Collapse! The Elephant Ran Into My House And I Couldn’T Drive It Away.

Chapter 50: Review The Action Route Of The Lions! (Ask For Everything)


There are more and more red plastic chairs at the entrance of the village.

A dozen experts sat with Li Fan.

Further to the left are elephants eating fruits and vegetables.

To the right are a brown bear couple, a Siberian tiger, and a group of lions eating meat.

Above our heads are golden eagles taking a nap on the crooked-neck tree.

And at Li Fan's feet, there are wild beast cubs playing...

Everything seemed so harmonious and yet so shocking.

The second uncle went home and brought some rubber balls for the little animals to play with.

Ah Guai has become the child king of this group of little animals. He knocks the ball around and leads everyone to run wildly in the small square.

Among them, the little lion named "Sanba" is the most lively and courageous!

One moment he jumped on Lao Da's back, and the next he jumped on the elephant's back!

Everyone enjoyed it.

"Sanba runs so fast, so cute!"

"Sanba is the Lion King, right? He's so lively, I really want to hug him!"

"It's Sanba, not Sanba!"

"Oooh, oooh, please, it's called Sanba!"

"Hahahaha, looking at how cute the little lion is, I don't think 38 is a curse word anymore."

Zhao Zhengming received statements about the poachers from the Mao Maoshan police.

He erected a small blackboard in the small square.

Attach a map to it.

Said: "Let's take a look at the lions' route of action first!"

"Now we have been able to confirm that this group of lions are African lions, which means they came from Africa."

He created a temporary group and posted the poacher's confession to the group for everyone to see.

Li Fan just glanced at him briefly.

Anyway, these experts can study whatever they want, he just needs to take care of his followers.

Zhao Zhengming pointed to the map and said:

"According to the poachers, they discovered this group of lions near Indu and have been following the group of lions since then with the intention of capturing them."

"But lions are very vigilant and always go deep into the mountains and forests, so poachers often lose track of them."

"They followed them all the way. During this period, they entered the country of Nepal, and finally entered our Dragon Kingdom from Nepal."

The whole world is watching this now.

All share the information they know as much as possible.

A certain program team in North Africa also provided Zhao Zhengming with a piece of information.

It is said that in July last year, the program team filmed a documentary on the migration of grassland animals in the savannah of northern Africa.

It was then that the dry season came.

Herbivores such as antelope, wildebeest, and zebra migrate northward to areas with abundant rain and lush grass.

In order to hunt, many carnivores also migrate with them.

Among them, the program crew filmed a group of lions.

The lions initially followed a herd of wildebeest, and from time to time they would kill some lone wildebeests.

Later, the wildebeests stopped when they arrived at a new grassland with abundant rain and abundant food.

At first everyone thought that the lions would also stop and live in the new grassland.

As a result, the lions still went all the way north!

The lions reached the Suez Canal in the Republic of Ireland, and then continued northward from the Suez Canal, leaving Africa.

After they left Africa.

The program group also tried to continue to follow them.

But because they entered the Middle East, which was still in war at that time, the program team lost them there.

The documentary filmed by the program group at that time is already online, and everyone can watch it online.

Just that time.

The program group focuses on migrating herbivores, and there are not many shots about lions.

Now everyone is looking for that documentary to watch.

"I saw it, I saw it. At that time, there was only a lion cub. Erba, Sanba, and Aba hadn't been born yet!"

"They are so united, they always walk together!"

"The leading lion mother is so powerful, she killed a wildebeest herself!"

"It turns out that everything is traceable! After walking for more than a year, it must be very hard!"

Zhao Zhengming sorted out the current information.

He drew the route he had sorted out on the map.

"According to the current statement, the lions first migrated with many animals, and then went all the way north to the Suez Canal and entered the Middle East!"

"When they were in the Middle East, no one photographed them."

"When they were discovered by humans again, it was in Indus."

"Then they were followed by poachers, and they entered Nepal and then came to the Dragon Kingdom."

Check out their itineraries.

Everyone was amazed.

"How did they go this way? They even passed through the war zone, and their lives are hard enough!"

"Still being followed by poachers!"

"Fortunately, those poachers didn't succeed. If they are caught in Indu, the whole lion pride will be finished!"

"I feel sorry for these little babies. I have to travel all the way with my parents at such a young age..."

"It's a good thing they're here, now is a good day! Look at how happy they are now!"

"Hahahaha, Sanba is playing football again!"

"It's not Sanba, it's Sanba!"

"Sorry, Samba!"

Draw the routes of these animals.

Zhao Zhengming asked: "Xiao Li, what do you think?"

Li Fan raised his head: "I don't have any opinion, you are experts!"

Zhao Zhengming: "...That's right."

He asked Charles again: "Mr. Charles, you are a world-class wildlife expert. What do you think of the current situation?"

Charles: "The goal of the animals is very clear, that is to come to Longguo, and then come to Lijiacun."

Zhao Zhengming: "We all know this, do you have a different opinion?"

Charles shook his head: "I have no idea for the time being."

Zhao Zhengming whispered: "A world-class expert is not much better than me! Hehehehe~~"

Charles asked: "Zhao Zhengming, what are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly."

Zhao Zhengming laughed loudly: "I mean, this question now is really too difficult to understand!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

It's really incomprehensible.

Why do these animals travel thousands of miles and overcome many difficulties to come to Li Fan!


Big guys, if you have some money left in your hands, please give me some~~~ The author rolls around and asks for data ing

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