Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 33 - What Is That?

I walk around the encampment, with everyone greeting me and saying.

"happy birthday."

yes that's right today I turned sixteen years old, it's been a year since I left Arce, and as I wonder around trying to find a spot to sit down, I am interrupted by Remy, who is smiling, she then says.

"someone came by to see you."

I give her puzzling look, as I sniff the air and I smell a familiar scent and I respond with a grin.

"Is it Gresnor?"

her smile turns to a dissapointed frown as she replies.

"I wanted to keep him a surprise but oh well, Gresnor stop hiding behind the tree, he knows your here."

Gresnor pops out from behind the tree, and says.

"yo Collin how have you been."

he extends his hand for a handshake, I approach him but instead of going for the handshake, I wrap my arms around him, giving him a strong and firm hug, he seemed suprised that I went for a hug, but he ended up reciprocating with his own hug, and as we let go I ask.

"so how have you been? and what brings you here?"

he replies.

"I've been good, ever since the war ended, things in our region has become stable, and for what brings me here, I came here because I wanted to tag along with you, since you're freakishly strong, I want to train with you and go on adventures."

I respond.

"sure you can train with me, and as for adventures, the only plan I had was to explore a dungeon that opened up after last week's earthquake."

"take Gresnor with you."

I look at Remy and reply.

"but you said you would explore it with me."

she responds.

"but you see, I kinda don't feel like going, and now you have Gresnor to explore it with you."

Gresnor gives me a determined look and says with enthusiasm in his voice.

"I don't mind going with you into this new unexplored dungeon, and if we are lucky we can probably find a legendary spellbook, or other rare items in there, and since I dont have any plans of going home anytime soon, we could explore the whole thing before it gets discovered by others."

I smirk and respond.

"alright buddy, let me get a travel pack with supplies so we can head out right now."

"alright get what you need, I'm already stocked up with supplies in my travel pack."

I then start stocking up on water stored in glass bottles, meat covered with the magic spell preservation, which is meant to keep food from going rotten, and then I grab two healing potions, I then head towards Gresnor and as both of us are about to leave Remy says.

"Collin please be careful, and if you find anything that can be helpful to us, bring it back."

I nod, then me and Gresnor start leaving the encampment, and as we are traveling through the woods I ask Gresnor.

"so have you thought about joining our fold and becoming a werewolf."

he replies.

"honestly I have thought about joining, It's the main reason why I decided to come to you guys."

I reply with a serious tone in my voice.

"I won't lie, there is a no gurantee that you'll survive."

"what do you mean?"

I reply seriously.

"after consuming the werewolf's blood there is ninety five percent chance of you dying before you even get to transform."

he doesn't say a word, but I continue.

"don't let that dissuade you, if you have already made the decision that you want to become one."

he then replies with a serious voice.

"I still want to become one."

I smirk and respond.

"good, now let's go see what this dungeon has to offer."

"the entrance is right there at the side, come on Gresnor lets go."

we squeeze our way through the crack, I managed to slip through, but I had to help Gresnor by pulling him in, we are finally inside, me and Gresnor then chant.


The dark room lights up I look around and see that this cave doesn't look natural, I touch the walls and I say to Gresnor.

"It's made out of concrete."

Gresnor excitedly responds.

"good, dungeons that were not formed naturally are usually the best ones to find."

they are two paths, I then say.

"lets split up for now, if it turns out to be much larger than what we anticipated, we'll come back here to meet up."

"sounds good, see you in a bit."

we then start walking our own way, I make my through a long corridor, and I find myself standing inside a room full of stuff, I see a bookshelf by the wall, I look through all the books and find a book with strange symbols on them, I then think to myself.

"this must be a spellbook, I wonder what spell is in here."

I open the spellbook and see that the spell in here is mana shift, this spell allows the user to spread the mana from their body at will to confuse enemies with mana detection, after I finish reading it, the spellbook disentigrates from my hand, I panic and think to myself.

"oh shit, I think I found a legendary spellbook by accident."

Gresnor pops into the room and says.

"the way I went was a bust there was nothing but a dead end."

he looks around this room and sees that there are trinkets with value here, he then says.

"well at least we can sell this stuff."

"yeah I guess, let's get out of here."

we then leave back through the crack, once we got outside I say to Gresnor.

"I think I found a legendary spellbook, because when after i finished reading it, the book disentigrated."

he replies with a chuckle.

"damn your lucky, but next time we find another dungeon it'll be me that will get a legendary spellbook."

we then sit down right next to a nearby tree, so we can rest and have a bite to eat, but before we got to eat anything we are interrupted by loud m.o.a.ns in the distance, I sniff the air and a strong smell of death overwhelms me and I cover my nose, Gresnor then points at a group of what looks like Lizardmen and asks with a concerned voice.

"what is that?"

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