Colossus Hunter

Chapter 239


“Guarlin. Can we come back alive? ”


The Black Dragon Marriage. Among the long dragons, the most known iron-free marriage asked Guhwarin.
Guhwarin nodded, looking at his sword.


“I have to go back. By all means. ”


“Gathering all the monsters on Mt. Nachal will not be half the gathering here.”


“So don’t you have confidence? The name Sword Dragon is a waste. ”


“What? Are you confident then? ”


Guarin said frankly.
Are you confident?
Look around. No monster is weaker than themselves. However, such monsters flock like Hale.
The honeymoon frowned.


“Are you fighting?”


“No. I think it’s insecure. Look at the legend. The only thing we haven’t been scared of in the real sense of our dragons I fight most well because I’m not scared. ”


The eyes of the snowman were fixed only in one place.
Little child. The girl with the dragon’s tail. Did you say Igner?
No humanoid dragons ever existed.


“Cute …”


I’m ready to drool.
Dark Dragon Snowfall. She is the flower of the battlefield. The most outstanding of all the dragons. Well, Igneill entered the battlefield, but it was just a hurry.
Only Yulsu did this.
The rest of the dragons are just fighting to fight.
As Yolk approached Ignil, Igne quickly hid behind Lyra’s back. Lyra stared at him, but the tongue sucked fingers as if it were unfortunate.


“Because he’s so cute and cute. In many ways the face is a pity. ”


“Then I’m not wasteful?”


“Guarlin. You are pretty, but if Yu-sul is a graceful beauty like white porcelain, then you are like a wild horse. ”


“What’s the wild horse that thorns out? Isn’t it praise? ”


“I don’t know what I’m talking about, so think about it.”


Guwha-rin, staring at her, shook her head as if she had no idea what she was talking about.
That means that you are feeling the pressure of the situation.
Lyra Diablo. She brought Oryong here.
For some reason, there was a jinjin method inscribed with familiar letters.
With the sound of the earth ringing, he appeared.
Uriel Diablo!
Daemon is the rod and came with them the strongest.
He opened his mouth as soon as he appeared.


“This jin is called“ Absorbation Law ”.


“Supplemental Law…”


Everyone talked and was astonished.
Absorption Law!
Is it a cursed truth? Prohibited facts, but many yacha know the name.
How Uriel Diablo knows it gradually, and this notation was forcibly plundering the opponent’s chakra.
And a robbed opponent dies.
It is also very terrible. There is a saying that all blood and flesh dries out and dies, and that the death of howling in pain until death.
No way?


“I’m going to try to use this notation from now on.”


Uriel Diablo was sentenced to death.
”41. The Qualification of the King (5)” End
ⓒ Onhu


”41. Qualification of the King”
The Absorption Supreme Law. It is a terrible technique to extort the opponent’s magic and vitality. Therefore, it is very rare for them to learn, and this technique, which is banned in public, resembles a black seal.


‘The raid of the Great Maw and the appearance of Doom ruined the nagagak, but this book remained.’


Originally, there was a separate library that was allowed to be seen only when it was the Daera Line. But even the library was destroyed because of Devilfish and Doom, and they moved to the dungeon with only a fine book .. One of them was the absorption method.
The reason why I view Absorption Law as the ‘key’ between Oryong and I was simple.


Tug-of-war with each other hanging on each other. If you’re in extreme conditions, you’ll be able to unravel one or two hidden tricks. Thought to take time slowly, but did not have time.


‘War may be resumed again.’


A little clue should be released. That’s why it’s hard.
Wolcheon said. The material that Oryong entered to be born is ‘Dragon’. It was a dozen or so scales I could not imagine.
Wake it up.
But if no one wakes up, they will all die.
That was quite a bit of damage to me. Now, even if I use the absorption method, there is no increase in stats. It is merely a catalyst to arouse them.


Kuah aang!
Jean shook as he poured in magic. This is the middle of the battlefield. As a Daemon Lord, I could not get out of this ‘cursed temple’. Because of the need for hog.
The triggering of the base may cause some daemon rods to care. In the worst case, Doom could have noticed me as a dragon.
But it should. Quickly, at least one force had to be woken up.


‘When the dragon wakes up, I become strong too’


Exactly Wolcheon, the secret hidden by the sword will bloom.
I needed it. As Wolcheon died, it was time to tear off the gift he left me.
Sorry to Oryong, they had no veto power. If they do not wake up anyway, the future of the car is obvious.


“If you don’t want to die, get out. I will never see you. ”


It is contraindicated to open your mouth during the law. Because the horse may be twisted. But I was a specialist on horsepower adjustments.
Rather, they were concentrating with cold sweats.
They know it. This is my trial and opportunity.
Thump! Kurung! Kurleung!
Vitality and vitality collide with magical power.
Five powers could not afford me. There is no subject in base law. Thus, a strong player wins a simple structure.
And the power of Oryong was slowly being drawn to me.


The first thing that vomits blood is a marriage. Sword Dragon Feast. I had bumped into him at the smith’s forge once. Lack of patience seemed to be greatly influenced by cognitive methods.
I shook my head.


Red Dragon Guhwarin, Dark Dragon Sulfur, Muryong Whitening, and Jamryong Zhuram.
They took a deep breath and tried hard to keep the magic in their bodies. But everything starts with emptying.
Let’s increase the density of horsepower.


“Ohhhh …”


Muryong whitening face is getting tired. As the aspen tree fell, all pores began pouring blood out of the pores.
Is horsepower weak? no. Rather, the best horsepower was high.
The high and low horsepower was irrelevant.
Commitment to life. And there must be a sense of struggle.
The remaining three. At least there is a possibility of falling apart.


‘I don’t want much. Only one, only one awakening. ‘


But the remaining three faces were not very good either. There was nothing strange about dying right away. If someone touches it, it will fall.


“I can’t … Yeah! ”


Meanwhile, Zuryong Zhugaram declared his renunciation. Suddenly pulled out with a dagger stabbed in the thigh and waking up from the truth.
indeed. Judgment was good. If you continue like this, your life may be really dangerous. Zhu Garram was totally out of line and immediately fell.
The obsession with life was acceptable.
But it was a shame. In the end, Zhu Garram lacked a sense of struggle.
Two are left.


‘Is it wrong?’


Gujarin and snow. Only the girl yacha left.
Maybe both may fail. No, the probability of failure was overwhelmingly high. The pressure that the five were under is only two people.


‘Failed or ···’


My heart was kicked.
I got a clue and got it right, but it seemed premature.
Maybe it’s my greed. They are not ready.
I tried to lift the base. I think it will only increase dog death.
At that moment, Guh Hwa Lin and Ryu Sul bite at the same time.
The movement of horsepower has changed.
At the same time aimed at me, they were fighting.


‘It’s a great greed.’


He was absurd. It’s clear that I’m going to die, but in the meantime, Gu Hwa-lin and Yul-sul have begun to collide.
The reason for this is unknown, but it was possible to shine brighter.
I wanted to watch this situation for a while.


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