
The sudden change in the situation made the little bird You Liuhua let out a cute exclamation, she pulled on Wuqing’s clothes, trying to persuade again, “But this is not good, what if Lihuaxuan’s family does not agree?” She thought about it.

“It’s okay, my father is almost not at home, that’s why I propose that…”

Lihua said in a voice that did not contain emotions.

Hearing this, Little Bird You Liuhua was stunned for a moment, thought about it and spoke again, “But me and Wuqing are two people, I’m afraid you won’t be able to sleep at home, we still have a night…”

“It’s okay, my family… Pretty big. ”

Lihua replied lightly.

Hearing what Lihua said, Little Bird You Liuhua was completely exhausted, and the whole person lost his spirit, collapsed on Wuqing’s legs, and his dull hair fell.

“Yes, this is more convenient than going back in the middle of the night, otherwise I will probably have to wait until I finish debugging the piano, I’m afraid it will be past ten o’clock.”

Wuqing said and took out his mobile phone, ready to tell Little Bird You Shihua that he slept with Liuhua tonight.

To be honest, there is no way to run back, it is best if it is otherwise.

Besides, how normal it is to sleep with fellow scholars.

Kiriharu sent a message with one hand.

And his other hand, like stroking a puppy, touched the bird You Liuhua who fell on his lap and wanted to cry without tears.

Kiriharu sent a message to the little bird Yu Shika.

Little Bird You Shihua happily agreed.

In her eyes, it was safer for Little Bird You Liuhua to stay with Kiriharu than with her.

“Your sister promised.”

After receiving an affirmative answer, Kiriharu said.

Hearing this, Liuhua could only nod.

What Wuqing decided, she couldn’t help.

The bus traveled all the way for half an hour.

Then stop at a more prosperous section.


Lihua looked at the two.

Then she got out of the car first, and Kiriharu and the little bird You Liuhua followed behind her.

At this moment, the sky outside was completely dark.

The neon lights on the high-rise buildings on the side of the road are so dazzling, and there are many passers-by on the street, who are talking and laughing on the sidewalks on both sides of the road.

Little Bird You Liuhua looked around here, feeling that this place was much more prosperous than her home.

After all, she lives on the outskirts.

Lihua, on the other hand, lives in the inner circle of Tokyo.

After getting out of the car, Lihuaxuan walked with the two of them for about ten minutes before stopping in front of a villa.

“Miss Lihua, welcome home.”

The woman who was waiting in front of the door early in the morning saw that Lihua had returned, and immediately opened the huge iron door.

“Well, Auntie worked hard.”

Lihua nodded.

Prepare to walk in with Kiriharu and Rokuka.

At this time, the woman asked suspiciously, “Miss Lihua, these two are your classmates?” ”

“Well, they sleep here tonight, please trouble Auntie to help them clean up a room and come out.”

Lihua said as he walked forward.

Hearing this, the old woman looked up at Wuqing and Liuhua, and a smile appeared on her face after a moment.

Lihua, who has always been silent and not good at communicating with people, is very happy to make friends.

And these two are excellent from the outside.

One is handsome and abnormal, which makes her inexplicably feel good at a glance, and the other looks cute and simple.

Then the old woman nodded and said, “Understood.” ”

Saying that, she walked into the five-story small villa first.

And Lihua and the others also followed closely and walked in.

“It’s so big…”

Walking all the way through the front yard from the front door and coming to the interior of the villa, the bird You Liuhua couldn’t help but sigh.

And Kiriharu nodded in agreement.

Lihua’s family was richer than he thought.

I remember that when watching anime, some people speculated that Lihuasuo’s family must have good financial resources.

First of all, the heart transplant she had at that time cost a lot of money, and the average family simply could not afford it.

In addition, her father is also the president of a company.

My mother, on the other hand, was a pianist, a person who could make art and a profession, and generally had money in the family.

However, Lihua Zuo’s mother died early, and Lihua Zuo’s father, after that, chose to stay away from Lihua as much as possible, just so that when he saw Lihua Sou, he would think of his beloved wife who had died.

It is because of such an experience.

Lihua will have a character that is different from ordinary people.

Although the world’s medical development has allowed her to live unharmed until now, her character is still the same.

It may change slightly from the anime.

But Wuqing felt that she hadn’t changed much anyway. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Still so three-nothing, cold, lonely and no friends.

“The piano is here.”

Lihua Sou is not a polite personality, and as soon as he walked into the villa with Wuqing, he began to go straight to the subject.

And that’s exactly what Wuqing wants.

He also wanted to get rid of this quickly.

Under the leadership of Lihua Sou, Wuqing and Little Bird You Liuhua came all the way to the second floor of the villa.

Lihua opened a door, and inside was a beautifully decorated room, but there was nothing but two pianos and a cabinet with piano-related miscellaneous items…

“Are both of them?”

Wuqing walked to the piano that was closest to him and looked down.

He thought that Lihua had bought two pianos at once.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Lihua does have the financial resources to buy two pianos in one go.

“It’s not…”

Lihua shook his head, walked to Wuqing’s side, stretched out his white and slender fingers, and pressed the keys silkily from right to left, “This is my mother’s.” Her usually expressionless eyes were glowing with a faint sadness.


Kiriharu immediately withdrew the hand he wanted to touch.

“It’s okay, in fact, I bought a new piano (Dewang’s), but also to protect the piano left by my mother, I have been using her before, but I am afraid that if I use it for a long time, it will be easy to break, so I want to buy a new one, and then keep this well…”

Lihua played a lot of words today.

This may be because of the recognition of special events.

“Well, I can understand that you do this, and I can see that you love this piano very well, and it is no different from new.”

Hearing this, Wuqing nodded.

At this time, Liuhua, who had been quietly listening to the conversation between the two, quickly walked to the other piano and asked.

“So is this your new purchase?”

She deliberately diverted from the sad topic.

The sad aura on Lihuaxuan’s body gradually subsided, and she walked over and nodded, “Hmm. ”

“I’ll help you see it now.”

Since he saw the mission target, Wuqing didn’t want to waste time, but he had to try the pitch first.

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