Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 79 - Not Human

Selshruuk beat his elf opponent in quick fashion, and in my thoughts I said.

"well It's no surprise he won, out of all the races that specialize in physical combat, Dragonoids are the ones who reign supreme in that department."

after being announced the winner he gets brought back, to the same room with the rest of us, and he leans against the wall showing no interest in any of us, I then turn my attention back

to watch the rest of the fights, and I took notice that all of them fight wildly, up to the point where the human guy started fighting a demi-human with dog ears and tail, when the fight started he wasn't fighting wildly, and I think to myself.

"for someone who views as physical combat as something below him, he isn't half bad at it."

the demi-human is pretty quick with his strikes but that human guy is doing a pretty good job blocking and countering. this exchange continues for several minutes, until the demi-human dog seemingly tires himself out, and then the human guy takes advantage of this and completely knocks him out with a strong right hook, as I grin I think to myself.

"wow he actually won his match, I must've really gotten under his skin with what I said earlier."

the orc that I'm fighting next comes up to me and

says menacingly.

"you have no reason to be grinning when you and me are fighting next."

I step up to him, and as I pat his shoulder while I continue grin, I respond.

"save it for the fight big guy."

he replies in Orcish.

"I should probably learn the languages of other races in this world."

after Ulrrek announced the human as the winner of the fight, me and the orc prepare ourselves as we wait for the orc guards to escort us to the fighting stage, the orc grunts angrily and says.

"I hope your ready to live without teeth for the rest of your life."

I then respond with malice.

"don't blame me if I end up humiliating you, in front of your kind."

I pause and stare daggers into his eyes, as I say.

"they will never let you live it down, that you lost a physical fight against a weak human."

he mutters angrily to himself in Orcish, and then a few minutes later Ulrrek orders two orc guards to escort us to the fighting stage, we walk out the room and make our way through a hallway and then down a long corridor that leads us into fighting stage of the arena, I look around completely amazed on how big the venue is, I then scan the audience and find Felnor and Aktosh sitting next to one another, I then shift my focus on my opponent, and say to myself.

"alright Collin, don't let anything else distract you and just pay attention to what needs to be done."

"let the match begin!"

as the orc cracks his neck and knuckles, he approaches me slowly, but I show him no signs of fear, and I think to myself.

"I should let him throw the first punch, and gauge how strong he really is, before I beat him down."

he then halts and as he points at me, he asks with angry tone.

"I'm giving you one last chance to give up and forfeit, so what say you human?"

I keep a stoic expression and respond.

"enough talk, let's just settle this nonsense with with our fists."

he replies.

"don't say that I didn't give you enough chances to give up."

"damn he's really annoying, I had planned on trying to get a quick win on this guy, but since he's trying everything in his power to annoy and anger me, now all I want to do, is beat the shit out of him."

I stand ready, anticipating with how he's going to strike, and without wasting any time he takes a swing with his right side going for what seems like a Haymaker, I block it my and land a quick counter punch that sends him staggering backwards, he gets taken aback that I was able to not only block a punch, but to quickly respond with a strike of my own, I then shout at him.

"come on big guy, we barely started!"

after hearing me say that, he shakes it off and growls in anger as he charges at me, but instead of of trying to punch me, he tries to tackle me, and I just step to the side, making him falling flat as he completely misses me, I then think to myself.

"this orc has no formal physical combat training, he is just relying on his raw power."

he picks himself up and then shouts angrily.

"I've had enough of this you damn human, you won't dare embarrass me like that again!"

he then repeats the same attack, but I also do the same thing and make him miss again, as he starts to pick himself up again, I approach him and say.

"honestly, with all the trash talk you've been doing, I was half expecting you to at least be somewhat challenging, but I guess I was wrong."

"shut it, you're just getting lucky!"

he stands up straight and gets ready for another assault, I then sigh and think to myself.

"I guess there's no point in wasting any more time with this guy, sure he pissed me off, but I should really finish this so I can go up against the other human."

he throws another powerful punch at me, and I react by parrying his right arm, leaving the whole right side exposed, I quickly exploit this opening and unleash a massive combination of punches, that leaves him laying on the floor groaning in pain and right before I kick him in the face, he manages to ask.

"your not human are you?"

I answer.

"who knows?"

as I say that my kick makes contact to his face, knocking him out cold and with blood pouring out his mouth and nose, I then look at the crowd, and I just see them all cheering, as Ulrrek excitedly announces.

"and the winner is prisoner number seven, zero, two, nine, seven!"

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