Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 81 - Collin Vs. Daurl

We continue to follow the orc guards, until we finally arrive at the fighting stage, with the sound of the inmates cheering and whistling, seemingly enjoying this tournament so far, I then think to myself.

"since Daurl was born with the Hero's Blessing he's already at an advantage being physically stronger than normal humans."

I pause for a moment and as we are placed at the opposite sides of the fighting stage, I continue with my thought process.

"even though I got a physical boost because of the werewolf's blood, he can probably beat me quickly if I go at him carelessly."

me and Daurl ready ourselves into fighting positions and then I continue thinking to myself.

"I need to be careful when I engage him, since I can't rely on my silver eyes, and I'd like to avoid using wolf's rage due to physical backlash it causes."

Ulrrek then shouts through the public announcement system.

"ready, fight!"

Daurl doesn't waste any time in rushing me and throwing a few a quick punches, in which I successfully block, he chuckles and says.

"well then Collin it look like you weren't lying when you said about being born with the Hero's Blessing."

he continues to throw jabs with both hands, already forcing me be very defensive, he notices this and says in a mocking tone, while still trying to land a good hit.

"what happened your big talk earlier, at least this confirms, that you're trash."

I respond.

"if I was really trash like you say I am, then you would've finished this fight earlier."

I then think to myself.

"I need to be patient with this fight, because if I tried going all out on the start of the match, going blow for blow with him, then he would've beaten me."

Daurl then switches up his attacks and starts trying to hit me with kicks, and I think to myself.

"it's good thing that my senses has gotten a lot sharper throughout every fight I've been in the past."

"relax Collin, if you try anything rash he'll quickly turn the tables on you."

I take a deep breathe and I ask him in a mocking manner.

"is that all you've got?"

he stands up while holding the side of his face and he responds.

"for all the barking you do, it seems like you actually have the stopping power to back it up."

he grins and then says.

"but if you think this is all I've got, then you've got me figured wrong."

I make sure that he sees me roll my eyes, and it seemed to make him visibly angry, and I reply while yawning.

"unfortunately I can't say the same about you Daurl."

"that's it no more playing around, you're going to get it now."

I then think to myself.

"this is good, if I can continue to get him angry, it will cause him to make more mistakes, that I can take advantage of."

he rushes me once again, and we end up repeating the same process as before, but this time his sloppiness is a lot more prominent, in which I deflect a jab that leaves an opening to his stomach, to where I land a powerful punch that causes him to fall on his knees while clenching his gut in pain, and as I try to land a finishing blow, he holds out his hand, blocking it, and then quickly using his hand to get a tight grip onto mine, and I think to myself.

"shit this is bad."

I try to break free from his grip but, he overpowers my strength and quickly pulls me to him and he lands a headbutt that causes me to fall to the ground, Daurl laughs while groaning in pain and then he says.

"you were being annoying with all your blocking and dodging, but now I finally got you."

I then think to myself while feeling a bit woozy.

"damn it I wasn't careful enough, he only landed one hit on me and I'm already on the verge of getting defeated."

"iz dat all ya got?"

he answers chuckling.

"give it up already, you can barely stand, but look at me, even though I'm in pain, I can still stand and keep fighting."

I think to myself.

"he's right, I'm pretty much defenseless here, and even if I try to block or dodge him, I don't think I can do it like how I did it earlier."

I put my hands up preparing myself for his upcoming attacks, Daurl rushes me and with no effort on his part, he lands a couple of strong punches to my head and body, that makes me collapse to the floor on my back groaning in pain,

he walks up to my unmoving body, and as he looks down to me, he says.

"like I said earlier, trash will always be trash."

I then think to myself.

"not yet Collin, you still something in your arsenal."

as Daurl lifts his foot to stomp on my head, I chant to myself.

"wolf's rage."

my body temperature rises and every muscle begins to bulge and tense up, which causes whatever pain that I am in, I then block his foot from stomping me and the sound of bones cracking rings in my ear, as I crush his foot like a twig, he falls to the ground screaming in agony, and then I lift him up off of the ground with one hand, and I punch him with my other hand, sending him crashing through the glass window where the other participants are at, which causes the crowd to grow silent, and as Ulrrek

ecstatically announces me the winner, I think to myself.

"shit I think I over did it."

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