Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 108 - New Blood Oath

I look around the area and see the abandoned fort in the distance and I think to myself.

"if there are no vampires there, then that's good spot to perform our blood oath ceremony."

I look back to everyone and say to them.

"we will do it over there, inside of that fort."

we make our way through the scorching heat of the desert, until we finally arrive at the abandoned fort, I then chant.

"mana detect."

I close my eyes, hoping that I don't detect any mana signatures, and once my mana detection spell didn't pick up any, I sigh in relief and say under my breath.

"good, I don't have to waste unnecessary energy or mana fighting, especially since I'm going to need it to keep their transformations under control."

I then have everyone surround in the courtyard.

"listen, I will say this once, so please pay close attention to my words."

"Aktosh, Selshruuk, and Felnor, the three of you may be wondering why I chose you, to be part of my clan and why I'm starting my own?"

they all look at each other unsure of my reason and Selshruuk asks.

"I don't know about them, but I am curious on why you chose me?"

I reply.

"because you are strong, and I could use your help."

he then asks.

"okay I understand that, but what kind of trouble are you in, that you need our help?"

Aktosh agrees.

"yeah I want to know too."

"well you have helped me many times before when we were locked up in Burmendak, so I'm willing to help you however I can."

I take a deep breath and say to them.

"there is a large storm coming that will shake this world."

Aktosh gets annoyed and interrupts me.

"stop saying vague things and just tell why you need us."

I sigh and continue talking.

"ancient beings called the vampire lords have awoken, and we need to stop them from enslaving the world."

Felnor and Aktosh look at me completely shocked with what I was saying, except for Selshruuk who says with confidence.

"that won't happen, because my people will destroy those vampire lords before they even get a chance to do so."

"not if they successfully remove their only weakness."

he asks.

"and what is there weakness you speak of?"

I answer.

"the sun, they are planning to block it."

he replies dismissively.

"sun or not they will die by the hand's of my people."

I respond.

"that may be true, but the thing is, they only die by exposing them to the sun, just like in the stories."

"have you fought them before?"

I answer.

"yes, and I managed to win my fights with help."

he chuckles.

"if you pulled that then it won't be a problem for me or anyone of the Dragonoid royal army."

I sigh and think to myself.

"he only fought me with my raw physical power, so of course he would say that."

I then say to him.

"fight me, so you can get a glimpse of what you'll be facing."

"alright let's do it."

I chant to myself.

"silver eyes."

he looks at the color of my eyes change in awe and says.

"what the hell kind of power is that."

while Aktosh exclaims.

"holy shit, I've never heard of magic that changes your eye color!"

I crack my knuckles, and I shout at Selshruuk.

"prepare yourself, I'm coming at you with all I've got!"

"good, show me your full power Collin!"

I then think to myself as I charge him at full speed.

"even though Wolf's Rage can be stronger, than my silver eyes, I can at least control the power better, when comparing the two."

I throw flurry of strikes, that completely caught him off guard, especially with how quick that I'm throwing each punch and kick, I then think to myself.

"even in my silver eyes he is still managing to block my attacks."

he blocks my quick attacks and tries to counter attack my strongest strikes, but he quickly noticed that I was still too fast for him to land any hits on me, and to my surprise we continue this exchange for a few minutes, but in the end he began to tire out, trying to keep up with my speed, and I use this opportunity to completely overpower him, leaving him panting exhaustion while on all fours.

"damn Collin, that's some amazing physical strength you have there, you only displayed this kind of power for a small amount of time before you collapsed screaming in pain."

as I power down from silver eyes, I reply while offering my hand to help pick him up from the floor.

"well back when we fought, I didn't have access to this power."

as I help him up, I continue talking while looking at all of them.

"this power that I possess, is the same kind of power, that I'm expecting all of you to obtain."

Selshruuk chuckles.

"sounds interesting."

Felnor replies excitedly.

"that's so cool."

while Aktosh asks.

"but we are permanently blocked from using our mana, how are we going to use that power, I'd we ever obtain it?"

I answer.

"The wolf's blood requires a host body to have mana, and if for some reason it doesn't, the wolf's blood will compensate by filling a body lacking mana so that it can properly have the host transform into a werewolf."

I continue as they are paying close attention to what I'm saying.

"I was born with a limited mana pool, that left me exhausted whenever I used basic everyday spells, and then after drinking the wolf's, my body has been altered, but it comes with a cost."

Aktosh asks curiously.

"what is the cost?"

I answer.

"the survival rate of a successful transformation is very low."

he ask impatiently.

"how low?"

I respond.

"there is a five percent chance that you will survive, so I'm giving all of you, one last chance to back out of this."

they all look at each other silently, to see if anyone will back out, but no one says a word, I smile and ask.

"so does your silence mean, that you will all go through this?"

they all nod, I then ask Klein.

"should we use my blood or yours?"

he replies.

"use yours, since you are going to be the leader of our clan."

I sigh and ask Celeste do you have a dagger on you?"

she nods as pulls one out from her waist belt, I then ask.

"so who wants to go first?"

Celeste answers as she gives me the dagger.

"I want to go first master Collin."

I sigh and think to myself.

"alright this is it, prepare yourself for a long night Collin."

I make a cut on my hand, and drop a couple of small drops of blood into her mouth and she screams in agony as her body begins to mold into a werewolf, I then chant to myself.

"silver eyes."

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