Colossus Hunter

Chapter 315


The auction lasted several days.
It was designed to form a strategy with a middle rest term.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd auctions ended and almost all auctions ended.
I shrugged lightly.


‘I think I’ve stopped as much as possible.’


Nearly 11 million points were spent, but no regrets were made.
I bought a total of eight. It seemed to use a little over one million points in average.
Over time, as the auction proceeded, Doom’s expression rose red. It was a rare sight not to pay.


“····· The contact of the chase was lost? Are you saying that now? ”


Doom was talking seriously with some of the factions’ rods.
I don’t know what the story is, but it seems to be a very profound problem.


“The final auction is ahead. And before that, please count our position to disclose the winners. ”


Last auction.
Before that began, the dark people had said to disclose the results.
The secret auction is over and only one last public auction is left.
And something like a giant billboard came down from the air and began to reveal the name of the object, the winner, and the points used.
1) Uriel Diablo. 8,800,000pt used.
-Valborg’s Tooth, Seven Deadly Sins Sloth, Gradia, The Blessed Bible, First Footprint, Seven Deadly Sins, and Seven Deadly Sins Lust.
2) Doom. 4,300,000pt used.
-Three Moons, Ebon Walls, Shields of the Murderer, Bowls of Divinity, and Hell-Cutters.
3) Andalton Brusiel. 2,700,000pt use-7th sin pride, 7th sin period, 3 pieces of sin.


“8.8 million points …”


“Isn’t it wrong?”


The daemon rods opened their eyes to see the name and number written first.
And most of all, Doom was the fist swell.


“Your … Uriel Diablo!”


”48. Confrontation (5)” End
ⓒ After
”48. Confrontation (完)
To rank with overwhelming points, there was no one who would follow me.
Eight million points are still used and over two million points remain.
I don’t know what the last auction item was, but I decided to leave this point for some reason.


‘Dum. And Andalton Brusiel. ‘


Each of the winning bids makes their purpose clear. Andalton Brusiel was gathering with me the Seven Deadly Sins. It’s good, but I missed two of them.
and Doom. He was usually the winner of “anti-horsepower” or items intended to tear enchantment. I’ve disturbed some things, but not all of them.
But … I had to think about what was behind this.


‘Both are likely to aim at me.’


Overwhelming point. In simple terms, it’s just that. I don’t have the power to overwhelm them. The damage can be done but will not win.
So it’s better to use the remaining points to prepare for future situations. To increase power or to erase my loopholes.
There is no answer if the two corps moves and aims at me.
I was now walking on a tightrope.
-Doom’s Legion is not moving.
The bracelet, which was remodeled to receive communication over long distances using magic, ringed, and Lyra’s voice was heard in her head.
Andalton Brusiel and Doom. I was watching Doom among them.


Doom’s Legion was supposed to move. And if I moved, I thought I would aim for me. The dark gapallo and I did not completely erase the traces of my contact.
In addition to that, I’m interrupting his auction, I could move to erase me.
There were many reasons.
I was actually ready to gather and move at any time.
But it doesn’t move.


Do you comb your hair?
Doom. Do you care about the checks of traitors and other lords who betrayed themselves?
I thought you’d press with minimal gestures.


“Let’s move on to the last auction. In the end, we spent a lot of effort to become an auction worthy of the name. ”


The host said.
Soon, the dark men carefully picked up a bright black bead surrounded by the torso.


“It is“ original sin. ”


“The play is this far.”


At that moment, Doom said.
Around Doom, huge spheres of magic began to gather in shape.
All the dark people, including the host, were embarrassed. Beep profit! A lot of dark people surrounded the sound with sound.
Huge barriers were erected and quickly covered the entire Dark Society. It was a control device designed to punish those who broke the “rule.”
No matter how great the daemon, you can’t get out of here if you break the rules. This is the home of the dark people. It’s a place where everything is equipped and prepared.
Soon, a moderator who regained his rating opened his mouth.


“Now, are you thinking of breaking the rules?”


“Why should I fit in the rules you have made? I call you dark, but I know your identity. Insects are nothing more than borrowing God’s cause to do false work in a false image. ”


What are you talking about?
I paused and looked at Doom.
Already all other rods were poised to attack Doom against Doom.
No matter how great Doom and his faction might be, the actions of Doom now were suicide if the dark men and the rest of the Lord joined forces.


‘You won’t miss this opportunity.’


The other rods all have the same idea. Doom was about to self-destruct. If you remove Doom, you won’t know that you will have a chance again.
The question was, why did Doom suddenly do that?


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Lord Doom. Do not do anything that you regret. ”


“Shut up. Bug-like humans. Your stinking disturbs my nose. ”


What are you talking about?
The dark man is human?


“You are imaginary. Humans that existed but did not exist. Errors that occur when someone twists spacetime. There is only one reason why you collect points. Isn’t it for being “again” again? ”


Imagination occurs when someone twists spacetime. Doom defined the dark as so.
Wait. Wait a minute.
I felt like I was hit hard by the back of the head. It also seemed to be right.
So to speak, I say regression is the cause. As I return to the past, the future that originally existed disappears and those who exist only there become “imaginary numbers”.
I thought.
When I come back, what happens to the children born in the future or those who would have lived in the future.


“So you are sinners. It is because you have set your hometown as the final battlefield to “exist.” That’s because you have to disappear all there. Extremely selfish, so ugly. Seeds suitable for the abyss mean you. The poor and ugly lumps inside him. ”


Ruin was created around Doom.
Crazy magic eating space, swallowing, and ruining everything.
The host, including the host, did not answer. Neither positive nor negative.
But everyone knows that silence is like affirmation.


‘Are you sure?’


Is it because of me that the dark man was created?
It’s a side effect of Min-sik’s return.
I do not know the abyss of the past.
Before I died, before I came back, the abyss was the unknown space itself.
Was there a dark man here, whether there was an auction, I do not know.


I thought it was strange.
It doesn’t make sense that Uriel Diablo wasn’t able to make use of “deep eye” even though he was a synonym for stupidity.
I was so cautious that I justified it, but Uriel Diablo was literally a beggar when he arrived on Earth.
So 499 heroes were able to fall and kill.


‘The dark man. The Dark Club is a by-product of my return. ‘


Doom’s words are true.
Since Min-Sik and I have returned to the past, the “extra” and “needed” futures were brought here and became “dark people”.
but. But isn’t Earth the same as the “last battle”?


“If there were no dark men, would the last battle have not been“ Earth ”or Doom?”


I can not stand wondering.
And this was a homework to be solved.
Uriel Diablo. He clearly fell to earth. Republic of Korea. To my country.
Doom looked grinning.


“Yes. In order for those debris to exist, you have to get rid of all the reals in order to be real, not fake. ‘


Suddenly, Minsik’s “dream” story came to mind.
Everything was destroyed and everything was said to be because of you.
By the way, what is Uriel Diablo? Why did he fall to Korea?


“Originally,“ Earth ”was only a perimeter. It was a good place for fugitives. But those debris intervened and upgraded to “The Last Battle.” A place for the Great Star to awaken! Dare to pour cold water on our sacred war. ”


Runaway. Are you a fugitive?
Damn it, my head hurts so much. But if Doom was true, my original sin could have been my original sin.
It wasn’t my heart that came back, but I’m coming back with Min Sik, and I can’t be free from that responsibility either.
Doom’s power ate the entire space.


“Dare! Are you going to control our wars? I will not play on your plates. I will destroy everything and become a complete bowl. ”


“You will regret it. Doom. ”


The host was cold.
But Doom laughed.


“Hresbelg. The eagle does nothing to you. Gradually you are getting weaker. Are you even trying to sell your original sin? ”


Quaa Aaang!
Doom’s power hit the host.
The dark people hurriedly blocked it, but it was not enough to prevent all the “destruction.”
Others were also urged to defend themselves, not attempting to defend the host.
Ting. Tangier.
Then, as the dark people around the host melted away, the black marbles they held rolled over the floor.


“With this original sin and the things I have, I can’t take the Great Star right away, but I can move it.”


“Road Doom! It’s too late to regret it now! ”


“You don’t need a scarecrow that can’t even exist without the magic of the Great Star.”


[Your bid has been sent.]


[Balborg’s Tooth, Seven Deadly Sins Sloth, Gradia, Blessed Bible, First Footprint, Seven Deadly Sins, and Seven Deadly Sins Lust.]


They were placed before me.
As if suddenly created in a place without anything.
The eyes of the presenter who saw the scene were rounded.


“Uh, how? Doing work that requires more than a “peacock.” ”


“Man is idle, and he desires more than necessary. No, should I say “greedy”?


“But you can’t break the rules in this! The inherent authority of the winning bid or the outflow of the unsuccessful bidder is impossible! ”


“That’s the story when the Dark Chambers existed!”


It was meant to buy the peacock.
Doom’s factions continued to stretch forward.
Did you realize that it was disadvantaged to stay here for a long time?
I also increased horsepower. All the rods did. It was the first time to “rule” to protect one’s own.
But Doom wasn’t interested in us from the start.
The only focus was on getting out of here.


Doom knows where to go.
The tower with the great star sealed! And turned his face, Andalton Brusiel was looking at me.


Since he had once joined forces, the coordination of opinions was quick.
Both nodded and quickly ran behind Doom.


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