Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 165 - Back Home To Arce

The day where all the fifth years officially graduate from the academy and since I'm just a training instructor, I'm not required to attend, and all other students in the other years, can finally head home for the break, before returning back to the academy, I wake up early in the morning and say to Ellena and Celeste who are just waking as well.

"I'll be back, I'm going to pick up the girls and then we'll go to my parent's house."

Celeste yawns.

"let me change, and I'll come along with you."

I reply.

"it's fine, I'll be back quick."

she shakes her head.

"it will be faster if we use my portal magic."

I sigh.

"okay, but don't push yourself too hard."

she chuckles lightly.

"you worry too much and besides I'm not due until for a couple of weeks."

she quickly gets changed, and says Ellena who is still laying in bed.

"come on tell him, that he's worrying too much."

"no he is right, don't push yourself too hard."

Celeste replies while opening up a portal.

"jeez, you are worst than my mother."

we step inside and end up at the courtyard of the academy, where Celeste asks.

"should we go inside to get the girls or wait for them out here?"

I reply.

"we'll wait for them out here."

as we wait, she asks.

"so do you really believe that Rosie is still alive?"

"yes I believe so, it wouldn't be her first time coming back from the dead."

she then asks.

"what will you do, if you do find her?"

I sigh.

"I don't know, I've been trying hard not to get my hopes up to high."

she hugs me and says.

"I know she was your first love, and if she is okay with us, I'm more than alright with her joining us."

I reply.

"thank you, Ellena and you have been very understanding ever since I found out that she may still be alive out there."

after she gives me a kiss, I hear Hope's voice shout at me.

"dad, over here!"

I look over and see her in the crowd with the other students, holding hands with Sarah, I wave at them.

"well let's go!"

they both come toward us and Sarah asks.

"are we dropping by your house first?"

I reply.

"yeah, once we get there, we'll eat breakfast and then go to our parent's house."

she sighs.

"well at least, I get some leisure before the long road to Arce."

"oh you don't have to worry about the trip home, because we'll be getting there in no time."

she looks at the portal and asks completely amazed by it.

"what kind of magic is that?"

I reply.

"well let's step inside and find out, shall we?"

we go through it and exit the other side, at the front yard of my house, Sarah looks back at the portal that disappears into thin air and asks Celeste.

"is this a hereditary magic?"

she shakes her head.

"I wish, only certain individuals are given access to learn this spell."

"you must be Sarah, I'm Ellena, Collin's first wife."

she nervously replies.

"hello, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you ma'am."

Ellena laughs.

"you don't have to be so formal, we're family."

she approaches Sarah and hugs her.

"it's been a while since I've met any members of Collin's side of the family."

she then motions us to the kitchen table, where we sit down to eat breakfast, where Sarah asks.

"have you met my parents before?"

"only once, but it was under an unfortunate incident."

Ellena sighs.

"hopefully, this time things go more smoothly."

after finishing up breakfast, Celeste says to me. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/back-home-to-arce_51597227843452031">#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/back-home-to-arce_51597227843452031</a> for visiting.

"you know what do, just imagine your parent's home."

I close my eyes and paint a clear picture of my childhood home, as she looks inside my mind, and then she says.

"okay, got it."

she opens up the portal and asks.

"everyone ready to go?"

while the girls nod, Ellena replies.

"yeah let's get going."

we step inside the portal and I'm instantly hit with nostalgia, as I stare at the home I spent my childhood at, I then look at Rosie's home that is a couple of houses down from mine and contemplate to myself.

"should I even bother telling them? they probably hate me since they still believe that I killed Rosie."

I sigh.

"no, they have every right to know, I can't withhold that information fron them."

I look at Sarah and ask.

"so how should we do this? do you want me to walk up alongside you?"

Sarah replies.

"yeah, let's do this directly instead of beating around the bush."

I look back to Ellena, Celeste and Hope and say.

"stay here out here for a minute, even if they hate me, I'll guilt them into into letting you two sit down inside the house."

as me and Sarah approach the front door, I ask her, after noticing a few elves walking around.

"when did elves start living here?"

she answers.

"I think after the alliance was formed."

I think to myself.

"I knew elves started living in Grezia, but I didn't think that they would move here."

after Sarah knocks on the door, we are greeted seconds later by my mom, Marie Belfaust who is showing a bit of gray hair through her light brown hair, she gasps upon seeing me and then shouts as she pulls Sarah towards her like if I'm a danger to her.

"Leon get over here!"

I ask indifferently.

"hello mother, have you forgotten about me already?"

my dad Leon who is also showing some gray hairs on his head, and asks with an angry tone.

"what? now that you've ruined your life and ours, you've come back to ruin your sister's too."

I reply sarcastically.

"hello father, I missed you too."

he then asks.

"what do you want?"

I respond emotionless.

"I don't want anything from any of you, I'm only here because Sarah wanted me to come, and try to work things out."

my mom angrily asks Sarah.

"how did you find out about him?"

Sarah answers.

"well he's an instructor at the academy and has our last name, so I just put two and two together."

my dad puts his finger on my c.h.e.s.t and says.

"I don't care how you two found each other, I just want you to stay away from my daughter, you damned criminal."

I smirk.

"I may be a criminal, but I accomplished more than a failed magic knight like yourself."

after hearing both Sarah and my mom sobbing, from this little exchange between me and my dad, I slap his finger away from my c.h.e.s.t and apologize to Sarah.

"I tried."

as I turn to walk away, my dad puts his hand on my shoulder and says.

"don't you walk away."

I turn back to him, and while I grab his wrist, and start squeezing it, I reply.

"I get to walk away, because we are done."

before my dad says anything, Hope approaches me.

"dad, I need to use the bathroom."

my dad gets taken aback when he sees her, I the kneel down and place both hands ob her shoulder.

"don't worry honey, we're going home now anyways."

I then hear my mom say with a soft voice and a smile at Hope.

"we have a bathroom inside darling, I'll take you there."

Sarah chimes in.

"yeah, come on Hope we'll show."

I then say to her.

"you heard them, go on ahead, I'll wait for you out here."

Hope gets lead by my mom and Sarah inside the house and I hear her ask.

"are you my grandma?"

she replies.

"I think so."

my dad's demeanor changes and asks.

"she the daughter you mentioned, in that wedding

invitation you sent us?"

I nod.

"yeah and her name is Hope."

he sighs.

"alright then, come on in then."

I ask.

"can I bring in my wife and fiancee, inside to sit down, since they are both due soon."

he replies.

"sure, what kind of cruel man would I be if I keep pregnant women standing around outside with bo place to rest."

I wave at Ellena and Celeste to come over, and as they enter the house my dad asks.

"the elf is your wife right?"

I nod.


he then places his hand on my shoulder and says.

"before we go inside the house, let's have ourselves a little talk."

I begin by saying.

"I did not kill Rosie, I was falsely accused of that, but I did kill a couple of people when I was on the run and did my time for that."

he sighs.

"I see."

after a few moments of silence, he breaks it.

"I was angry with you for a long time, and when I received that wedding invitation, I believed you were just making up stories, to get us to talk to you."

he sighs.

"and now look at us, it took my daughter and your daughter to have that happen."

I reply.

"I guess so, but this doesn't change the fact that missed out on my wedding."

I sigh.

"either way, I want Sarah to come to my next wedding, and hopefully you and mom can come along."

he responds.

"I'll think about."

as we hear laughter and inside the house, I say to my dad.

"sounds like the girls are getting along well."

he pats me the back.

"come on, let's go join in with our family."

I look at Rosie's house in the distance and reply.

"okay, but I need to take care of something first."

he asks.

"what is it?"

I point at Rosie's house.

"I need to have a little talk with them."

he sighs.

"good luck, me and the girls will be waiting for you here."

I walk past a couple of house and as I approach the front door of Rosie's house, I swallow nervously.

"alright let's get this over with."

I knock on the door, and get greeted by Rosie's dad.

"oh, hey Collin, it's a surprise seeing you, what brings you here?"

I respond by being direct.

"I believe that Rosie may still be alive."

his eyes grow wide, and he immediately looks around nervously, after making sure I was the only one around, he says.

"come in."

after entering the house, Rosie's dad asks.

"what do you know?"

I reply.

"all I know is due to certain reasons she might be alive, I just don't know where she could be, and so I wanted to let you know."

it seems rather strange that he is calm about all of this, but I just take it as him trying to take it all in, he then shouts.

"honey, it's all clear you can bring her out!"

I hear Rosie's mom shout back.

"are you sure?!"

I then ask him curiously.

"sir, what is this all about."

he smiles.

"you'll see."

at the back of the house where Rosie's old room door swings open, Rosie's mom comes slowly escorting girl with blonde hair covering her eyes out of the room, I begin to get emotional and ask with my voice cracking.

"is that?"

Rosie's dad nods.


Rosie moves the hair covering her face, revealing her red eyes, she looks at me and smiles.


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