After handling the matter, it was some time before Nai really woke up. Nie Kong thought for a while. Seeing that Kyoko and none of them came back, they returned to school and continued their courses.

Nie Kong, as the new handsome Teacher, after the freshness of the students passed, not only the popularity did not decline, but also attracted a lot of students from other grades, and I wanted to get Nie after class. Kong’s side.

Nie Kong, who finally got out after a phone call, walked slowly onto the rooftop. Although he saw the skylark lying not far away, but saw that the other party did not respond, Nie Kong treated it the same. I did not see it.

“Does the result come out?”

The call was an overseas call from Kula. As soon as Nie Kong got through, he immediately asked straight to the point. Know things.

“Yes, I checked it out. To ensure the authenticity, I even contacted here first. However, there seems to be something wrong with the 9th generation of Pengley, and the phone cannot be connected from time to time. ……”

Kura brow beaded with sweat gave Nie Kong a vaccination in advance, for fear that Nie Kong would blame him after being unable to get through, and misunderstand that he deliberately found a phone that couldnt get through. he.

“I see, I will contact you again if I have something.”

While Kura said, Nie Kong also received an encrypted email from Kura to himself. After reading it and confirming that there was no problem, Nie Kong hung up the phone.

Sure enough, after Nie Kong called the phone several times, someone on the other side finally answered the phone.

“Hello, I am the current leader of Pengley, who are you?”

The other party speaks fluent Italian and has an old voice. Although Nie Kong has never seen Peng Glee’s 9th generation, but, hearing that voice, frowned slightly involuntarily.

“No, you are not the real Penglai leader!”

Nie Kong remembers that the real Penglai leader is a great Grandpa who looks very kind and kind. Gentle, and will not deliberately say such self-reported words that want to express their identity.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. It seemed that he didnt expect Nie Kong to refute his identity directly in the first sentence. I dont know if I was too lazy to talk to this kind of identity, or because my identity was exposed. While flying into a rage out of humiliation, the other party directly hung up the phone.

“It seems that the Pengley family is really in turmoil!”

Looking at this attitude, even if Nie Kong doesnt know whats going on there, he still I probably know that Xanxus of Balian is about to start trying to seize the position.

After I told Kyoko that she would leave first and couldn’t go home with her, Kyoko felt a little regretful, but she quickly recovered her spirits and said that she would take the Lanbo who sneaked out. Go back.

Afterwards, Nie Kong closed his eyes and jumped directly to the headquarters in Pongele, Italy for an instant.

“You are who!”

In the face of this person who appeared out of thin air, the Penglai headquarters immediately activated the most advanced defense, always alert to the intruder Nie Kong’s every move .

“Sorry, can you help me introduce the nine generations?”

Nie Kong wears a slender black windbreaker with a big rounded top hat and a smile at the corners of his mouth. With a gentle appearance, he consulted the guard who was staring at him glare like a tiger watching his prey.

If it weren’t for Nie Kong who broke in suddenly, I’m afraid everyone will be confused by Nie Kong’s elegant and gentle attitude.

“The 9th generation is not convenient to meet guests. If you have something, please make an appointment first. The 9th generation will allow you to meet when you have time.”

Nie Kongs elegance is Inborn, it is not the kind that can be imitated and can do it, and can break into the headquarters unknowingly under numerous guards alone, presumably this person is definitely not simple.

So, after the guard Chief-In-Charge hesitated, he turned to Nie Kong’s formulaic replied.

“If it is not convenient for you to introduce, then it seems that I can only go in and find it myself.”

Nie Kong not at all because the other party retreats in a word, but in glare like a tiger watching his prey, under the eyelids of everyone who may shoot at any time, leisurely prepare to move towards inside.

“Mr. Please hold your steps.”

The guard Chief-In-Charge saw Nie Kong and he didn’t listen at all. He frowned unhappy and immediately blocked Nie. Kong said the way forward with a strong attitude.

“If you sir, if you rush like this, don’t blame us for being polite!”

“Who is making noise outside! It’s annoying!”

Nie Kong didn’t even say anything, a deafening roar came over before the person heard it.

After that, a man with a sassy and heroic posture but with long waist-length silver hair appeared in front of everyone.

After hearing someone rush into the headquarters, Squaro immediately led the people out.

“It’s worthy of being a big loudspeaker, it really is the name is not in vain!”

Nie Kong has long known that Squaros voice is loud, but after experiencing it with his own ears , I know the shock degree.

“The ninth generation of people who have been kidnapped should be the assassination unit of Balian, right?”

Although I didnt see the person I wanted to meet, at least I saw an important character One, the effect is the same.

“Who is your guy, why are you here!”

Although Squaro immediately perceives the danger of Nie Kong based on his killer’s instinct, he is very Things are the most indifferent.

“The Ninth Generation is not something that people like you can see. Pengleys internal affairs do not require you to be an outsider to talk!”

Squaro did not disclose any information to Nie Kong, even the impatient wants to drive Nie Kong away.

Im afraid that, as long as Nie Kong expresses any unwillingness to leave and so on, Squaro will directly engage with Nie Kong in minutes.

“I’m not interested in what you are doing. I just want to find someone you kidnapped and discuss something that’s all.”

Nie Kong didn’t do it, but once he did it , That matter is already a foregone conclusion.

“Let your subordinates come out to chase people, and then hide by yourself, that is your leader, the ability of Xanxus?!”

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