Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 128 - Secrets Of The Dungeon

After discovering the dungeon, we immediately return back to the surface, with King Lexur and Hope and sent word to Leonard that the dungeon he was looking for has been found, we waited around in Ellena's bedroom, for Leonard's eventual arrival and as I lay flat on the bed, Ellena asks.

"you've been quiet ever since we came back from the dungeon, do you want to talk about it?"

I respond.

"I tried, but you laughed it off, so no, I really don't feel like talking about it."

she sits next to me and sighs.

"I'm sorry, it just sounded ridiculous when you said that you weren't from this world."

I reply.

"yeah, I guess it does, but even so it's true."

she asks with a bit of skepticism in her voice.

"then how did you get here?"

I answer.

"well I was born here, but I've retained the memories of my past life, from another world."

she asks.

"are you talking about some kind of reincarnation?"

"yeah, exactly."

she sighs.

"let's say that everything you're saying is true, why did you reincarnate to this world?"

I shrug.

"I'm not sure, but you're the only one who I've told about this, so far."

a knock on the bedroom door interrupts Ellena's response, she clears her throat and says.

"its open, come in."

Leonard steps inside, along with Celeste, I then ask surprised.

"what are you doing here?"

"well Leonard here, asked for someone who can use portal magic, so here I am."

I smile.

"its good seeing you again."

she smiles back.

"same to you, Master Collin."

Leonard clears his throat to interrupt.

"are you two done? because we got a very important pre cursor dungeon that needs analyzing."

Celeste sighs, and then says to me.

"okay Master Collin it's time to visualize that dungeon, so I can open a portal there."

"do you want to talk more about it, when you come back?"

I nod.

"yeah, I would like that."

Celeste then says.

"alright, you guys the portal is now open."

Leonard replies while clapping his hands together, with excitement.

"let us go with haste then."

we step inside the portal and emerge from the other side, into the same laboratory that me and Ellena found, I then say to both of them.

"be careful, me and Ellena ran into a monster before returning to the surface, so there is no telling if they are more of them."

"what kind of magic is lighting up this place?"

I point at the light fixtures in the ceiling.

"up there, you see?"

he looks up and answers.

"yeah, I see that, but I don't feel any kind of mana radiating from those things."

I try acting like I have no idea.

"maybe, they are enchanted?"

he shakes his head.

"no it's not that either, because we would feel the mana from them."

"maybe a different power source that doesn't require mana?"

his eyes widened, behind his glasses.

"oh shit, I think you may be on to something."

he then grumbles to himself.

"why didn't I think of that?"

I clear my throat, as I approach one of the many weird looking devices that closely resemble a computer from Earth and since I can't read any of the symbols on them, I ask Leonard

"can you take a look this and see it you can make any sense out of it?"

he quickly makes his way to me and while he examines them, he says.

"interesting, there are two buttons here that say power on and off."

"but what does it mean by power? like magical power?"

I reply.

"maybe it's just like the lights in here, and they turn on without using magic."

he presses a button and all screens light up, he looks at them with a wide eyed expression.

"this absolutely amazing, these artifacts are unlike any I've ever encountered before."

he signals me to come over and points at the screen with excitement in voice.

"Collin, are you seeing all this?"

I respond.

"yeah, but I can't read any of that."

he replies chuckling.

"sorry, I forgot that you weren't born with the hero's blessing and can't read the pre cursor language."

I then ask while pointing at the screen.

"so are you going to tell me what it says there?"

he responds.

"oh yeah, um, well apparently there many rooms just like this one scattered around."

I reply.

"are you sure? because I searched this room, and

didn't see any other ways out, except for the way we came through."

he taps a few more buttons and then multiple doors slide open on each side of the room, I look around and say with a surprised voice.

"well I'll be damned, this whole dungeon just got a lot more interesting."

Leonard exclaims.

"good show me more of your enthusiasm Collin!"

Celeste shushes us.

"quiet guys, I hear multiple grinding sounds approaching from this hallway."

I respond.

"damn, I should have expected something like this would happen."

Leonard replies.

"well the both of you will handle whatever monster comes our way right?"

I sigh.

"yeah we'll try."

Leonard then gets excited again.

"Collin, come and take a look at this."

I respond.

"I can't read any of it, just tell me what it says."

he grumbles to himself and then replies.

"well it says autonomous guardians, patrol mode on and off."

I then ask myself.

"are the robots in here called autonomous guardians?"

I ask Leonard.

"is the patrol mode on or off right?"

he replies.

"it is on."

I then say with urgency.

"turn it off if you can please!"

he nods.

"yeah already did it."

Celeste chimes in.

"the noises have completely stop."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"good, dealing with one was bad enough, I don't want to think about having deal with multiple robots."

Leonard suddenly exclaims.

"Collin, you are not going to believe what else I found out."

I reply.

"well, go ahead and tell me."

he smiles.

"this place was one of many locations that the pre cursors where they did their experiments."

I ask curiously.

"like what the vampire lord's did."

he nods.


I then ask.

"is there anything else, that is interesting?"

he answers.

"yeah, but it will take me a while, to read through all of this."

I ask.

"does that mean, that you no longer need my services?"

he stares at the screen and replies while tossing a small bag at me.

"yeah, and here your payment."

I then ask.

"so you won't need help in case anything attacks you?"

he responds.

"not really, but Celeste is going to transport a few

magic knights and a few other individuals who study the pre cursors after you leave."

I reply.

"thank you, take care of yourself, alright."

I then say to Celeste.

"alright, take me back to Ellena, please."

as Celeste opens up a portal, Leonard says one more thing to me.

"oh and before I forget to tell you, I will most likely come to you, if I need anything that involves pre cursor stuff. sound good?"

I nod.

"yeah sounds good to me."

he turns his attention back to the screen and says.

"alright see you soon Collin."

I wave goodbye and return back to Ellena using Celeste's portal, and then Celeste says her goodbyes to me and Ellena, before leaving.

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