Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 153 - Abandoned Compound

I exit the portal and I can't see a single thing due to the trees covering the light of the moon, I then chant.


Gale, Remy, Felnor and Selshruuk are already checking the perimeter of the compound, I take a good look at the derelict building and think to myself.

"it seems like the cult didn't even bother coming back to reclaim this compound."

I quickly jog to Gale and ask.

"any signs of anything alive in the area."

he shakes his head, with the small ball of light floating just above him.

"no, it looks abandoned, but we haven't gone inside yet."

I ask.

"were you guys waiting for me?"

he nods.


I reply.

"alright then let's go inside."

I call out to Remy, Felnor and Selshruuk so that we can be group, and as they gather around, I say.

"we are going and have a look around, to see if we can find any clues."

"let's get to it."

I take a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves, because this was the very same building I was kept in, alongside many other victims who weren't lucky enough to escape the cult's heinous

acts, after entering through the main entrance, I feel a shiver go down my spine and I think to myself.

"it seems so unreal that I could have been eaten here and not having anyone know how I disappeared."

as we wonder around the main entrance, Gale asks with his voice echoing through the various hallways.

"which way should we go."

I remember the stairs I used before, when I was escaping and say pointing at the hallway to our right.

"there is some stairs over there that leads to a dungeon where they kept us as prisoners and a room they used to store various body parts of their victims and mana blocker tubes."

Gale replies.

"okay we'll go that way, if they didn't take the mana blocker with them, then we can at least bring them back with us."

as we walk down the hallway, we are met with a worn out painting of Mauri, with the sun rising behind her, I then think to myself.

"I didn't see this painting here when I was escaping."

Gale shakes his head in disgust.

"how can such vile people, worship a monster like Mauri?"

Selshruuk looked like he wanted to say something but he refrained himself to do so, I then ask him.

"you wanted to say something?"

he looks at the painting and then says to all of us.

"it seems like certain information has been kept from you humans."

Gale asks.

"and what would that be?"

he points at the painting of Mauri and says.

"she was was one of the four heroes that lead the fight against my kind."

Gale snorts in disbelief.

"we only have three heroes who fought in the war, this Mauri is no hero, she is a psychopath."

he then chuckles lightly and ask me.

"can you believe the nerve of this guy?"

I reply while looking at Selshruuk straight i. his eyes.

"I believe him."

Gale shakes his head while pointing at the painting.

"no, he is trying to disrespect the legacy of our heroes by associating them to this monster."

I ask him.

"but what if it's true?"

he responds.

"don't believe a word he says, he is obviously lying."

Selshruuk sighs defeated.

"at least I tried."

having the thought that Selshruuk isn't lying I say to Gale.

"what if we ask Leonard, he was around during the great war."

Gale scoffs.

"if he knew, he would have said something."

after that exchange, Remy interjects.

"we should really keep moving."

I reply while pointing at the stairs.

"the dungeon should be on the second floor and the storage on third floor."

Gale says while pointing at Remy and Felnor.

"you two are coming with to the third floor."

he looks at Selshruuk, and says to both of us still bothered about what Selshruuk said.

"you two will check out the dungeon in the second floor."

we climb up to the second floor and enter the dungeon where I was kept at as a prisoner, and as after taking a few steps inside, we get overwhelmed by the scent of a rotting corpse, I immediately throw up, while Selshruuk covers his snout and says to me.

"you don't need to go any further, I'll go in and check it out."

I nod and reply trying not to hack up a lung.

"thanks, I'll wait for you outside."

I exit the dungeon, so that I can catch my breath from the polluted air, I then think to myself.

"if they are bodies in there, then they are probably from years back when I was a prisoner here."

I sit down by the entrance and wait around, until I hear Selhruuk shout.

"hey Collin, I found someone on here, I'm going to bring her out now!"

I shout back.

"is she wearing the academy's uniform!?"

he emerges from the entrance, carrying a half n.a.k.e.d and malnourished woman, I sigh in relief, that the woman was too old to be a student at the academy, I then ask.

"is she still alive?"

he replies.

"I believe so but, her breathing is very shallow."

I sigh and ask.

"did find you anything else in there."

he shakes his head.

"I didn't find clues, but I did find a bunch of dead bodies who seemed to have died of starvation, locked up in different prison cells."

I sigh.

"alright, let's just wait here until, the others come down from the storage area."

he then asks.

"what are we going to do with her."

I answer.

"once we get her into better health, we will question her."

a couple of minutes pass by and we hear the other's voices as they climb downstairs, I then shout out to them.

"you find anything up there?!"

they reach us and Gale answers.

"we found a couple tubes filled with mana blockers, but that is about it."

he looks at the malnourished woman that Selshruuk is carrying and asks.

"who is that?"

I shrug my shoulders while Selshruuk answers.

"I don't know, but I found her in there."

I add on.

"we are taking het with us, and once she is in shape to speak, we are going to question her."

Gale responds.

"alright sounds like a plan, so should we head back? or continue exploring this building?"

I reply.

"I think we should leave now and explore the rest of the building another time."

Gale replies.

"no need, I'll get some of the adventures to thoroughly investigate this building."

as we make our way back to the main entrance I ask Gale curiously.

"do we really need to take those mana blockers?"

he replies.

"yeah, since the orcs ran out of the minerals needed to produce the mana blockers?"

I ask.

"when did this happen?"

he answers.

"like two years ago."

I respond.

"that's crazy."

he continues.

"yeah they even had a huge riot at Burmendak, because of the short supply of mana blockers, and many dangerous criminals escaped."

I then ask.

"how are we on mana blocker supplies?"

he answers.

"we are in pretty supply on them, but since we collected those shackles enchanted with mana blocking properties fron the vampires, we haven't been relying on the liquid mana blockers."

I respond.

"I see, so does that mean we can produce more of the shackles that contain the mana blocking enchantment properties?"

he shakes his head.

"not yet, Leonard is still working on that."

as we arrive at the main entrance, we run into a hooded figure, with glowing milky white eyes, I quickly ask.

"who are you?"

and the familiar voice that I've heard back when I was in Burmendak, replies.

"checking on those who dare trespass this place."

I think to myself.

"he sounds exactly like Daurl."

I shout at the hooded individual.

"Daurl you bastard, are you behind all of this?!"

he chuckles slowly taking off his hood to reveal his face and glowing milky white eyes.

"Collin, it's been a while."

I shout in anger.

"where are the students?!"

he gives me a smug look and grins.

"you won't find them here."

I chant to myself.

"platinum eyes."

Remy, Felnor and Selshruuk immediately follow my lead and chant at the same time.

"silver eyes."

while Gale chants.


spawning the humanoid tree right in front of him, Daurl claps and chuckles.

"impressive, but since there is too many of you, I'll be seeing you on another day."

I yell.

"you're stupid if you think I'm letting you run away!"

as we begin to charge him, he chants to himself in an unknown language and wings sprout out from his back, he simply waves goodbye and shouts as he flies out into the night sky.

"until next time Collin!"

we all stare at the sky completely stunned that he is using magic that allows him to grow wings and fly, I then turn to Gale and ask.

"what the hell was that."

he shrugs his shoulder.

"I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that."

we exit the compound staying on high alert, just in case if Daurl decides to return, and then after waiting around for two hours a portal appears nearby and Celeste emerges from it, asking.

"is it safe?"

I reply.

"it should be."

she then hurries us.

"alright then step into the portal before it disappears."

we step into the portal and return back to my house where we are still feeling shocked with our encounter with Daurl and having no idea if he has any connections with the Cult Of Mauri, or if he is doing this by himself.

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