Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 116 - Eve Of The Attack

A month has gone by since we've tasted defeat at Klentrak, where we lost Klein, Katie and Aktosh

during our battle against the vampires and after telling the kings of Leonard's plan to swiftly defeat the vampire lords all at once, in which they agreed, mostly out of desperation and not knowing what else to do to combat them, and then I took the time to go out and look for Ellena and Hope, with Celeste's help, where we looked for them at the half-human half-elf community hidden in the orc region, that Ellena mentioned to me once and where Celeste has apparently been at before. Ellena hugs me with a tired expression and asks worried.

"what is going on, why has the sun been blocked?"

I answer.

"the vampires had a device capable of doing that, and we failed to stop them."

Hope tugs at my shirt and asks.

"daddy can I also get a hug."

I smile and as I pick her up for a hug, Ellena asks.

"so what now?"

I reply.

"we are going back to Rozlania together, and stay

together as a family for a long as we can."

"okay, we can do that."

I look back to Celeste who is interacting with the children of this community, and I say.

"alright Celeste, it's time to go back."

she replies.

"oh okay."

the children voice their obvious disappointment, and as we approach Celeste's portal, a couple of a.d.u.l.ts who are half-human half-elf, come out to say their goodbyes to Ellena and Hope, I then think to myself.

"I'm glad that a community like this accepted both Ellena and Hope out of the goodness in their heart."

after they finish up saying their goodbyes, we step into the portal together, and end up outside the room that King Tully gave me to sleep in, Celeste the says.

"I'll see you later for the meeting Master Collin."

"okay, see you later."

as Celeste leaves, Ellena opens the door and sighs in relief.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really missed this room."

she then asks.

"so how are Klein and Gresnor doing, it's been a while since I've seen them."

my heart begins to feel heavy again upon hearing Klein's name and I struggle to answer her.

"I, um."

Ellena notices this and asks concerned.

"are you okay?"

"Klein was killed when we fought the vampires at Klentrak."

she leans on my shoulder and says with a somber tone.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say."

I reply.

"yeah, I still haven't been able to give him a proper funeral."

she my the back of my hand and says.

"well maybe we can give him a proper one, after the vampires are defeated."

and right before I get to day anything else on the subject, someone knocks on our door, and Hope says.

"mommy, daddy, someone is at the door."

"I heard my Daughter and my Grand Daughter are here."

I ask.

"yeah they're here, do you want to come in?"

without answering me he walks in, and greets both of them with hugs and kisses, I then ask him.

"so have you guys decided on when we are to attacking them?"

he answers while carrying Hope or a hug.

"well that last of our forces should be arriving today, so it looks like it might happen tomorrow."

I ask confused.

"we don't even know where the vampire lords are at, so why tommorow?"

"well some human adventurers from the guild were sent to investigate another dwarf kingdom that went quiet, while you were away and they found the vampire lords there and also found that their numbers of doubled in size."

I ask.

"so this attack is meant to stop them from controlling anymore kingdoms?"

he answers.

"yeah, if more kingdoms fall under their control, then we will get out numbered eventually."

I ask him curiously.

"does this mean, that we are implementing Leonard's plan?"

he answers.

"of course, Leonard will accompany you and the alliance army to the L.u.s.tecia Kingdom so you guys can put a stop to this once and for all."

"father, do we really need to send Collin to this battle?"

Lexur gives me a look, like if he was telling me to answer instead of him, I respond.

"yes, apparently I've become essential in stopping the vampire threat."

Ellena sobs as she buries her fave into my c.h.e.s.t, begging me not to go.

"please stay here with me and Hope, I don't know what I'll do if I lose you."

I answer, as I gently wipe off her tears with my thumbs.

"it needs to be done, if we don't stop them, then the world we know it, will come to an end."

she replies still sobbing.

"I know, I just don't want to lose you."

not wanting to cry alongside Ellena, I excuse myself and leave the room, so that King Lexur can have some time alone with his daughter, I then think to myself.

"I must find the others and see if we can form some kind of strategy for when we fight the vampire lords."

I walk past many Human magic knights, Dwarven soldiers, Demi-Human soldiers, and Elven soldiers in the halls of the palace as I search for the others, until I run into James who is accompanied by his three wives, I approach them and say.

"sorry for rudely interrupting ladies, but I must have a word with your husband."

the one with red hair, and light brown eyes answers politely.

"yes you may. excuse us."

as all three of them walk away, James scolds at me."

"what the hell do you want?"

I answer with a question.

"did you hear that, the kings want to attack the vampires at L.u.s.tecia tomorrow?"

he replies with fear in his voice.

"are you kidding, did the kings not see how wounded we came back after we fought the vampires at Klentrak?"

I ask.

"why do you think, there are bunch of Human magic knights, Dwarven soldiers, Demi-Human sildiers and Elven soldiers walking around?"

he answers.

"I thought it was just for their personal protection."

I reply.

"well King Lexur just told me, that the last of the attack force will come today, and we are to set out tomorrow."

he sighs, and asks.

"do you know how hard it was for to inform the death Katie, to her two husbands?"

I answer with a yell filled with tears.

"don't you dare try to tell about what's hard, I lost one of my best friends in that fight!"

he stays quiet for a moment and then asks with a more respectful tone.

"so why did you seek me out?"

I answer.

"we need to find the others and come up with a strategy to fight the vampire lords, before the kings summon us, for the meeting."

he replies.

"alright, I know where they are at, follow me."

we spent a good amount of time gathering everyone; Master Valtak, Ying, Celeste, Gresnor, Selshruuk, and Felnor. We group up together outside of the palace, and then Ying asks as everyone murmurs amongst themselves.

"so what is this urgent thing that you wanted to tell us about?"

I answer.

"it looks like we are attacking the vampires again tomorrow."

everyone grows quiet, knowing the seriousness of what I said, but then Selshruuk says.

"it matters not, because I'm willing to die trying to stop those monsters, and if death come to me then the war goddess Yestenia will guide my soul into peace."

Ying adds on.

"he's right, I'm willing to die, just to stop them."

James then speaks up.

"I just found out that one of my wives is pregnant, and even though I don't want to die, I too also feel the same about stopping them."

inspired with both of them said, I add on and say something.

"I also have loved ones, but If it comes down to it, I'm willing to die, so they can have a future."

I pause and continue.

"which is why, I want is to come up with a strategy, for when we face the vampire lords tomorrow."

Celeste asks.

"what did you have in mind?"

I answer.

"I'll draw all the attention to me, and I'll focus on taking off their robes while Ying finishes them off."

she the asks.

"and the rest of us?"

I answer.

"lend your support to the soldiers on the battlefield."

she asks.


I reply.

"because I will not allow any of you to transform into werewolves in front of the soldiers."

she replies.

"but everyone on the palace know that we are monsters."

I respond.

"that may be true, but they don't know that you guys are werewolves, so unless the kings say so, you will not transform."

Celeste, Gresnor, Selshruuk, and Felnor nod, and then I say.

"good, now let's go back and get some rest before the kings inform me about tomorrow's attack."

I return to my room, back with Ellena and Hope, waiting around anxiously, for the kings, until after an hour or so someone knocks on my door to inform me that I'm needed in the meeting a room,

and I think to myself as I make my way over there.

"this is it."

I enter the meeting room, and to my surprise, I see Rosie talking to the kings.

"they are going to wait at L.u.s.tecia, for you formal surrender."

I interrupt.

"formal surrender what are you talking about?"

she smiles upon seeing me and answers.

"well we are not really surrendering, it was the only way to keep from moving on to another kingdom."

I then ask.

"when did you get here?"

she answers.

"I arrived shortly after you left."

King Dave interjects.

"well enough of that, now that we've tricked the vampire lords that we are surrendering, we are going to implement Leonard's plan."

the meeting goes on for another half an hour, before it finally finishes, and I take my chance ask Rosie.

"how did you escape?"

she answers.

"Klein, helped me escape."

I ask surprised.

"he wasn't moving anymore, when I left, how?"

she replies.

"after you guys left, he mustered up the last of his energy to fight, and he yelled at me to escape, and so I did."

I then ask.

"so who's plan was it to tell the vampire lords, that the kings want to surrender?"

she answers.

"me and some guy named Leonard."

I then ask.

"how did you deliver the message, that the kings want to surrender."

she responds.

"some guy named Trent used a portal to get me there, and I told the vampire lords."

I reply.

"I see."

she then puts her on my shoulder and says.

"now get some rest, tomorrow is the day, we finally destroy them."

I head back to my room, where me and Ellena waited for Hope to fall asleep, so that we can spend some quality time together, before the battle tomorrow.

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