Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 148 - King Dave's New Orders

We exit the portal at the entrance of the throne room, where the guards question us.

"who are you people?"

Celeste says to them with authority.

"I'm King Ryan's subordinate, and all of you should already be aware of who I am, and be aware of this man."

one of the guards replies.

"sorry but we are unaware of any subordinates of King Ryan having any business with King Dave."

as Celeste is fuming, Ying arrives just in time to scold the guards, before Celeste blew up on them.

"since you two are new, I will ignore this little transgression."

"but next time, you two will suffer a great punishment by King Dave."

they both apologize to me and Celeste as the three of us walk inside where Leonard and his many fellow researchers are just silently waiting, King Dave who is sitting on his throne, clears his throne upon seeing us.

"alright, everyone in this room, I'm going to need you all to listen up."

everyone in the throne, turn their attention to King Dave who starts talking.

"as most of you are aware of, there was some many breaches through the various magic anomalies sights and we lost the lives of many researchers and magic knights to mysterious creatures."

I think to myself.

"so the sight that we were at, wasn't the only place where the creature appeared."

he looks at Leonard and says.

"he will explain what these creatures are."

"thank you, your highness."

he then turns his attention to us.

"those creatures that appeared through the magic anomaly, are called Ogres, the pre cursors that were studying the anomalies found a way to widen the breach and as a result, some of the creatures came to our reality just like they did he other day."

everyone stared at him silently except for me.

"so how did they come through? we have no way to widen these anomalies."

he answers.

"well that is not exactly true, each research sight had a device capable of doing that, and we were also well aware that something could come through."

I ask feeling betrayed because not only did he withheld important information and lied straight to my face.

"so you were lying, when you told me that pre cursors only found the mana dimension and nothing else?"

"um try to understand."

I interrupt, yelling in anger.

"I don't f.u.c.k.i.n.g care you lied, almost getting me killed and also caused many unnecessary deaths!"

Leonard swallows hard and doesn't answer, instead King Dave chimes in.

"of course Leonard will be rightfully punished for his irresponsible actions."

Leonard lowers his head in shame as King Dave continues to talk.

"which is why we will suspend the research and study of the magic anomalies, and seal off the breaches and these are the king's order."

King Dave then signals Ying to come up to him, and after he arrives, he says while standing up.

"since Ying Zhu has already killed two of those ogre monsters, he will lead the charge of killing od the remaining one that still threaten the many small villages."

"I would like to join Ying."

King Dave shakes his head.

"request denied, you will continue training our magic knights at the academy."

I reply.


before getting interrupted by King Dave.

"no buts, Ying was able to take out the second ogre creature while you were out of commission, so you can continue focusing on your duties as an instructor."

I nod.

"I understand your highness."

"it's better this way, I'd rather not have you going out there again, especially when you were in critical condition after Ying killed the creature."

I sigh.


King Dave then says.

"that is all, you are dismissed."

Celeste holds my hand and says.

"well let's go home."

but before Celeste opened her portal, Ying approaches us, and notices us holding hands.

"I see, you have added another partner to your relationship."

"well it just kind of happened."

he then regains his focus on what he was going to say and asks.

"how are you feeling?

I reply.

"much better."

he responds with a sigh.

"good, and I'm sorry you can't join me in killing those monsters."

I reply.

"not your fault, and besides it sounds like you can handle them just fine."

Ying replies in a solemn tone.

"there is no easy way to put this, but we did lose a couple of young and promising magic knights when we were fighting the second creature."

I put my hands on his shoulder and reply.

"I don't envy you my friend, I would like to say that it get easier, but it doesn't."

I stop and think back about people I lost because

I was leading, like Rosie, Klein and even Aktosh and then respond.

"but I think you can do it."

he replies.

"thank you, but I'm not you."

I ask curiously.

"what do you mean?"

he answers.

"you have a way of inspiring those around you with courage, whenever you face down an enemy with fearlessness."

he sighs.

"and I don't have the same character that you have."

I reply.

"don't doubt yourself, my friend."

Celeste then says.

"good luck out there."

Ying responds.

"alright see you two next time."

Celeste opens up a portal and we both step inside, and exit just outside my house, I then say to Celeste.

"I never gave it much thought, but how are we going to explain this to Hope."

she replies.

"there is no need, me and Ellena already had that talk with her."

I ask curiously.

"how did she react to that?"

she replies.

"she was surprisingly okay with it."

we then walk inside the house where I was met with Hope ambushing me with a hug and her repeatedly apologizing and sobbing.

"I'm sorry dad, I'll never misbehave again, just don't die and leave me."

I return a tight hug of my own, and reply.

"I will do everything in my power, not to ever leave you."

she wipes her tears with her hands and asks.


I smile.

"I promise."

I then reach into my pouch and grab the small stuffed bear, and hand over to Hope.

"here, a student of mine gave me this, and I would like you to have it."

she takes it and ask.

"are you sure?"

I reply.

"of course, stuffed animals aren't my thing."

Ellena who was watching the whole time asks.

"so are you going back to the academy tomorrow?"

I reply.

"yes, King Dave decided that I'm needed most at the academy than doing missions."

she smiles.

"good, I don't think my heart can handle seeing you in the condition you came in the other day."

I hug her and give her a kiss to reassure her.

"I'll try my best not to be in that state again."

the rest of the day we just spent it together, painting a picture in my head, on how my family will continue to grow.

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