Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 135 - Leviathan

Everyone gets woken up suddenly, with Trevor's shouting.


I immediately stand up, still feeling a bit groggy, I scan the calm ocean and say to Trevor.

"I don't see it."

while Jill, Grace and Bell look around for it, Trevor points at the water.

"I saw both of it's dorsal fins at the surface of the

ocean and rocked the boat when is swam by."

Jill looks at all of us, and says.

"alright, it looks like we might have to fight."

I then think to myself.

"hopefully I'm strong enough to help them fight it off."

after silently waiting for something to happen, the boat suddenly shakes violently, and then we find ourselves staring Leviathan who has its head sticking out of the water, my jaw drops in amazement and I think to myself.

"holy shit, that thing is huge."

the Leviathan's snake like head opens its mouth and the stench of dead fish permeates the air, and as I stare directly at it's eyes, Jill says to us.

"don't attack just yet, we don't know if it see us as a threat."

after a few minutes pass by, the leviathan it let's out an ear rattling screech that rings through the air and the force of it's screech almost causes the boat to flip, I then ask Jill.

"what about now?"

Trevor doesn't let her answer.

"attack that it now, before it destroys my boat and eats all of us."

Jill gets mad at Trevor.

"I'm trying to avoid a fight with it."

the leviathan begins to rise up from the ocean, showing it's scaly snake like body, I continue to stare in awe, at the sheer size of this sea creature, I then think to myself.

"and to think that, leviathan is the second largest animal in this world, behind the high dragons."

I chant in a low voice.

"silver eyes."

the leviathan hisses at us in an aggravated tone, signaling that it is going to attack, I then shout at Jill.

"it's going to attack us!"

I chant.

"mana shift."

the leviathan starts biting at the mana signatures

that I have placed around it's head, I then shout at Jill, Grace and Bell.

"hurry up, and attack it with you magic!"

I visualize the mana signature in front of it's snout and chant.


I instantly teleport to it and I quickly land a kick, but my attack didn't faze the leviathan, I then think to myself.

"of course, its going to take more than that to defeat this thing."

the leviathan, opens it's mouth so that it can tale a bite at me as I fall, but I grab on to the bottom jaw and quickly stand up, to stop the top jaw from closing with my hands, I then yell with a strained voice.

"hurry up, I need help!"

Jill shouts.

"lightning bolt!"

her attack, didn't do anything but anger the leviathan further, Grace then shouts.

"flaming blast!"

a stream of flames, hits the leviathan's body, but her attack, also seemed to nothing to it, Bell then shouts.

"icicle barrage."

multiple sharp icicles get fired off from her hand and make their way towards the leviathan, but the icicles, bounce off the leviathan's scaly body,

I then think to myself, still using all my strength to keep it's mouth from closing.

"shit, the scales on its body, is protecting it, from their attacks."

Jill, Grace and Bell continue firing off many spells, in hopes to cause any damage, while I continue to struggle, keeping it's mouth from closing, I then think to myself.

"I need to do something, I can't stay like this for much longer."

I chant with gritted teeth and strained voice.

"wolf's rage."

my physical strength rises, and I manage to hold the leviathan's mouth open with one hand, and then aim my open palm with my other hand, and shout.

"dual triple fire shot!"

the three fire balls explode at the back of the leviathan's throats, it screeches in pain, and the force of it's screech sends me flying into the air,

"hit with all you've got!"

Jill shouts as the leviathan.

"heaven's lightning storm!"

the gray clouds form above the leviathan as it continues to wriggle and screech in pain, I then take the chance to chant.

"mana shift."

I then chant.


and appear at the side of the leviathan's head, and give him a nice heavy kick, that leaves it stunned for a few seconds to allow the rain of lightning bolts to come falling down on a defenseless and unmoving target, while I chant.

"wolf's hide."

hoping that my defense is strong enough to protect me from Jill's massive spell, and as the lightning bolts start to leave cracks on my translucent armor, I splash down into the water and think to myself.

"shit, if it weren't for my wolf's hide, those lightning bolts, would have done some serious damage to me."

I resurface and hear Grace shout.

"flaming blast!"

while Bell shouts.

"icicle barrage!"

the leviathan lets out one last painful screech before, diving back into the ocean and disappear into the depths, I then swim towards the boat and as I climb back onboard, Trevor asks, completely out of breath.

"is it gone?"

Jill, Grace and Bell shrug, while I answer, trying to catch my breath.

"I just saw it, swim back into the depths of the ocean."

Jill looks at Trevor and tells him in a demanding manner.

"hurry up, and get this boat moving, before that leviathan decides to attack us again."

as the boat starts moving, Jill looks at me and asks.

"are you crazy? why did you try fighting a leviathan with your physical strength?"

I answer.

"well it's what I'm good at, despite the obvious danger, that can come from it."

she sighs.

"at least you're still alive, and didn't have to report your death to the guild and your family."

Grace says to me.

"that was amazing Collin, I've never witnessed someone with so much strength."

Bell who was lively during the encounter, timidly says.

"I'm glad that you are not hurt."

I reply.

"I appreciate your concern."

we sail through the sea all the way to our destination at a port town in the elf continent, with no signs of danger, and as we dock on a pier, I say to Jill.

"well that was an interesting experience."

Jill smiles.

"with the completion with this quest, you are most likely, getting promoted to become an A rank and you will move on to more important matters."

I reply.

"yeah even so, it doesn't mean we can't still be friends."

Jill smiles.


I then ask.

"so are we heading home now?"

Jill replies.

"not yet, we want to check out this town, because apparently, a few humans have started living here."

I reply.

"sounds like fun, but I can't stick around."

Jill replies.

"I get it, you have a family to go back to."

I respond while looking at all three of them.

"oh and before I forget, there is an important day coming soon, and I would really like for the three of you to come for it."

Bell asks timidly.

"what is it?"

I answer.

"you will all know soon enough, once you get your invitations."

Grace replies with a huge smile on her face.

"oh, I think I have an idea of what you are talking about."

Jill asks her, unsure of what she is implying.

"what is he talking about?"

Grace answers her.

"you'll find out soon enough, when we get our invitations."

I then say to all of them.

"well, good job in today's quest, but I need to get back home, to my family."

after saying our goodbyes, I climb aboard a ferry for the long journey home.

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