Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 11 - Friends Or Foes?

I can't move my body, and a bag seems to be over my, so I cant see whats going on, I hear a conversation going on one them asks with concern in their voice.

"you think we'll be able to properly heal this young man?"

the other voice replies.

"yes I believe, it would be a great waste if we can't."

I think to myself.

"I need to play this out carefully and not say a single word."

I cant be certain that these people are friends yet, but if what they say is true and they can heal me, maybe then I can be at ease, and find out exactly why they saved me, and then i ask myself in my thoughts

"maybe these people are saving me out of the goodness of their hearts?"

even then, they dont need to have a bag over my head, i mean it's hard to breathe in this thing, after a while i feel the floor beneath me start to shake softly and i hear wheels rolling on the dirt,

I think to myself.

"I must be on some sort of transport carriage or something."

anxiety kicks in I start breathing in and out at uncontrollable rate, I then feel a soft hand on my good shoulder and hear a voice calmly say.

"relax, you'll be fine."

with that I call down, and think to myself.

"things are alright, its fine, If they wanted me dead they would of done it by now."

and with that I slowly drift away to sleep, I wake and notice that I no longer had the bag over my head, and my assumptions of riding in carriage was correct, except it wasnt an open one, it was one that has a canopy covering the top, I look around and see that its empty, I try to get up, but a sharp pain runs through my body and i sit back down, a few minutes pass by and i hear a couple of footsteps just outside the carriage, I look towards the only opening at the back, and two people, a female and male dressed in black climb through, the female says.

"oh looks like our patient woke up from his nap."

she adjusts herself closer to me, to the point where i can see her face in much closer detail, she looks around someone in her mid 20's or so, has short black her, black eyes, and a noticable scar on her cheek, she places both her hands on my dislocated elbow and starts chanting to herself.

"Great Lord Mauri, grant me power to heal this poor soul."

her hands start glowing, i think to myself.

"did she just say Great Lord Mauri?"

I swear I remember that name from somewhere but i cant quite put my finger on it, she continues the process of healing my swollen fist that i used to beat the hobgoblin, and lastly my back, she then asks

"can you move now?"

I slowly get up and the pain I was feeling earlier was gone give her warm smile and say.

"thank you."

she replies.

"you don't need to thank me, if anything I should thank you."

she then smiles at me, but this smile was different than others, I felt cold chill run down my spine, I think to myself.

"thats strange, why is she thanking me?"

we get out of the carriage and when i look at my surroundings i see a huge building lit up by torches, as im looking around the woman, taps my shoulder and says.

"please drink this, it should help replenish whatever mana you lost."

i grab the small tube that is about the size of my middle finger, and i quickly drink the green liquid, as i finish drinking I finally remembered the name Mauri and i think to myself.

"Mauri is that psychopath who killed her opponents and ate them."

I look at the tube in horror and dropped it, and before I realized it my vision once again fades to black as I collapse.

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