Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 171 - Must Warn Ying

Staring into what seems like the endless darkness of Paula's pouch, I wonder.

"did Hope manage to somehow defeat Paula?"

after catching a glimpse of Hope in her silver eyes, gave me a sense of relief that she was still alive, but it also made me worry that she couldn't possibly beat Paula, that was until Hope pulls me out of the pouch and says to me.

"don't worry daddy, Paula is going to turn you, Selshruuk and Felnor back to normal."

I think to myself.

"what, I didn't know that they also got caught by Paula."

the heavily guarded and restrained Paula returned us back to normal, the guards quickly put the mana blockers shackles back on, and before I got to say anything, Hope jumps into my arms crying her eyes out.

"we were so worried about you, I almost thought that you were left dead somewhere."

I gently pat her head, and kiss her on the forehead.

"and it's all thank to you, my baby girl."

I hug her tightly and say with a voice filled with pride, on how strong she has become.

"I'm so proud of you."

I also begin to form some tears.

"you just keep growing up right before my eyes."

she rests her head against me, and sighs in relief.

"don't worry daddy, even when I'm grow up, I'll always be your daughter."

I add on.

"you will always be my little girl."

I then clear my throat, and ask Selshruuk and Felnor.

"how did you guys get caught by Paula."

Felnor chuckles.

"we were escorting Hope home, because Ying told us he might know where you are and then since we knew who Paula was, we didn't expect her to do what she did to us."

Selshruuk bows his head and apologizes.

"we were supposed to protect Hope, but we failed."

even though I have no right to speak, because I was also caught off guard by her, I tease them.

"well you're lucky, that my daughter is very diligent and strong and was able to save us all."

after having a short laugh together, I clear my throat and get serious.

"so where did Ying go?"

Selshruuk answers.

"apparently someone told him, that he knew where you were at, is leading him to you."

I ask myself.

"who the hell would tell him that?"

I then I remember the conversation some of the members of the chosen ones were having and then I gasp to myself as my mind starts putting pieces together.

"holy shit, Cecile."

I then ask Selshruuk with a sense of urgency.

"was this someone named Cecile?"

he responds.

"yeah, how'd you know?"

I look straight at Paula, who is stil shackled and ask.

"where did Cecile lead Ying to?"

she replies.

"it's pointless Mr. Belfaust, even if you manage to save Mr. Zhu from his son Cecile, this whole world is doomed."

I ask not having a single clue at what she is hinting at.

"what are you talking about?"

she responds a bit hesitantly.

"a great evil, that we once thought was gone long ago, has reappeared."

I reply.

"then tell me where Cecile will take Ying, so we can put a stop to this and work together on defeating this great evil."

she replies a bit more docile than before.

"he is taking his father to the Grezia City graveyard to kill him at the grave of his twin brother."

surprised by this revelation I think to myself.

"I didn't know Cecile had a twin brother, Ying never said anything to me about losing a child."

I look at Hope and think to myself.

"I can't imagine what is like losing a child."

I sigh and then respond.

"alright, now tell us about this great evil you were going on about."

she begins to shake in fear and replies with a shaky voice.

"I can't do that, it is forbidden to ever utter her name."

I put my hand on her shoulder and try to reassure her.

"listen, if you cooperate with us, I can convince King Dave to give you a lighter prison sentence, even though you were trying to kill my family."

she nods.

"okay, I'll tell you after these shackles have completely remove her influence over me."

I ask her.

"what do you mean influence."

she replies.

"this gift that are given to the chosen ones, are easily influenced by her and ever since I've been out into these shackles, I can already feel her influence and power fading away."

I then tell one of the guards.

"alright, go and tell King Dave everything you have heard."

one of them nods.

"yes sir."

I then add on.

"and come find me whenever she is ready to talk."

I then think to myself.

"okay now I see how Daurl was executed since the shackles removed the regenerative powers he had."

I then say to Hope.

"alright, go back home and tell both your mothers that I'm fine, and I'll return home once me, Selshruuk and Felnor stop Cecile from Killing Ying."

she replies.

"no, I'm coming with you."

I shake my head.

"sorry, but this could be really dangerous."

I think to myself.

"I want to put her at ease and let her come along with me, but I'm having a gut feeling that something is going to go wrong."

I reply.

"don't worry, I'll have Selshruuk and Felnor with me."

Selshruuk puts his massive hand on her shoulder and says.

"me and your father have fought alongside many times and I'll assure you little lady that I'll protect him with my life."

Felnor adds on.

"I will also do the same, so you can put your mind at ease."

I kneel down and kiss her on the forehead. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/must-warn-ying_52754977617145833">#&apos;s-otherworld-adventure_14202078705622905/must-warn-ying_52754977617145833</a> for visiting.

"and besides, both your mothers need to know that I'm alright."

she puots.

"hmph, fine but next time your taking me with you."

I chuckle.

"yeah next time, we'll go on an adventure together, I promise."

she replies.

"okay then, be careful daddy."

I hug Hope goodbye and quickly start making our way to the Grezia City graveyard and I think to myself.

"hang in there Ying we're on our way."

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