Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 113 - Silence In Klentrak

After a brief and interesting encounter with the strange Leonard, I head back to the meeting room with the other kings, who are still talking, and one of the Dwarf Kings who calls himself Jujoi states his case

"we lost contact with the kingdom of Klentrak, since the vampires blocked out the sun and if this truly is an alliance, then we should send reinforcement!"

the other Dwarf Kings murmur in agreement, while the Human and Elf Kings are seemingly divided in their choice, and as they go at it for a good thirty minutes, I think to myself.

"I need to do something, we are just wasting time


I lose my patience and interrupt.

"I'll go with my group and lend them a helping hand."

surprised by my sudden outburst, they turn their attention to me, I then clear my throat and repeat myself.

"me and my group will go help them, if they need reinforcements."

King Dave shakes his head.

"no can do, I want you back here to help train the Elven and Dwarven soldiers so they can fight the vampires effectively."

I reply frustrated.

"if we sit back and allow the vampires obtain control over territories, then out fight against them will be much harder."

he asks.


I answer.

"it's pretty obvious, they can multiply their numbers using the citizens and also have a steady source of sustenance."

when I said that, they all had the same distraught expression on their face, I then continue.

"the only reason I came back here from Burmendak, was to help fight the Vampire threat. so allow me to do just that."

King Dave sighs defeated.


he asks the other kings.

"who here is in favor of sending Collin's group to Klentrak?"

they all raise their hands, including King Dave, I then whisper to him.

"thank you."

he replies.

"just don't get yourself killed, I still need you here."

I respond.

"you don't need me, you have many strong heroes who are also capable of combating the vampire lords."

and as I walk out of the meeting room, King Dave stands up to follow and says.

"I also want you to take Ying, Katie and James."

I ask.


he answers.

"well your vampire friend Rosie, has told me that they have made great progress in their training with her."

I ask.

"don't you need them here with you?"

he answers.

"yes but, I also need them to get more experience

fighting the vampires."

he pauses and continues.

"and I need to make sure that Ying doesn't freeze up in combat like he did against your encounter with Lord Vernon."

I nod.

"okay I'll go find them."

he replies.

"good luck."

he sits back down, and starts another discussion with the other kings, I then run around the palace like crazy person, trying to find them, but luckily I bump into Ying Zhu and Rosie, who are walking side by side, and upon seeing me Rosie perks up and asks smiling with her fangs showing.

"hey Collin what are you doing here?"

"I failed on stopping the solar eclipse."

she tilts her head in confusion and asks.

"eh solar eclipse?"

I reply.

"oh I meant the sun getting blocked."

Ying Zhu then asks.

"so does mean that there is no way to win?"

I answer.

"not exactly, there is a way to reverse the effect, but for now, I have to go out there and halt the vampire expansion."

"take me with you, and I promise you that I won't let you down."

I respond.

"I was about to ask you anyway, since King Dave wants you to gain more experience fighting the vampires."

he asks.

"when are we leaving?"

I answer.

"we need to bring Katie and James along, and then meet up with my group."

Ying shouts as he runs.

"alright I'll go get them right now."

as he disappears around a nearby corner, Rosie says.

"I'm coming too."

I ask.

"are you sure?"

she responds.

"of course, I've had enough of staying behind and waiting around, worrying if you're dead."

she cracks a smile and continues.

"not only that, I'm sure that your girlfriend and daughter will appreciate me protecting you."

I ask.

"protecting me?"

she answers.

"yeah, since the sun is blocked, death is no longer something to worry about."

she takes off her hooded robe and says as she gives it to me.

"take it, this will protect you from there magic attacks, so you can focus all of your energy fighting the physically."

I take it hesitantly and ask.

"do you really not need it?"

she replies.

"yeah, even if I'm severely injured, I can recover all of my injuries by regenerating."

after putting them on, I hear a familiar voice call out to me.

"Collin, don't you dare leave me out of the action."

I turn around and see Master Valtak waddling towards me, I then ask.

"so you want to come along too?"

he replies.

"yeah, I didn't get to fight when we went to the vampire's nest, so you better not leave me out of this one."

I respond chuckling.

"sure you can come with us Master Valtak."

he grumbles something to himself and says.

"alright, I'll go fetch that kid with the weird portal magic."

he waddles away towards the meeting room, and

as I sigh, I see Rosie pointing both of her index finger together, I then ask.

"what's wrong?"

still poking her fingers together, she asks.

"can I please drink some of your blood?"

I reply.

"alright, as long as you don't make it weird you can drink some."

she giggles.

"no promises."

she sinks her fangs into my arms, and begins to drink, I then pull away quickly, the moment she started to m.o.a.n, she pouts.

"you're so mean darling."

I respond coldly.

"if you keep doing that everytime I give you some of my blood then I won't offer anymore of mines."

after standing around for a short while, everyone that we were waiting for finally arrive, I then order Trent.

"open the portal to the old fort."

once the portal appears, we all step through together and exit just outside of the fort in the coastal desert of Corpus, and as shout for Celeste, I look up to the sky and see the moon still blocking the sun, and I wonder to myself.

"it must take some enormous amount of magic to physically move the moon in front of the sun."

and then another thought popped up in my head.

"if the pre cursors really built the device, why would they want to cause a solar eclipse?"

as my mind wonders about that, Celeste catches my attention, in my mind.

"Master Collin, I'm glad your back, what did the Kings say to you."

I reply.

"I'll brief you in a but, just make sure you gather everyone, because we are heading out again."

she replies.

"okay I'll get everyone."

as we walk towards the old fort, Trent asks.

"do you still need my assistance?"

I respond.

"no, you can go back, but if you wish to come with us, I won't stop you from doing so."

he responds.

"then I'll head back, I want to be with my family while I still can."

I reply dismissively.

"you do that."

as he disappears into another portal that he created, James makes a remark.


Ying hushed him.

"stop that."

as we enter the fort, Katie asks.

"do you guys feel the presence of multiple monsters?"

I ask.

"did King Dave not inform you about me and my companions being werewolves?"

she replies.

"yeah, sorry, since I don't detect you as a monster, I forget that you are one."

James makes a remark in disgust.

"freaking monster."

Ying Zhu jumps into my defense.

"it matters not, if he is a monster, he has been on our side this whole time, and has put his life on the line to save me, when he didn't need to."

with that being said, James quickly stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything else, while Celeste welcomes them, and upon realizing that he also detects her as a monster, Ying asks her shocked.

"Celeste, why did you become a werewolf?"

she answers.

"because this is the only way I can help with the fight against the vampires."

he replies.

"I see."

I then clear me throat and announce.

"alright, you all know why we are here, we are being sent out again, to deal with more vampires."

Selshruuk asks.

"but wouldn't our attacks be meaningless against the apprentices and lords if the sun is still. blocked?"

Rosie chuckles and interjects.

"not exactly, there is a way to defeat them."

Selshruuk growls at her and asks.

"tell me Collin, why is that vile creature among us?"

I answer.

"relax, she is on our side."

he asks with skepticism in his voice.

"how do you know?"

Klein interjects.

"don't worry about, we just have a long history with her."

Selshruuk looks to me and asks.

"is this true?"

I reply.

"yes, but now is not the time to talk about that."

I clear my throat and continue.

"we are going to the Dwarf City of Klentrak to check on their status, since we have lost communications with them, when the sun was blocked."

I look around and ask.

"is everyone ready?"

as they nod, I look to Celeste and ask.

"can you get us there?"

she responds.

"yeah, I've been to every major kingdom, so it shouldn't be a problem."

I reply.

"okay, open up portal, and let's get going."

after opening one up, we all enter together and as we come out the other end and stare at a seemingly lifeless city built on top of the many sides of the mountain, Master Valtak says with a somber voice.

"they are no lights in the city."

I ask.

"is that bad?"

Master Valtak doesn't answer me, but Ying does.

"yeah, it means the city has fallen."

I put my shoulder on Master Valtak and say.

"we should get going, the survivors in their need to be freed, or they will be used as livestock to sustain quench their thirst for blood."

he grumbles to himself and then says to me.

"alright, let's do this."

we approach the city, feeling completely anxious

not knowing exactly how bad it is inside the city, I then think to myself.

"come on dumb luck, don't let me down this time."

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