Under Kokolia's arrangement, Bronia began the handover of the guardians.

Xi'er accompanies her to complete the handover tasks and help her with her affairs.

The lower area was handed over to Luo Bai and others to help convey, and they went back to the lower area by the way.

"Let's go, let's hurry to Natasha and tell her the good news."

After March Seven finished speaking, he walked in front alone, followed by Danheng and Luo Bai.

Not long after, the three of them teleported through the portal to the outside of the clinic in the lower area.

For some reason, many people gathered near the clinic, probably alarmed by the movement of the upper area, so they gathered together subconsciously.

"Natasha, Oleg! It's been a long time!

March Seven waved his hand to greet Natasha and Oleg, who were standing outside the clinic.

"Ah—they're back!"

After Natasha heard March Seven's voice, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast! Looking at the mental state, how is it still going well?

Oleg asked softly with a smile as he looked at the three people approaching him.

"Of course! You can't imagine how bizarre our experience was! "

What happened in the upper area on March 7 was said in a variety of ways.

“... Well, I see.

Natasha nodded slowly after listening, and Oleg nodded without speaking.

"Why didn't Xi'er come down with you? Is there something to be busy with?

"She is going to stay and take care of Bronia and watch Bronia complete the handover."

March Seven said with one hand crossed at the waist.

"I didn't expect Bronia to take over the position of "Great Guardian" so soon. She is a strong-willed girl who does what she says. With her help, the lower districts will definitely be able to regain a new life.

Natasha couldn't help but be a little surprised when she heard this, but she was more happy.

"Hmm! We also brought a message from Bronia - "The blockade will soon be over, and the lower classes will soon be free." March

7 relayed what Bronia had said.

"Freedom"... That's right, that's what we've always wanted.

Natasha looked up at the covered sky, a hint of longing in her eyes.

"March, Danheng and Luo Bai - can I ask you for another favor?"

She lowered her head and looked at Luo Bai and the others.

"I want to tell everyone the good news and relieve the tension."

"Okay, leave it to us."

Luo Bai waved his hand to create a bunch of large horns, used the portal to teleport them to the sky, and then informed everyone of the news of the unsealing.

The people in the lower districts were immediately happy when they heard the good news.

Some people even began to pack their bags and prepare to return to the ground.

But such people are a minority after all, and most people maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

"Let's go, let's go find Clara, it's time to say goodbye to her."

After saying goodbye to Oleg and Natasha, Lobb turned and walked inside the portal.

Now that the crisis of Yalilo-VI has been resolved, there is no point in staying here, and pioneering is the goal he pursues.

Walking through the portal to the Mechanical Settlement Square, Clara and Shvaro stood there, seemingly waiting for their arrival.

"Ah, it's the "variable" brothers and sisters, are you here to say goodbye?"

Clara smiled and waved her hand to greet Luo Bai and the others who were walking towards her.

"Yes. The crisis in Yalilo is over, and there is no reason for us to stay, and we have more important things to do.

Lobb walked up to Clara and Shvaro and nodded and said softly.

He didn't care too much about the strange nicknames Clara gave them.

"Thank you Brother Luo Bai... Thank you! Clara

didn't feel sad about it, but smiled happily.

"To be honest, Clara didn't hold out much hope at first..."

"But now... Mr. Shvarro, may I state my wish?

She raised her head to look at Shvaro beside her, and Shvaro nodded slowly.

"My brothers and sisters said that you are travelers from other planets, right?"

She continued.

"Clara wants to be like you too – someday... Clara also wants to travel further afield and make more friends. She

voiced her wishes.

"The wish will definitely come true."

Luo Bai stretched out his hand and touched Clara's head, and said softly in a soft tone.

"Then let's go!"

After saying that, he raised his hand to summon the portal, turned and walked into the portal behind him.

March Seven and Danheng walked through the portal to the upper area after saying goodbye.

"I remember Bronia saying she would treat us when we got back, right? What will it make delicious? I don't know if there is cake. "

All girls like sweets, even March 7.

"You, you want to eat, drink and have fun all day, and you are worried that no one wants to eat fat."

Danheng habitually complained.

"If no one wants it, no one wants it. Besides, I won't be fat, and there is nothing to worry about.

March Qi snorted lightly and turned her head, not wanting to talk to Danheng, the guy who ruined her good mood, and dropped her gaze to Luo Bai.

I saw Luo Bai touching his chin and lowering his head, as if he was thinking about something.

"While you haven't gone to Xianzhou yet, let's go back to the space station later."

He wants to go to the Black Tower space station to meet someone, an infatuated man named Rocky.

"It is estimated that he has not yet learned the truth, let's go to him after the celebration."

After sorting out his thoughts, he slowly raised his head and walked towards Cree Castle.

At the same time, the lower zone.

Natasha took the children from the lower area to the place where the cable car was taken.

"It's Earth Fire! Do you want to take the cable car to the upper area? The

cable car operator asked as he looked at Natasha with his hands and a fawning look.

"Hmm. I want to take the children in the lower area to get some fresh air.

Natasha replied with a nod.

"Okay, I'll get ready right away, and please get on the cable car quickly."

The cable car operator did not dare to delay and hurriedly opened the gate of the cable car for Natasha to sit on with the children accompanying her.

"Hey, hey, brothers and sisters, grandpa and auntie, boys and girls, hurry up! The passenger cable car is back in operation! Through

the microphone on the cable car, he shouted to the people outside the cable car.

People who had been waiting for a long time entered the cable car through the open doors.

Not long after, the cable car began to officially depart, heading towards the upper area.

"Whew... Wow! This, this is... What a big, blue roof! Hook

walked down the cable car to the upper area, excited to see the scenery in front of him.

"That's not the roof, Hook... It's the "sky."

Natasha looked at the blue sky and smiled softly to Hook.

"Here... Is it the upper zone? The smell in the air... It's very different from the lower district. I feel like my breathing is getting easier.

Clara breathed in the fresh air of the upper area and gave her testimonials.

"Hahaha, take a big breath children, this is the breath of freedom."

Oleg, who was walking on the side, laughed softly and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"I didn't expect to be able to return to the administrative district alive... In all these years underground, a lot has really happened, Natasha.

"Who says it isn't, Oleg."

Natasha smiled and looked around, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Enjoy this moment of tranquility, everyone. We deserve it. "

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