didn’t care about men’s clothing, anyway, he was raised by Claude as a male child. . What she wants to know most now is who cheated her Eldest Miss, so she asked directly:

“By the way, Eldest Miss, I heard that you made a lover with both integrity and ability at school . If you dont dislike it, can you introduce me to it.”

“Eh, this.” Qian Ji was a little dumbfounded, she looked around, then moved towards one and beckoned, “One, come here. “

“Suddenly call me here, why…what?” One asked in confusion.

Thousands of thorns immediately pulled a piece in front of him, squeezing out an ugly smile, and channeling: “Thrush, he…he is called Yile Le, is my lover.”

“Why did you call me all of a sudden?” asked a happy unfathomable mystery.

“Shhh, don’t talk too much, she was sent by Claude. If you don’t want to show off, just pretend to be me.” Thousands of spines behind a line quietly answered his doubts.

Yi Le’s face was a little depressed. He thought that if Claude was gone, the school would become a paradise. And didn’t expect, Claude actually sent a male child to stare at them.

“Hello, I really admire your name for a long time. Seeing in person like this makes people feel that you are very trustworthy.” Thrush said with a smile.

“Thanks…Thank you.” Seeing the kind look, it is not at all like the fierceness of the Black Nest and my own mafia, and I feel a little relieved.

“forgive my impoliteness. Let me introduce again, I am Shiro Shiro. I and Eldest Miss are about the same age, so I often grow up as her playmates. Recently, because I rarely have the opportunity to meet I’ve always missed Eldest Miss.” Lu Xuan said with joy.

For coming to Japan to perform the mission, Thrush is very happy, because she can see Eldest Miss she missed and live with her again. As for identifying the one that deceived Eldest Miss, Thrush thinks It shouldn’t be very difficult. And Claude’s order is to stare at the other party, and then take the evidence to Claude. Its just that the thrush feels time-consuming, so its better to just and honorable military force come quickly.

It was noon soon, and the Thrush holding the lunch box was about to reminisce about the old days with Thousand Thorns. It was only found that Yi Yi and Qianji ran to the rooftop.

It seems that because of her arrival, Ichijo and Qianshou are planning to go to the rooftop to have a sweet lunch, of course, pretending to show the thrush.

“It’s hateful, that bastard can be so close to Eldest Miss.” The thrush was peeking in the corner, her pretty face was irritated and envied, and her clothes were almost shattered.

“Hey, Shiro Shiro, it’s very impolite to peek at others.” Suddenly, Shiro felt weak. Turning and looking towards the back, I saw her Teacher Nie Kong, holding her in front of her with her collar in one hand.

“Well, Teacher, you have misunderstood, I am only protecting Eldest Miss secretly.” Shutu immediately explained.

She couldn’t help being very vigilant, and before leaving, Claude told her to be careful about Nie Kong. It seems that he is really troublesome and difficult to deal with, and he was discovered by peeking! !

“There will be no danger in the school, just be an ordinary student at ease.” Nie Kong dragged the thrush off the balcony, “and don’t disturb Qiangui and a classmate.”

“What do you know…what, Teacher, you are a bit decisive. Although Eldest Miss said that she became a lover with him, she was probably deceived by a classmate.” Shulu retorted.

“so that’s how it is, are you doubting their relationship.” Nie Kong lightly said with a smile.

“Yes! How could Eldest Miss like that short, bean sprout-like waste.”

“Listen to you, I actually think they have some Weird.”

“Right right, Teacher, not equal to me, how about working together to expose a scam of a happy one.” Lu squinted and asked excitedly at Nie Kong.

“Cooperate, I can promise you.”

Nie Kong shook his head and smiled unconfirmed. He knew the true relationship between Qianshou and Ichi-pretending to be a couple! Of course, even if it is pretending, Nie Kong does not want to see it.

So Nie Kong feels that it’s best to let Thrush know the truth as soon as possible.

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