Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 111 - Blood Moon

We step out of the portal together and a sensation of ice needles pierce through every lore of my skin, and I shout at Trent.

"why in the hell, does it feel like winter here!?"

he answers confused, while his teeth are chattering.

"I don't know, it wasn't like this before!"

Master Valtak scans the heavily wooded area with his magic and says unfazed by the cold.

"I'm not detecting any magic."

I look to Celeste for answers and she answers in my mind.

"I'm sensing any magic either Master Collin."

I then think to myself, while feeling a sense of dread.

"this might be a bad sign."

I then shout to everyone.

"it looks like we can't rely on our mana detection magic, so keep your eyes open!"

we move forward together, following Trent's lead, until we find ourselves staring at an opening at the side of a cliff, he turns to us and says with his voice stuttering because of the cold.

"the adventures told us that it was this cave."

I reply trying not to let the cold affect my speech.

"thank you Trent, we can handle it from here, so you can go back."

he shakes his head.

"no can do, I volunteered to help you guys on this mission."

I sigh and reply.

"okay then just don't get in our way."

I then turn to everyone and say.

"alright me and Klein are going to take the lead from here on out, since we are the only ones strong enough to fight a vampire lord."

I pause and ask.

"any questions?"

Master Valtak asks as he rubs his beard.

"so what about us, do we just watch?"

I reply in a serious tone.

"no, you will start fighting the vampire lord, if me and Klein, get killed during the fight."

he stares at everyone who looks of determination on their faces and then he replies with a slight chuckle.

"I see, so we are just back up."

Selshruuk interjects.

"don't feel ashamed Dwarf, as our roles are also important if they fall in battle."

I look to Celeste and say.

"I want you to stay connected to my mind as long as you can, so that I can inform you if we run into danger."

she replies.

"got it."

I then turn my attention towards the entrance of the cave and take a couple of deep breaths to calm my nerves, and as I close my eyes, I picture the smiling faces of Ellena and Hope in my mind, reminding me, the reason why I'm doing all of this. I open my eyes and start heading inside the dark and menacing cave with Klein besides me,

I look back to him and ask as I jump down from a two foot drop.

"how are you feeling?"

he responds.

"I feel fine, why?"

"well if there is a vampire lord hiding here then there is a chance that we might die today."

he replies with no hint of fear in his voice

"we have no choice in the matter, if we don't they will unleash a more devastating attack that could bring the end of our world."

he stops and asks.

"what about you, how are you feeling?"

I reply, remembering my fight with Lord Vernon.

"I'm afraid that we might lose people today."

he replies.

"yeah, there's not much we can do to avoid the loss of lives, but we can at least make these bastards hurt."

"you have a point there, about hurting them."

after walking for ten minutes we enter a large open area that looks like a makeshift chamber filled with sleeping vampires, I immediately think in my mind, hoping that Celeste can hear.

"let everyone know that we have ran into a massive number of sleeping vampires."

she quickly replies in my mind.

"okay, I'll let everyone know that a fight is looming."

I reply to her.

"try to get here quick, because we don't if a vampire lord a sleeping amongst them."

Klein elbows me and points at a corner and says.

"there is one that is awake and it is staring at us."

"get ready to activate silver eyes."

and as we both do it, the vampire that is looking at us, approaches slowly like if it has all the time in the world, and then his grating and raspy voice echoes.

"oh if it isn't the human with the silver eyes that gave Vernon so much trouble."

he turns to Klein and makes a remark.

"oh and it looks like another one has the same silver eyes as you."

I look around and notice that some movement around the edges of the chamber, I then ask cautiously.

"how do you know me?"

he replies.

"yes Vernon, has warned us all about you."

I reply.

"well since you are aware of I am, then you should know that you'll end up dead just like Vernon."

he chuckles as more bodies start to move around.

"funny how you say that, but Vernon did not perish in the battle between the two of you."

I think to myself, not believing what he was saying to me.

"how the hell did he get away, with his head completely gone."

I respond trying not to sound unfazed.

"I've never thought that vampires had a sense a humor."

I then think to myself trying to a hold of Celeste.

"Celeste we are going to need back up soon, there are many hostiles around, that will attack us at any moment."

she responds quickly.

"we are going as fast as we can, Master Collin, please try to hold off their attack, until we get there."

as the vampire closes his distance between us, I ask.

"are you an apprentice or a lord?"

he chuckles, and answers with a smug look on his face.

"does it really matter?"

he shouts in a strange language, that wakes up the slumbering vampires in the chamber, I then look to Klein and shout.

"the others will arrive soon, the only thing we have to do is hold them off until they arrive to support us."

he nods and starts attacking many waking vampires at a frightening speed and I ask myself impressed.

"is that how fast I move when I'm using silver eyes?"

I try focusing my attention to the vampire orc.h.e.s.trating the attack on us, but many vampires are jumping in the way, keeping me from getting near him, I then think to myself.

"damn it, he must be the vampire lord that has been living in this nest."

as I take out multiple vampires with ease, I notice that the vampire lord is not even trying to attack me, but I do see him trying to activate something in the distance, and I think to myself.

"what the hell his he doing?"

Klein breaks through many bodies of vampire and then makes his way towards the vampire lord, but he quickly notices Klein's approach and shouts.

"propulsion pulse!"

a compact wave of wind gets released from the vampire lord's palm, that sends Klein crashing against one of the chamber walls, I then push everyone vampire away from so that I can make my way towards the vampire lord, but he also notices me and shouts while aiming his open palm to me.

"propulsion pulse!"

I shout at the same time as him.

"mobile magic barrier.

but the power of his wind quickly breaks my barrier, with no resistance and it also sends me flying through the air, but before I make contact with a wall I quickly chant.

"self reinforcement."

I then crash against the wall, making various sizes of rocks, crumble from the body shaped hole, I then think to myself.

"I didn't feel any pain during the impact, but damn did it drain my mana."

I slowly crawl out of the hole, only to see the vampire lord firing a bright light that completely destroys the ceiling of the chamber, allowing the sun to shine it's bright light inside, I then laugh and shout at the vampire lord.

"you made my life easier by letting the sun kill you instead of me."

he chuckles as the bright light darkens.

"this is where you are wrong silver eyed human, you end has just begun."

all the vampire gather around the vampire lord to stare at the darkened sky, and as they celebrate I

the vampire lord pissed.

"what the hell did you do!?"

he responds holding a spherical object in his hand.

"we blocked the sun!"

not wanting to believe what he said I stare at the sky, and see what looks like a solar eclipse, I then shout at the vampire lord completely losing my temper.

"you damned bastards blocked out the sun!"

he cackles through his raspy voice.

"then end mortals dominating this world had not come to an end!"

I then say to myself finally realizing exactly what this means.

"we're screwed."

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