Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the Fire Chasing Moths in the pre-civilization era.

After hearing the conversation between Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge, Dr. Mei's face became more solemn.

She covered her lips with her hands, as if trying to suppress the sadness surging in her heart, and her voice was mixed with a barely perceptible tremor:

"Kevin... he was carrying the burden of [End] alone... He did not control [End], but in order to hold up the hope of this civilized era, he had to impose the shackles of [End] on himself.

This was undoubtedly an unspeakable torment for him.-……"

As the planner of the [Stigmata Plan], Dr. Mei deeply understood the heavy meaning behind Kevin's words.

She was the one who could foresee Kevin's future"suffering" the most.

At the same time, she was also the one who had the deepest sympathy and love for Kevin among the people present.

The other heroes in the headquarters also looked worried.

Although they had not personally experienced the hardships of Kevin carrying [End].

But they knew that he was using this as a basis to pave a path to victory for Kiana and others - a path that could surpass and defeat him.

Kevin was willing to become the"stepping stone" of this civilized era. He was willing to fight for the survival of human civilization at the cost of personal sacrifice.

His ultimate goal was to hope to breed a strong man who could [surpass everything] to end his mission. What

Kevin had done for mankind was far more than a simple love, but more of a firm oath and unremitting pursuit he made to his companions.

This deep affection and sacrifice moved everyone!

Under the expectant gaze of many viewers.

The dark screen just now.......

A new title has appeared!

It seems that this is going to broadcast the final battle of the collapsed world to everyone in the world.

【Kevin Kaslana, the man who carries the end.......Lonely sinner! 】

It seems that the next video is about how Kevin transformed from a"savior" to the end of his body.

Outside the light curtain, St. Freya College.

Looking at the title of this scene.......

For some unknown reason, Kiana, Raine and Bronya's faces suddenly became solemn... as if an invisible force was pulling them, making them deeply feel the extraordinary significance of this video.

And after the baptism of the previous conversations... these three close friends have vaguely realized that the character named Kevin may not be as simple as the"typical villain" they originally imagined.

With their hearts filled with worries, the girls chose to remain silent. Only through silence, they all looked forward to the video slowly opening.

As the progress bar slowly moved forward, the title text on the light screen began to disappear.

The video begins.......

The first thing to appear was not Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge, but the voice of the narrator and the subtitles.……

【Everything started from here and will end from here!】

【At this moment, even if the seven billion people on earth are not merged into the same dream......They would probably look up at the bright moon in the sky.】

【Since the birth of civilization, this gray star has been noble in people's hearts because of its desolation.】

【But to be fair, it is just a kind of lonely beauty that comes from a perfect sense of distance.】

【Now, in the dark sky, the"throne" forged by the sacrifices of the times is hanging high above this barren soil........But it no longer has any meaning of"ruling over everything"】

【it.......It is just the usurper's"god rank""】

In the shadow of this lonely throne, Kevin welcomed his first"visitor".

It was an intelligent AI carefully created by Dr. Mei in the pre-civilization era.——"Prometheus".

She floated slowly in front of Kevin with a light figure, and asked Kevin a question in her metallic voice:

"Don't you have anything else to say?"

Obviously, Prometheus was eager for Kevin to give her an answer, and this desire drove her to ask such a question.

However, Kevin did not give Prometheus the answer she expected.

"No. The future of [Stigmata Project] will do you no good, so leave as soon as possible."

"how about you?"

"Leave the Eigenworld, that way, you still have your own future.

Kevin's words revealed his admonition to Prometheus.

"anyway.......Thank you for telling me all this.

Kevin expressed his gratitude to Prometheus again, as if he had learned some important secret from him.

But these responses and gratitude were far from the answer Prometheus wanted in his heart.

So, Prometheus shook his head slightly and continued:

"I don't understand, Dr. May said, you are a [lonely boy].

But in my opinion, compared to me.......You are even further away from the definition of"human".

Kevin remained the same, but his figure was increasingly far away from the warmth of human beings.

He bore the burden that should not have been borne by him, and carried the sins of the whole world.

This is a height that no human being can reach.

But because of this, Kevin gradually became"indifferent" and it was difficult for him to express his true feelings like ordinary people.

Facing Prometheus's evaluation, Kevin did not refute it, but just accepted it calmly.

"For me, it is not difficult to accept a definition.

Since Mei believes that future Herrschers will be able to shoulder the future of mankind,

I am willing to do my best to leave them much more than [half a day]."

This statement reveals Kevin's original intention - he has never thought of destroying the world.

【The Stigmata Project is just a"safety net" he laid for mankind.

His real vision is to devote all his energy, even to the point of sacrificing himself, just to buy more time for the"younger generations" of this era to explore the solution that can"surpass everything"


Outside the light curtain, inside the bullet screen.

This new story.......Let the audience discuss

【March 7: Kevin, his idea is actually to help Kiana and the others gain more time to surpass everything! ?】

【Trail Blazers Star: Awesome, March 7, how come your mind works so fast now!】

【Silver Wolf: Actually, the so-called [Stigmata Plan] is a necessary path, and it is also a process of buying time for the girls.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Why is the situation getting more and more wrong, Kevin.......He's not a villain.】

【Qingque: Hey... Kevin is also working hard for the future of mankind! 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Fu Xuan: Haha, Qingque... I have been working hard for you, how about you understand me a little bit! ?】

【Yan Qing: In order to help Kiana and the others succeed, Kevin uses himself as a foundation. 】

0 Request flowers

【Gui Naifen: Carry everything, endure everything, and then go to help Kiana and the others!!! ? ?】

【Hanabi: Hahahaha... Kevin is such a man!】

【Sambo: Even if he is willing to give time, it is impossible.......It's just to help them buy time!! ? ?"】

【Black Tower: Humph, Kevin has done his best!】


St. Freya Academy outside the light curtain.

After learning the shocking truth, the heartstrings of Kiana, Bronya and Raiden Mei were all tensed for a moment, as if they were gently cut by an invisible sharp blade.

This sudden future plot made them dumbfounded and unbelievable.

However, the reality is so cruel that for the continuation of human civilization, someone must embark on the path of"villain" and has no choice.

At this moment, everyone is more and more aware of another truth-Kevin, behind the success of the [Stigmata Plan].

He silently carried all the burdens with his own body, just to buy precious time for Kiana and others.

His feat, almost by his own strength, led mankind to stagger forward to the final chapter.

Faced with this sudden"turn", the three major families were still immersed in astonishment, but Fu Hua's expression did not show too much surprise.

In her heart, there was more deep worry and pity, as if she had already foreseen all this.[]

She whispered to herself, with an indescribable complex emotion in her voice:

"Could it be that after we fought against the End... you have been planning this?

I was not able to detect your inner thoughts. It is indeed our failure as a comrade..........

At this moment, Fu Hua's heart was deeply touched. She finally realized that the success of the [Stigmata Plan] was just a stop on Kevin's long journey to find his final destination.

He was always looking for his own resting place.

Also outside the light curtain, inside the headquarters of the pre-civilization era Fire Moth.

When Kevin slowly revealed the hidden truth... all the heroes were shocked.���It was hard to calm down with the surging emotions.

Kevin, not only did he save the flame of human civilization with his ingenious [Stigmata Project]. He also resolutely chose to bear this vast responsibility alone, extending the shackles of time infinitely.

Just to give future generations - those potential Herrschers, a glimmer of hope for the possibility of [surpassing everything].

What an extraordinary feat, demonstrating a man's incomparable great sentiment!

However, in a blink of an eye, this choice was so harsh and heavy for Kevin.

Fifty thousand years of loneliness has long become an unbearable burden in his life.

Now, does he have to embark on this thorny road again and bear it all alone?

Alicia... nodded gently, with emotion flashing in her eyes.

"So that's how it is. Indeed, when the light of humanity blooms, the one who can lead mankind out of the predicament will eventually belong to the hands of those misunderstood Herrschers.

Dr. Mei saw through it and foresaw this.

And Kevin... in the future era, he also saw through the mystery, so he resolutely launched the [Stigmata Project].

Girls, I hope you will live up to Kevin's expectations and make the light of the future even brighter.……"

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