Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 186 - Changes

After reliving the deaths of the friends I've lost, I plead to Lady Mengshee.

"can we take a short break from this?"

she sighs.

"fine, I guess a little break wouldn't hurt you."

she then looks at Rosie and says to me.

"alright, while I try to strengthen her mind, I want you to break your concentration and see how your body has adjusted to the immense pressure in this cave."

I ask.

"are you sure?"

she nods as she sits in front of Rosie.

"yeah just go ahead and do it, you will definitely feel the difference."

I sigh and brace myself.

"alright here goes nothing."

"care to explain on why I'm not getting crushed right now?"

she replies.

"the mana that resides in your body got accustomed to the dense mana in this cave."

I respond.

"okay, I understand."

I then finally take the chance to walk around the cave, and I immediately feel the difference physically.

"did I somehow get lighter? I feel weightless."

I ask Lady Mengshee.

"so what has this cave done to me?"

"the pressure of this cave increased your muscle mass to it's full potential, without having to go through strenuous physical training."

amazed I smile.

"that is amazing."

I then ask.

"so is this, going to help me stop Damien?"

she chuckles.

"yeah, but don't get ahead of yourself, getting stronger physically is just the one step to defeating Damien."

I respond.

"I get it, I know I have to strengthen myself mentally as well."


she then says.

"oh and while I'm busy with your friend here, you should test out your spells since the cave's mana pressure has improved all of them."

I look at my hands and ask.

"is it okay for me to test it here?"

she nods.

"yeah, the cave should minimize any major damage you would cause."

I smile and say.

"alright, I'm going all out then."

"dual triple fire shot!"

something completely unexpected happens, a sudden surge of heat completely turns both of my hands beet red and a scorching orange trail of fire gets left behind by the three small dot sized fireballs, and after they explode after hitting the cave wall I think to myself.

"what the hell was that? I've never felt heat on my hands whenever I shot it."

I ask myself.

"if that really improved? then I should test out my other spells."

but then I get disappointed with myself.

"the triple fire shot is the only projectile spell that I learned."

Lady Mengshee, then says in a loud voice.

"try out your platinum eyes, and see of much the mana consumption has been reduced when you use it."

"how do you know of my platinum eyes?"

she answers.

"well I saw them when you were about to use it on me."

I sigh.

"yeah of course you saw them, it was silly of me to ask."

she adds on.

"I also know that the werewolf's blood runs deep into your veins."

I ask.

"did you see it in my memories?"

"yes, but I'm also an all knowing being that is aware of everything that happens in this world."

I ask her.

"does this mean you are strong enough to defeat Damien?"

she answers.

"I am the Dragon Goddess of Death, and Damien is a demon entity from another dimension, so yeah defeating Damien would not be a problem for me."

so I then ask.

"why don't you help us?"

she replies.

"I am helping you, that is why I'm training the both of you."

I sigh.

"I meant help us fight Damien."

she responds.

"what Damien does in this world has little to no effect on me, so there is no reason for me to get involved in your little quarrel with Damien."

I reply.

"okay I get it, thank you for helping us in your own way."

she replies.

"no problem, now how about you try out your platinum eyes."

I take a deep breath and chant.

"platinum eyes."

and at this moment I completely understood what she meant by my mana consumption being greatly reduced, I look at my hands almost as I can't believe what's going on with me and I think to myself.

"usually when I activate my platinum eyes, I can feel the mana start draining from my body."

I then ask her.

"so you are expecting me to defeat Damien with what I have?"

she stands up and replies.

"not yet, there is one more thing that I plan to give the both of you."

I ask curiously.

"and what is that?"

she shakes here head.

"not so fast, you are not ready yet."

she lends her hand to Rosie, so that she can also stand up and then says.

"she is ready, because she overcame her mental and emotional weakness."

she points at me ands says.

"but you on the other hand, you have not overcome your mental and emotional weakness."

I sit down and sigh.

"okay then let's keep going then, I'm ready."

she turns to Rosie and says.

"go ahead and get used to your new found strength while he works on overcoming his weakness."

Rosie replies respectfully.

"as you wish Lady Mengshee."

she then smiles at me.

"good luck Collin."

Lady Mengshee then says.

"alright, close your eyes so we can continue where you left off."

before I close my eyes, I ask.

"can you please tell me what you plan giving us, so that I have some kind of incentive to work harder on my mental and emotional weakness."

she sighs defeated.


what she says next, grabs our attention.

"I plan on bestowing the both of you, the Gift of the Dragons."

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