Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 188 - Remy Vs. Mauri

Phillip who is currently holding our precious baby boy Phillip Junior in his arms says to me.

"we should leave while we still can."​​

I ask.

"and where would we go?"

he shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know, but we can't let our son grow up under the thumb of Mauri."

he has a point, but I'm holding out hope that Collin can somehow stop her, and as if Phillip could read my mind, he asks.

"don't tell me that believe, your friend Collin can stop her?"

even though I don't give him an answer, he continues.

"don't you think if he could have beaten her, he would have done it by now?"

"yeah you are right, we should gather our things and see where we can go."

Phillip replies.

"okay, I'll pack up some of our things, while you go into the market and buy food that will last us to wherever we go."

I kiss him on the lips and kiss our son on the forehead and say.

"I'll be back."

I leave the house and start making my way to the Corpus City marketplace, where I come across a scene of multiple Magic Knights shouting at a young man refusing to cooperate with them.

"sir you must comply with the orders or we will face the consequences from Mauri and the Orcs!"

he shouts back.

"I don't give a f.u.c.k! I'm not about to let some psycho bitch eat me!"

"I can't believe that no one is willing to stand up to Mauri."

I quickly buy food that is best used when it comes to traveling and head back home, where I spot many neighbors crowding he front, I panic fearing the worst and ask one of them.

"did something bad happens?"

a female Dog Demi human who recently moved in Corpus as my new neighbor replies.

"no, but someone came to see you."

I ask.


her ears droop down and her tail curls down to the floor and her answer sends a cold chill down my spine.


"Mauri, what the hell are you doing here?!"

and right in front of me I see Phillip sitting on the couch slumped forward bleeding put, I gasp and start crying.

"oh my god."

I run up to him and still hear his labored breathing, I then say with my quivering voice.

"don't worry honey I'll get you the worry in no time."

but then a female voice says from behind.

"not so fast Missus Remy, you and me have a few things to talk about."

I turn around and my sadness turns to pure anger.

"you will pay for doing this to my husband."

"yeah, yeah, I'm sure you will, but first I need something from you."

I shout.

"I ain't giving you a damn thing!"

she puts her index finger in front of the lips and says quietly.

"shhhh, you don't want to wake up your baby boy, after your husband put him to bed."

I grit my teeth.

"if your lay filthy hands on my son, I'll kill you."

Mauri grins.

"well I wouldn't have it any other way, but first I need to know, where that dog Collin Belfaust went."

"so he defied her and she is after him, I'm glad that there is someone who is standing up to her."

I reply.

"I have no idea who he is."

she sighs.

"there is no point in lying, King Ryan has already revealed that you and him are close friends."

I flick her off and respond defiantly

"how's that huh? for where he went."

she replies.

"cute, but we both know, that you are hiding his whereabouts."

"even if I knew where he went, I wouldn't sell him out."

Mauri sighs disappointment.

"well it sounds like you don't really know where he went."

surprised but what she said, I ask myself.

"did she somehow read my mind?"

Mauri replies in my head.

"yes I did, and now I must end our little talk and continue searching form him."

she then says.

"don't worry Remy, even though you and your husband will die today, I will let your son grow do when the day he grows stronger, I will return to pay him a visit."

filled with absolute rage and hatred for this woman, I shout.

"silver eyes!"

amused, she chuckles.

"amazing you have that same defiant look he has."

she smacks her lips together and says with a sadistic tone.

"let's have some fun."

after she finishes her sentence, I close the distance between us and unleash a flurry of unrelenting punches upon her, she backs away and wipes blood from a cut the I caused on her bottom lip and smiles.

"you even fight the same way he does."

I chuckle.

"now that brings a smile to my face."

Mauri sighs.

"it's a shame that you aren't as strong as him, which makes this less enjoyable."

I reply.

"I haven't shown you everything I can do."

I rush in to attack, but all she does is points at me with a claw like gesture, and chants in an unknown language, and just like that a sudden pressure begins crushing my throat, and as I struggle to breathe I think ask myself.

"what kind of spell is this?"

she then pulls me towards her with some unseen force moving me, and then she says as I get close to her.

"this is what happens to those that defy me, this also includes that foolish husband of yours that also defied me."

she the chants to herself.

"Dragon Broadsword."

she conjures up the signature weapon that Dragonoids use out of thin air, and then thrusts the sword into me, Mauri then smiles sadistically as my face twists in pain.

"you can't seem to cry out in pain with me crushing your wind pipes."

as she pulls out the sword, I hear my husband say with a weak voice.

"let her go."

Mauri turns around and laughs at Phillip who can barely keep himself standing straight.

"huh, you still breathing?"

Phillip then says one last thing to me.

"I'll always love you."

Mauri then swings her sword at his direction and cuts him in half, and then she turns her attention back to me and says.

"and now you will be joining your husband in the afterlife."

she pushes me away still choking me and then she chants.

"Conjuration holy spears!"

many bright spears appear above Mauri, and as I stare at them knowing full well that I'm going to die, I had one final thought in my mind.

"Collin, please may this bitch pay for what she has done."

End Of Volume 11.

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