After obtaining all the resources of the Gongsun family, Lin Wudao selected part of them for Zhao Mang and his companions to practice.

The rest was all sacrificed to the system!


[Congratulations, you sacrificed many resources and treasures and gained 880,000 luck points! 】

A cold voice sounded in my mind.

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: Divine Perfection

Luck value: 1114000

"Finally exceeded one million!"

Looking at the luck value displayed on the panel, Lin Wudao felt a little relieved.

It’s not easy!

"System, immediately help me practice the "Ancient Sutra of Fighting Calm - Mortal Scroll"!"


"You spent 100,000 luck points to cultivate the "Ancient Book of Overcoming Troubles - Mortal Scroll" to the first level!"

"You spent 200,000 luck points to practice the "Ancient Book of Overcoming Troubles - Mortal Scroll" to the second level!"

"You spent 300,000 luck points to cultivate the "Ancient Book of Overcoming Troubles: Mortal Scroll" to the third level!"

"Congratulations, you have successfully created the Golden Body of Crossing E!"

A series of beeps sounded continuously.

After consuming 600,000 luck points, and with the help of the power of the system, Lin Wudao finally reached the third level of the "Ancient Sutra of Fighting Era: Mortal Scroll".

The Golden Body of Crossing the Era has reached the entry-level level!




With the preliminary gathering of Du'e's golden body, Lin Wudao clearly felt a wonderful power flowing through his body, filled with boundless aura of aura, which kept his altar clear.

[The Golden Body of Crossing the Earth: Getting Started]

[It can be effectively exempted from the erosion of evil substances in the world, and the curse under the realm of cave is invalid! 】

The simple introduction catches the eye!

After reading.

Lin Wudao was slightly relieved in his heart. Although the effect of the Eternal Golden Body was still very weak, it was still better than nothing.

after all!

This is just the entry-level golden body of crossing evil spirits!

If in the future, the Golden Body of Crossing Era is cultivated to Dacheng, or the state of Dzogchen, its power and effect will naturally be even more powerful...


That requires a lot of luck points to accumulate!

Nowadays, Lin Wudao still has 514,000 left, which is not enough to cultivate the Du'e Golden Body to the level of Xiaocheng.

After some thought, he decided to improve the strength of Li Zangtian and others.

[Do you want to consume 500,000 luck points to raise mourner Li Zangtian’s cultivation level to the early stage of the Return to True Realm? 】


Directly improve to a big realm?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised.

【yes! 】

After thinking about it, he agreed.

[Ding, Li Zhantian’s cultivation level has been promoted to the early stage of returning to his true form! 】



Li Zangtian stood in front of Lin Wudao. Under the power of the system, Lin Wudao could clearly feel the powerful force rushing through Li Zhantian's body.

In just a moment, his cultivation level was raised to a great level.

Reached, the early stage of returning to true nature!

With his fighting power, he can kill Gui Zhen Dzogchen and defeat the Tribulation Tribulation monks...

Lin Wudao was quite satisfied with this result.

[System, does it also require half a million luck points to improve the cultivation of other mourners? 】

【Yes! 】

[The Undertaker’s cultivation level increases by one level each time! 】


The luck value is still too low!

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

There are still eleven mourners left. If all of their cultivation levels are to be upgraded to the state of return to the true state, it will require 5.5 million luck points.

"Oh, this is also a big money-sucking merchant..."

One million luck points disappeared in the blink of an eye.

To this.

Lin Wudao felt even more pressure!

The speed at which he earns luck points simply cannot keep up with his consumption.

"Other mourners can only wait."


He pondered for a while, and then threw the corpse of the tenth-level demon into the corpse refining furnace.




Under the crazy smelting of the corpse refining furnace, streams of pure power flowed out like a great river and merged into Lin Wudao's body.

As a result, his cultivation level improved bit by bit.


A moment later, along with a sound like cracking silk, Lin Wudao seemed to have some kind of shackles broken in his body, and his cultivation had successfully entered the realm of heaven.

After all the essence of the tenth-level demon was absorbed, Lin Wudao took another step forward.

Reached, the middle stage of Babel!

"The effect of the One-turn Nirvana Pill is still very obvious."

"If we go by the extremely poor qualifications we had before, it would be very difficult to break through to the realm of Heaven..."

He sighed secretly in his heart.

This trip to the Gongsun family was full of rewards!


Just when Lin Wudao was taking stock of this harvest, suddenly, an extremely powerful aura suddenly came from outside the Demon Suppression Department.

God's eyes swept across, but there was a spiritual boat coming through the sky...

"Inform the Governor, someone from the Dali Dynasty has arrived!"

"They said that His Majesty's decree has been delivered and you should go immediately to receive it."

Zhao Mang came to the front and said respectfully.


Wei Changtian's will?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It seems that what I did in Sin City has alarmed the Dali Dynasty. Anyway, I have already planned to leave and establish my own business."

"Since you are here, let's just get this done..."


He immediately took Li Yantian to the lobby of the Demon Suppressing Division.

After a while!

When Lin Wudao came to the lobby, he saw three figures already waiting.

One of them is an old eunuch!

The aura around him is like an abyss, giving people an unfathomable feeling at a glance.


Under the insight of Lin Wudao's spiritual eyes, the old eunuch's cultivation and strength were revealed before his eyes...

Astonishingly, it is the early stage of returning to the truth!

As for the other two people, one is named Chu Shanhe and the other is Zhou Fengtian. They are both enshrined by the Imperial City Department of the Dali Dynasty, and their cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of Guizhen.



When Lin Wudao appeared, the sharp eyes of the three people instantly fell on him.

His expression was full of scrutiny!

"Lin Wudao, Deputy Governor of Yuanzhou Town Demon Division, accepts the order~"

After some inspection, no clues were found. The old eunuch stretched out his big hand, took out a bright yellow imperial edict, and motioned Lin Wudao to kneel down to receive the edict.


Lin Wudao turned a deaf ear!

He ignored the three old eunuchs, walked straight through the lobby, and sat at the top of the table.

"Read it!"

"I'm listening~"

He took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Seeing that he was so frivolous and negligent, ignoring the majesty of His Majesty Wei Changtian, the old eunuch's face instantly darkened.

"Captain Lin, this is His Majesty's decree. According to the etiquette of the Dali Dynasty, you must kneel down to listen..."


"Sorry, I have never been willing to kneel down to others. If you are willing to read out Wei Changtian's will, I can reluctantly listen to it."

"If you don't want to read it out, then get out..."

An extremely dull voice slowly sounded.


Let me go?

As soon as these words came out, the old eunuch was furious!

"Lin Wudao, how dare you defy His Majesty's will? Is it possible that you want to rebel?"

he yelled.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded seriously.

"You are right, I want to rebel!"

"From now on, I will leave the Dali Dynasty and the Demon Suppression Division. You can go away..."

He waved his hand.

"Be bold!"

"Rebellious ministers and traitors should all be killed!"

In an instant, the old eunuch's face became extremely cold.


The moment the voice fell, the Imperial City Secretary Chu Shanhe behind him suddenly took a step forward and charged towards Lin Wudao in a menacing manner.


He strikes fiercely, but there are people who are more ferocious than him...

call out!

The moment Chu Shanhe stepped out, a terrifying sword light of a hundred feet tore through the air and struck him.


A shrill scream rang out, and Chu Shanhe, who had returned to his true state of perfection, was directly killed with a sword.

A bloody head flew high...

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