It is rare to meet classmates on the way after school, Kyoko was very enthusiastic and went forward to say hello. The prison temple Hayato is not very good at dealing with girls. Although he doesn’t like girls who are too active and noisy, Kyoko’s personality is pretty good, and he is not disgusted. Because the way back is the same, half-pushing and half-pushing, they are ready to go home with Sasakawa siblings. He became familiar with him and talked with Hayato in Prison Temple. Although the other party always felt very cold, this didn’t affect Ping’s enthusiasm for pulling people into the boxing club.

After a few steps, I ran into Takeshi Yamamoto who came out of the corner. Sasakawa Rapei is a bit famous at school, so Yamamoto also knows him. After greeting his classmates, he paused at the name Sasakawa Rapei.

The school gate where the four people left, suddenly seemed to hear something, strangely and constantly watching all around, there was something wrong.

“Um…Have you heard a child’s call for help?”

“Child? Call for help? But I didn’t hear the sound?”

Ping felt a little unfathomable mystery, he didn’t hear anyone calling for help near here.

“I didn’t hear it either.”

Take Yamamoto was also a little curious.

Although the Falcon in the Prison Temple was a little impatient, when he was just about to say that he hadnt heard it, the childs immature cry for help was heard suddenly in his ear, and his heart was shocked, and he moved towards immediately. Look where the sound is.

When other people saw it, they also conditioned moved towards the prison temple Hayato looking in the direction.


After that, under the gaze of a few people, a child who was about nine years old suddenly appeared in a panic on the faces of a few people. In sight.

The child not at all saw Kyoko and the others, lose one’s head out of fear. The moved towards the others ran in the direction of the few people. When they found out, it was too late to change the direction of escape in a hurry. But he was afraid of involving innocent people, so he moved towards a few people in a panic and shouted.

“Run, there are bad guys behind!”

tone barely fell, the child has been caught by someone who came from behind.

“Let go of me!”

“Go back with us obediently, or you will suffer the pain!”

Even if the child struggles no matter how much Did not get rid of the shackles of the other party.

When Kyoko saw this, he immediately turned around and said to Yamamoto Takeshi and Yuji Hayato, “You go first”, and then rushed up angrily, grabbing the child.

I don’t know if it was because I was frightened by an outsider who appeared suddenly, or because he was frightened by Kyoko’s bravery. When the man loosened his hand, the child was dragged out by Kyoko and protected behind him.

“Although I dont know you are who, I have already called the police. If you dont want to be caught, its better to leave as soon as possible!”

The child may be scared It’s broken. At this time, I don’t want to cause Kyoko trouble, shiver coldly hiding behind Kyoko.

“Who are you woman!”

The person who grabbed the child ignored Kyoko’s intimidation at all, but waited in a very impatient tone. Kyoko asked aloud.

“Dare to take care of our affairs, courting death?!”

At this moment, the other person who has been around without any movement or saying anything, suddenly I glanced at the companion who hadn’t left Kyoko not far away, lightly saying.

“Bullying children and women is not something a man should do!”

Take Yamamoto is naturally not the kind of person who will leave girls behind, just It’s strange so I didn’t react that’s all.

“Boy, girls and children are for protection and not for bullying. If it is a man, let’s fight it to the limit!”

Sasakawa Rapei is also gearing up at this time , Ready to shoot at any time.


What the prison temple Hayato did not at all said, but his ready to do it at any time also showed his thoughts.

Kakimoto Thousand Kinds of Nodded, and then took out his own weapons, ready to challenge.

“That’s right, if you solve it as soon as possible, you can finish it earlier!”

Even if the other party is crowded, the Shiroshima Dog doesn’t have the slightest fear. Instead, he uses himself excitedly The exclusive weapon is switched to wild beast mode in one second. Immediately moved towards Prison Temple Hayato and the others rushed over.

After all, Ping was still more concerned about the safety of his younger sister, and after shouting to Kyoko, he rushed out.

“Okay, you guys have to be careful too!”

Although Kyoko was very worried, she knew that she couldn’t help much at all, so she hurried back with the saved child. To a safe zone.

“What is your name? Why did they arrest you?”

Although Kyoko is worried about her big brother’s situation, she still has to ask clearly about the child’s situation.

“My name is Fengtai. Because of my accurate ranking ability, I am called the’Star Prince’. As a result, these people have been targeted as targets!”

” so that’s how it is.”

Although Kyoko doesn’t know much about Fengtai’s ability, she probably knows that this child is targeted by bad guys because of her ability!

“Don’t worry, these Big Brothers are very difficult to deal with and will definitely protect us!”

Kyoko believes in the strength of his big brother, and Yamamoto is also considered an athlete , The motor nerves are very good, and the Hayato of Prison Temple also feels strong.

So although Kyoko was worried about their injuries, she didn’t at all think they would lose.

“Dogs, its almost enough, dont go too far.”

Although Kakimoto Chikusa doesnt care about the life and death of Hayato and the others, if these people really die , It is not conducive to Master Mukuro’s plan.

While the Jojima Dog has always done nothing, it would be no good if it accidentally killed it.

“che, this kind of big talk, let’s wait for you to dream at night!”

Where can the prison temple falcon tolerate others belittle himself so much, and rush forward directly .

Im another fool who can only be impulsive.

Because his partner is also the reason for the impulsive fool, Kakimoto Chikyu is of the same type as the Hayato of Prison Temple. Feeling a little helpless, he took out his yoyo ball and met the Hayato in Prison Temple.

The Jojima Dog also directly faced Sasakawa and Ping.

“Vajra mode!”

Jingdao Dog suddenly changed into a Vajra form, waving a powerful force, moved towards Sasakawa and attacked the past.

“Let’s fight to the limit!”

Sasakawa Rakuhei was very surprised to find that the opponent’s Vajra mode turned out to be very powerful and passionate to his appetite He waved his fist and greeted him.

And Takeshi Yamamoto is a leisurely look, looking at the front of no one, smiling and asking, “The remaining two of us, how are you going to fight?”


“Hey? Who are you talking to, Big Brother?”

Fengtai has calmed down a bit at this time. Looking at Takeshi Yamamoto speaking into the air, it feels very strange.

“Eh? Fengtai, can’t you see that person?”

Kyoko looked at Fengtai strangely, not understanding what he was saying.

“I was standing in front of Yamamoto-kun, the only one who didnt wear a school uniform and haircut was a little weird!”

“kufufufu~ I thought I was quite secretive, but didnt ‘t expect has been discovered~”

Liudao Mukuro slowly revealed his body, looking thoughtful at Kyoko Sasakawa.

For Takeshi Yamamoto, as a baseball hobby player, he is very sensitive to the things around him and can detect the breath he deliberately releases. This is normal, but he didnt expect that this girl who looks very weak in front of him also Can detect my own existence!

“Fengtai, if you don’t want the elder sister behind you to be injured, it is better to go back with me as soon as possible!”


The wind shrank behind Kyoko too frightened, and refused Liudao Mukuro’s words.

“I don’t want my elder sister to be injured, but I don’t want to go back with you either!”

When Kyoko saw this, he guarded Fengta more cautiously, and then faced with a firm face Liu Dao Mukuro expressed his determination.

“Although I dont know who you are, I wont let you take Fengtai away!”

“As a girl, Sasakawa-san said so, then, as As a boy, I naturally can’t let you take people away!”

Take Yamamoto is still optimistic and cheerful, but he is generous in front of Kyoko.” I’m sorry that your opponent is me”, although he is smiling, the firmness in front of him also shows his determination.

“That’s really a pity~”

Liu Dao Mukuro looked very regretful, and then using that strange heterochromatic pupil, he looked straight at Kyoko. Yamamoto Takeshi in front of Kaputai, as the numbers in his eyes changed, a lot of pythons suddenly appeared around him, moving towards Yamamoto Takeshi and rushed away.

Rokudo Mukuro set up Formation, so Jojima Inu and Kakimoto Thousand Kinds, Sasakawa and Heiwa Prison Temple Hayato were fighting against the four people, but did not notice the situation on Yamamoto Takeshi.


Even though he was calm as Takeshi Yamamoto, he was shocked by the situation before him.

“It’s the same as in the information, he is an extremely optimistic person!”

Liudao Mukuro remained unmoved and turned his gaze to Kyoko Sasakawa.

“Sasakawa Young Lady seems to have something very interesting hidden on her body!”

What Liu Dao Mukuro did not expect was that he would be in such a place. To the ring of the leader of Panglie.


Sasakawa Kyoko didn’t understand what Liudao Mukuro was talking about, and didn’t know how the other party knew what was on her body, but Kyoko always felt that Although this person seems to be very evil and full of mysteries, there is always a faint sadness in his eyes, as if he is thinking of something, not knowing why.

“Are you who? How do you know our name?”

Kyoko is obviously sure that this is the first time she met this person, and this time it should be a chance encounter. Yes, why does it feel like this person is very familiar with him?

“I forgot to introduce myself. I am Liu Dao Mukuro. In order to avenge all the Mafia in Italy, I returned from hell.”

Liu Dao Mukuro looks like a gentleman, right Kyoko bowed slightly and introduced herself.

“You must take away the wind too?”

Kyoko always feels that although Liudao Mukuro seems to be cruel and ruthless, he is not like the kind of person who will kill innocent people casually. , After hesitating for a while, asked in a negotiating tone.

“For my purposes, the child behind you is indispensable!”

Liu Dao Mukuro is indeed a more casual person and will not kill innocent people randomly, but for For people who blocked him or his own purpose, Liu Dao Mukuro didn’t mind killing at all.

“Will you be happy to do this kind of thing!”

Kyokos wish is that everyone around her is safe, so she doesnt understand, Liudao Mukuro does What fun is there in such a thing?

Take Yamamoto has been quietly guarding Kyoko’s side. For some reason, he always feels that although the girl around him is very weak and needs protection, the spiritual world is very strong. People are very safe.

“This is the end of the chat, Fengtai, we should go too!”

Liu Dao Mukuro was silent for a while, not at all replied, but ended directly. And he moved his eyes to Fengtai, calling out softly.

In this World, not everything can follow your own heart!

After Liu Dao Mukuro discovered that Kyoko was an idealistic person, he no longer prepared to say more, he directly controlled Fengtai’s thinking and prepared to retreat.

“No, I won’t go!…It’s…Mukuro…sir…”

Feng Tai was originally excited to resist directly, then slowly, his eyes gradually Lost the focus, and then, like a mechanical doll, slowly left Jingzi’s side, step by step moved towards Liudao Mukuro’s side.

“Fengta! What’s wrong with you!”

Although this is Fengta’s own behavior, the expression on Fengta’s expression is very obviously wrong, Kyoko is totally uneasy and hastened Stopping Fengtai’s footsteps, calling out worriedly.

“You can’t do bad things to the child!”

Take Yamamoto also saw that the situation was not right, so he ignored the reconciliation and so on, and just waved his own bat. , Moved towards Liudao Mukuro attacked and left.

Although Takeshi Yamamoto doesn’t like fighting, since the source is the man in front of him, as long as he defeats him, Fengta’s child should be able to return to normal!

“It’s a pity for your physical fitness!”

At a glance, Liu Dao Mukuru saw that Yamamoto’s physical fitness is an excellent material for martial arts training, but he is completely thinking It’s a waste of baseball.

Liudao Mukuro was only planning to teach these people a lesson, and was not prepared to hurt their lives, so after using his Trident to easily pick out Yamamoto Takes bat, he took a spin. Kick, then moved towards Yamamoto Takeshi’s belly kicked out.

Take Yamamoto didn’t expect that his only weapon would be taken away. After he noticed the movement of his feet, his body instinctively avoided, and clenched his fists to greet him.


With the sound of a broken bone, one of Yamamoto Takeshis elbow was directly broken by Liudao Mukuro, and he kicked it violently. Going out, fiercely hit the wall.

Although Liudao Mukuro looks thin and long, with little power, he is very good at fighting. An opponent like Takeshi Yamamoto is basically impossible to touch one of his hair!


Kyoko, who finally got the wind back to normal, just sighed in relief and looked towards Yamamoto, but suddenly realized that Yamamoto had already Was defeated.

Kyoko completely didnt expect that Takeshi Yamamoto suffered a serious injury at this time. At this time, he ignored the danger and so on. After letting the wind hide in a safe place, he went straight He rushed to Yamamoto Takeshi, hugged him, and closed his eyes in fear, preparing to help him withstand the attack of Liudao Mukuro.

At this time, Liudao Mukuro was originally prepared to give Yamamoto Take the final blow, so that he could not stand up and carry out his plan, but didn’t expect that the weak Kyoko would voluntarily stand by Yamamoto Takeshi. In front of him, I want to protect Yamamoto.

Take Yamamoto would naturally not want Kyoko to be attacked. He wanted to push Kyoko away, but found that he had no extra strength to push Kyoko away.

Not to mention the broken hand, Liu Dao Mukuro’s foot, the start is really not light!

Although Liu Dao Mukuro doesn’t mind doing it, he is not interested in bullying a girl who has no power to bind a chicken. He just wanted to take it back, but at this time, a faint flame suddenly appeared on Kyoko’s body.

Liu Dao Mukuro stepped back a few steps to prevent the flame from Kyoko from injuring him, frowned slightly, trying to see the principle of the flame, but had no clue at all.


Not only is Liudao Mukuro, but Takeshi Yamamoto at this time also looked at the mutation that happened to Kyoko with a look of surprise.

Kyoko, who has been waiting for Liudao Mukuros attack with her eyes closed, found that she had not felt any pain, and then after hearing Yamamoto Takeshis call, she couldnt help but open it. His eyes, then also looked surprised, looking at the flames emanating from his body.

“Eh? What…what is this?”

Kyoko stretched out her hand to touch the flame. Although there is no real feeling, she always feels warm and gentle. It feels like Nie Kong.

Kyoko didn’t know why she thought of Nie Kong at this time, but the flame made her feel like Nie Kong was protecting herself!

“Whatever it is, in short, this light protects us!”

Naturally, Yamamoto took the sight of Liudao Mukuro’s complexion slightly changed after touching the flame, and then stepped back.

Although I don’t know what happened, at least he shouldn’t worry about Kyoko’s safety now.

He is very grateful that Kyoko will try to save himself in such a dangerous situation, but he is also very grateful that Kyoko was not injured, otherwise, he will not feel at ease for the rest of his life!


Because of the flames on Kyokos body, the Formation of Liudao Mukuro was forced to lift. Kyoko and Yamamoto Takeshi saw Sasakawa. The situation of Hayato in Heihe Temple.

Although the bomb of the prison temple Hayato is very slippery, it is a pity that the temper is too irritable. Once you encounter a calm type like Kakimoto Chikusa, who can play tricks, it is inevitable. Will suffer a lot.

“Damn it, let me see if I don’t clean up you!”

The prison temple Hayato is already riddled with scars at this time, but he is more and more fly into a rage out of humiliation moved towards Kakimoto Thousands of constant attacks, even if they succeeded in causing a little injury to the opponent, the harm to themselves was even greater!

“Prison Temple, the other party is deliberately irritating you, you can’t be fooled!”

When Yamamoto saw this situation, he was very anxious and shouted at the Prison Temple Hayato , I just wanted to remind the prison temple Hayato a little bit.

“It’s so noisy, just watch it quietly as before!”

Where can the Hayato in the prison temple at this time listen to other people’s suggestions? , I looked back impatiently and moved towards Yamamoto Takeshi screamed, but suddenly realized that Takeshi Yamamoto was okay just now, suddenly became exhausted, and he was shocked.

The opponent has only two people, and he and Sasakawa have even been divided. Why does Yamamoto take such a serious injury?

“Baseball idiot, what’s the matter with you!”

Before he could finish his words, he was suddenly hit by a sneak attack by Kakimoto Chikusa in front of him. The strength was so strong that he kicked him directly, and fell heavily to the ground.

“pu “

After landing, the strong impact could not help causing the prison temple Hayato to spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Prison Temple Lord!”

Kyoko looked at the Prison Temple Falcon right in front of her in disbelief, losing one’s head out of fear. I don’t know what to do.

“No, it can’t be like this!”

The Liudaomukuro, who was still there before, suddenly disappeared at some point. Kyoko gritted his teeth and picked up Yamamotos bat. Give it to Yamamoto to make him self-protection, and then prepare to go straight to the side of the prison temple, wanting to protect her.

Since I have escaped a catastrophe just now, maybe it will work this time!

“Sasakawa, be careful!”

Take Yamamoto knows that his dignity as a man does not allow him to be protected by a girl. Even more how, he is a person with very high self-esteem like the Hayato in Prison Temple. Even more can’t accept their incompetence in this way.

However, he couldn’t catch Kyoko at all, and knew that he couldn’t stop Kyoko’s actions at all, so he could only warn Kyoko worriedly about the danger.

And the wind who was shiver coldly hiding on the side watched Kyokos brave behavior, but also summoned the courage to trot to Yamamoto Takeshi, even if his strength is small, he wants Protect the injured Yamamoto Takeshi.

After Kakimoto Chinkin seriously injured the Prison Temple Hayato, he was not at all anxious to continue his attack. Instead, he glanced lightly in the direction of Liudao Mukuro, and then looked at Sasakawa Kyoko with some doubts, feeling a little bit in his heart curious.

According to the data, Kyoko Sasakawa is an ordinary girl’s high school student. Although he is a schoolgirl at Hyunsung Middle School, how can any ability not at all emit the flame that even Master Mukuro is afraid of? ?

Although the Hayatos at the Prison Temple cannot see the situation in Formation, they can see it here. They originally thought that these guys would be taken care of by Lord Mukuro, but didn’t expect , This woman still has this unknown ability!

Although Kyoko Sasakawa faced the thousand kinds of persimmons, she also knew that even Prison Temple Hayato couldnt deal with people. She was even more impossible to deal with without any ability. However, she still took a bet. For my own safety, I couldn’t help watching my friend get hurt in front of me.

Through childhood, after losing his parents and the big brother, every time I look at the big brother who is bullied by others for protecting himself, Kyoko feels very sad and wants to have something that can protect others. ability.

However, the big brother would rather get hurt, and still smile and say that it has nothing to do with him, and firmly oppose any dangerous actions taken by himself as a girl. Kyoko has been suppressing his thoughts. I have been a good girl and don’t want my big brother to worry.

However, in today’s situation, even if the big brother is worried, she can’t tolerate it. She can watch her friend get hurt without being indifferent!

By the way, big brother!

Kyoko saw that Kakimoto Chikyu not at all planned to continue attacking the prison temple Hayato, and carefully helped the prison temple Hayato to Yamamoto Takeshi’s side, and then immediately thought of his big brother, looking around, but No trace of my big brother was found at all.

“Prince Temple, where’s my big brother?”

Kyoko anxiously asked about the situation of the prison temple Hayatos big brother. Before, she could not see the prison temple Hayato and My own big brother’s situation, but in the case of Hayato in Prison Temple, maybe you will know it or maybe!

The Hayato in Prison Temple opened his mouth, just about to say something, suddenly a big hole broke out in the wall not far away, and what appeared after that was Sasakawa with a lot of blood on his body, riddled with scars Ping.

As well as the appearance of a cheetah, fiercely prepared to continue attacking the Sasakawa Rape who has no defense ability.

“Big brother!”

Sasakawa Kyoko stared wide-eyed. After seeing the miserable look of his big brother, he has lost any power to think, a Lance rushed up, angrily blocked in front of his big brother, made a defensive posture, and prepared to face the Cheetah-style Jojima Dog.

When Kyoko’s speed was so fast that there was no reaction from Yamamoto and Prison Temple, she rushed out.

I have to say that once a woman really wants to protect a person, she will exert a power that others and herself absolutely cannot think of!

“Kyoko! Go!”

Seeing Kyoko who suddenly appeared in front of her and the danger she was about to face, Sasakawa was shocked and did not think about why she would be When it appeared, the first reaction was to let Kyoko leave the dangerous place.

And when they were dangerous lurks on every side, Nie Kong returned from Italy.

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