Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 7 - Goblin Troubles Part 1

Since my village is on the outskirts of the kingdom, I was already outside of Rozlania territory and into dense unclaimed forest of dead pass, the forest got the name because of all the monsters that reside in it and where outlaws and bandits make their base camps at, and where unwary adventurers have gone missing, of course I have to be extra careful here, especially with the fact that I have to depend on my physical abilites, instead of any magical abilities, first thing I need to do is to hunt down some wild animals to avoid using my rations in which I'm saving up for emergencies only, I carefully make way through bushes avoiding making any unnecessary noise,

I find a good spot to put up a tent, I lay my travel pack near a tree and I start setting up my tent, after a while my tent is now up, so then I start setting a perimeter with rope, that has a few cans tied to it, which is meant to be an alarm if anything touches the rope, I then store my pack inside my tent and head out to search for some animals, and I think to myself.

"I need to find a river or any body of water."

after a couple of minutes cautiously walking through the forest I find a small river, and on the other side i see a small animal that looks very similar to a rabbit from the ones back from on earth, except this one seems to has a sharp horn on its forehead, I slowly raise my bow and take aim, I then start pulling back the string with the arrow, and take a couple of breaths before I release, and then after a quick few seconds passes I finally let go of the string, the arrow whistles through the air, and the arrow pierces cleanly through the head, I pump my fist in victory and say to myself.

"see Collin you got this."

I slowly approach the dead animal and then I hear some rustling in the bushes, I quickly squat down and swiftly hide my self behind a nearby tree, I then slowly and cautiously take a quick peek and see a green skinned figure holding a club on one hand picking up the animal I just killed, and then I think to myself.

"That thing must be a goblin."

it looks very similar to those that you would see on those typical fantasy role playing games, This is my first time seeing one in this world, so I think to myself.

"Damn it that goblin is going to take my food."

in my mind I have two choices leave the goblin be and let him take my kill, or I can kill that goblin and take back the animal I killed, I then hype myself up.

"you got this, just sneak up on him a kill it."

I put the bow on my back and I unsheathe my short sword from my side and I slowly start moving towards the goblin, he doesnt seem to notice anything, he pulls the arrow from the animal and turn its back to me, without any hesitation I charge at the gobling an pierce my sword through it's throat, it immediately collapses to the ground as I pull out my sword covered in its blood, and I then think to myself.

"this is it my first time ever killing anything in this world."

as I look down at its bloody corpse, I think to myself.

"you can't feel bad for it, if you want to become stronger you have to do things you wont like, you will face much greater challenges ahead."

I then sit down and rest for a bit.

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