Machida Enko eventually locked on Kiriharu.

Stepped forward and asked in a polite whisper.

“Excuse me, are you Teacher Wuyu?”


Wuqing had just been looking at her phone.

Didn’t notice that someone was looking for themselves all the time.

Hearing this, he looked at Machida and nodded.

“If this foggy rain is a pseudonym.”

“Ah, it turns out that you are Teacher Wuyu, much more handsome than I thought, so let’s go up and talk?”

Machida Enko turned sideways to get out of the way.

Seeing this, Wuqing got up and walked to the elevator.

And Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who had been standing beside Machida Yuanko, couldn’t help but blink when he saw this scene.

This boy who just looked at her legs.

Is it actually a newcomer who is extremely valued by the editor?

Yes, there are such cases.

It’s like in some movies.

A man who looks flawless on the surface.

In fact, he is a perverted murderer in private!

Shiwa Kasumigaoka had a bad first impression of Kiriharu.

So regardless of how foggy behaves.

She thinks the worst.

But like this is the case.

If there is a reversal later.

Her liking for Wuqing will also improve faster.

If Kiriharu knew what Kasumigaoka Shiwa was thinking.

I will definitely be unable to help but shout a chorus.

He glanced at it curiously.

Who knew that the unlucky one just happened to be discovered.

Besides, her legs are so curved.

It’s as intoxicating as a work of art.

Even girls can’t help but watch it!

Not to mention that he is a physically and mentally healthy man.

But Kiriharu doesn’t know this.

But Kasumigaoka Shiwa ignored his love.

Then he will not crawl over and lick around.

Just be yourself…

Machida Enko and Kiriharu entered the elevator first.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu quickly followed.

At the moment, there were three people in the elevator.

And just a boy.

Although there is a little distance from the two girls.

But Mist Qing could still smell the fragrance on them.

Looks like.

They use different brands of perfume.

Foggy is cranky for no reason. 17

At this time, Machida Enko reached out and clicked the floor button.

The elevator was accompanied by a slight murmur.

It began to slowly go up.

The elevator stops and the door opens automatically.

At this moment, there were three people standing outside the elevator.

One is a woman holding a profile.

One is a man with a tired face wearing glasses.

These two men look unremarkable.

Except for the slightly higher appearance.

It’s basically characters that can be seen everywhere out there.

But one of the girls looked quite different.

Kiriharu judged by her dress.

This girl is supposed to be a writer.

Because she didn’t wear a uniform in this company.

Moreover, Wuqing still felt a little familiar when he looked at it.

And after glancing at it and thinking for a second.

He managed to remember who this girl was.

Kazuko Honda.

Some people may not recognize the name.

But if you talk about Keer, then Yudo and Crab Gong.

Probably many people will think of something.

Ko’er Nayuta rarely uses his real name.

So both in and outside anime.

Everyone calls her Ke Er Nayudo more.

She is the heroine of the anime “If Only There Was a Sister” and a gifted super popular light novelist.

As the heroine of an anime.

Keer’s appearance is undoubtedly extremely high.

She has long silver hair and two personality horns on either side of her ears.

And under her long silver-white hair, there is a clean and cute face with a very simple smile.

Although the figure is a little barren.

But the rest of the places can get a perfect score.

Slim waist, beautiful legs attractive.

And Kiriharu remembers.

She seems to be a hidden idiot.

It looks innocent and naïve on the outside.

It’s especially nice when you’re alone with someone you like.

The two groups looked at each other.

Except for Machida Yuanko, who smiled and nodded hello to the man, everyone did not move.

The two groups silently switched places.

Machida and the others stepped out of the elevator.

And Kerna Yuta and the others walked in.

Soon, the elevator closed and fell.

Machida Enko also led the two to the office.

On the road, Kasumigaoka Shiyu asked curiously.

“That girl just now is the current pillar-level author of the Immortal River Bunko, but Ke Na Yuduo, right?”

“Well, she is not very old, but her works sell well, and she is a very talented novelist.”

Saying this, Machida Enko sighed, “Hey, why is such a good author not under me.” ”

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned.

But soon she sighed helplessly.

Because of her work.

It really can’t be compared with Ko’er Nayuta.

At least for now.

Even the future, though.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka didn’t have the confidence to surpass her.

Because she has been in a very slump lately.

The novel is not famous and sells poorly.

This hit her confidence hard.

This time I came to the Immortal River Bunko to discuss the second volume of “Love Metronome” with Machida Enko.

Machida had told her.

Judging by the current situation.

Her “Love Metronome” will be chopped in three rolls.

But Shiwa Kasumigaoka wants to try again.


Even a faint glimmer.

She also has to try to touch it.

Everyone who writes novels has their own desires.

Want to be popular.

Want to be liked by readers.

Want to put pleasure or certain emotional thoughts.

To everyone who reads their own works, who has never met, who is also struggling somewhere in the world.

But the reality is brutal.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka now feels it deeply.

Recently, she has been hit really out of shape.

This time I came to the Immortal River Bunko to discuss with Machida Enko how to write the contents of the second volume.

Kiriharu and Kasumigaoka Shiwa walked side by side.

He found that Xia Laofei seemed to hate himself inexplicably.

Well, she likes it or hates it.

Wuqing has always been innocent.

If you change it immediately because others hate it.

Then you’re too worthless.

Especially when it comes to falling in love.

Everyone knows.

People who change first because of the other person.

Often the one who fell first.

In a relationship, if you do that.

It is basically equivalent to becoming a prisoner of the other party.

Kiriharu also did not take the initiative to greet Shiyu Kasumigaokaoka.

Look at Shiwa Kasumigaoka like this.

I’m afraid it’s somehow misunderstood about him.

If you are too enthusiastic at this time.

I’m afraid it will only make the other party more annoying.

The two walked side by side.

Until Machida Kenko pushed open the office door.

“Come in, two.”

Machida was the first to enter the office.

Step into a neat room with a slightly fragrant floral scent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shiha Kasumigaoka sat down in his chair skillfully.

And the fog that first arrived.

Naturally, you can’t just stand.

So he pulled a chair.

Very casually walked beside Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Machida Yuanko, who was resting on a table, pushed aside the pile of manuscripts on the table, then took two glasses of water from the water dispenser and handed them to Kiriharu and Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

But neither picked it up and drank it.

Because neither of them is thirsty.

If it is an ordinary social animal, when you meet a figure with an average leader pouring tea, you will take a sip if you are not thirsty.

They feel that this is respectful of the leader.

Probably the same as passing cigarettes.

But Kiriharu and Kasumigaoka Shiyu are not such people who play on the scene, and they don’t want to drink or move.

“Xiao Shiyu wait a minute, Teacher Wuyu, let’s talk about your affairs first, about publishing.”

Machida Enko said with a slight smile as she held her chin with her hands.

The day has finally come.

The final step in the Dragon Race publishing plan!

“Of course.”

Kiriharu smiled and lifted Erlang’s legs and spread his hands.

See Wuqing came to talk about publishing.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka leaned silently on the chair, wrapped her hands around her, and quietly listened to the conversation between the two people.

“First of all, I want to ask how many manuscripts your dragon clan currently have, whether they are written now, or …”

Machida Enko took a sip of water and asked slowly.

Hearing this, Wuqing roughly estimated.

Then he replied: “It’s not written now, there are currently 1.56 million manuscripts.” ”

“One hundred and fifty six million?”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka who listens to the conversation between the two.

After hearing this huge number, he subconsciously looked at Wuqing and asked suspiciously: “Aren’t you afraid of slashing?” ”

“Does the slash mean publishing one copy because of the poor quality of the work, and then smashing the rest in your hands?”

Mist Qing holding Erlang’s legs.

Slightly tilting his head, he spoke to Xia Laofei for the first time.


Shiyu Kasumigaoka choked invisibly by the mist.

She frowned, withdrew her wonderful delicate body that stood up slightly, and leaned silently in her chair again.

Seeing this, Wuqing smiled indifferently.

Then turned his handsome face to Machida Enko again.

“I’m not afraid because I have confidence in my words, and I mean, as a creator, if I don’t create with the idea that I can’t do it, then how good can I write?”

“Well said!”

Machida Enko couldn’t help but applaud gently.


Often what limits a writer’s play is not writing or inspiration, but mentality!

She’s been in this business for a few years.

I have seen many amazing and talented authors with great potential.

I didn’t dare to start writing because I didn’t have faith.

Autistic because of the remarks of a small number of trolls.

Among these people.

Some came out and got good results.

Some people have completely disappeared into the industry.

So it’s extremely important to have a good attitude.

Even if the author does not work at first.

As long as you have a good attitude, you can exercise consistently.

Slowly you can also achieve good results.

Like Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he needs a mentality.

Machida Sonoko thinks Shiwa has a good talent.

But she was not very mentally stable.

Well, it’s a newcomer after all.

It still needs to go through a little more training.

Then, Machida Enko looked at Kiriharu again.

“Now most light novels in China are 200,000 words a volume, and one volume is equal to a book, and you can probably produce about eight books with 1.55 million words.”


Although Wuqing read some information before coming.

But Machida Enko is significantly more professional.

Then Machida Kenko spoke again.

“Your authors earn seven to ten percent of a book’s total sales in a month.

For example, according to the current market, a book can generally be sold for 1,000 yuan to 1,500, just according to 1,000, if you sell 10,000 copies a month, then the total sales are 10 million, and your income is about 1 million. ”

1 million yen.

It is equivalent to about 50,000 soft sister coins.

Neon people have an annual income of 10 million, that is, an annual income of 500,000 soft sister coins, which is considered a rich person.

Can reach this annual income.

Generally such professions as doctors, pilots.

In other words, even if the dragon clan is a month, it can only sell 10,000 books.

Wuqing’s annual income can also reach the level of a rich person.

But how is it possible to sell only 10,000 copies?

Kiriharu believes that this number will multiply 623 several times.

After all, the dragon clan is still quite in line with this appetite.

The pace is slow, full of a touch of melancholy.

The most important thing is that there are many tragedies in the dragon race.

Tragedy is a neon man’s favorite thing.

They even have an art called incomplete beauty.

The dragon clan has a few people in the country who don’t like it very much.

But it’s really not clear here.

And the fog has long been according to the taste of this side.

The style and plot of the Dragon Clan have been further improved.

Plus the blessing of his more than a hundred literary attributes.

There is no need to wonder if the dragon clan can earn it.

The question should be how much to earn.

Is it a lot, or far more than expected.

There is no objection to this revenue model.

He looked at Machida Yuanko.

Say the question I wanted to ask the most.

“Excuse me, how long does it take for me to get income for this book?”

“Generally, it takes two or three months for authors, because it takes time to re-check the manuscript and print, but if it is Misty Rain Sensei, your dragon clan.”

Machida thought for a moment.

Then he looked firmly at the fog.

“If you want to get paid as quickly as possible, I can find someone and let you get it next month.”

In terms of pricing, my suggestion is to first 1,000 yuan a volume, the new book should be cheaper, in order to attract passers-by who have no understanding of this novel, and then accumulate popularity later, and then gradually increase, what do you think? ”

Shiha Kasumigaoka who had been listening to the conversation between the two.

At this moment, a terrifying wave was set off in my heart.

She had known Machida Enko for a while.

I’ve never seen Machida Yuanko like this.

Not only call you one by one.

And just because Kiriharu asked.

She used her connections to help Wuqing deal with the problem.

This made Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s heart a little sour.

But think about Machida Enko’s previous rating of Kiriharu.

“It may be a pillar-level author who jumped from the Shock Bunko…”

“His writing style is stronger than anyone I’ve ever read, even catching up with famous books…”

Especially this sentence catches up with the famous book.

Could it be the style and writing of this person.

More disqualified than the world, the old man and the sea.

Do you want to surprise Machida Enko?

A newcomer who has just debuted.

What to touch a famous book of this level of porcelain!

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was full of curiosity.

Wait for the opportunity.

She must read Wuqing’s work.

The conversation between Kiriharu and Machida Souko continues.

I heard Machida Enko say such words.

Wuqing couldn’t help but smile.

“Then thank you, Miss Machida, you look at the pricing thing, my purpose is only to make money.”

“Hahaha, just to make money, I like your straightforwardness, I feel very honored to work with a writer like you, please advise me in the future!”

Machida Enko stood up slightly and stretched out her white hand.

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