Chapter 141 You are like my Chief!!

“Wow, I just said how I heard a loud noise in my dream last night, and it turned out that there was really a place to explode.”

Yunge watched the TV news in amazement.

“Last night’s five-star hotel was hit by a terrorist attack, the building was directly bombed into ruins, hundreds of people died”, he grabbed the fisherman’s toast, watched the news occupying various channels, and wanted to know the details.

Last night, it seems that some good people recorded the video of the scene, but it was quickly forcibly deleted, but what does this have to do with Yunge, [Confession Rank] suspended in the palm of his hand, and the whole picture of last night’s incident appeared as soon as his mind moved.

“It’s a really spectacular scene, oh, the building suddenly turned into ruins, but it’s a pity that so many people inside have time, rather than wasting it like this, it is better to give it to me to use effectively.”

“Huh? Crazy Three Do you know anything? ”

“Yes, because I happened to be there at the end of the scene, and if I had been quicker, I might have been able to stop this tragedy, which is a pity.”

The elven maiden sitting on the other side of the table shook her head regretfully, and if her ability had appeared in time, she would have been able to prevent the tragedy from happening.

But it is a pity that even in “Carved Seat”, he reverses his life that has lost his law.

“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault that you didn’t save people, besides, we’re elves, we are treated as disasters by those stupid adults, there’s no need to be good people, aren’t we?”

Yun Ge waved her hand and said, and then put an early breakfast in front of Crazy Three, of course, she was not the body, but the doppelgänger who shared a good night with the teenager last night.

Ying had already gone to school, and originally Yunge was also planning to go, but when she was about to go out, she received a message from the fourth palace Huiye, saying that she had approved a week’s vacation with the permission of the student president to let him rest at home.

Yunge only felt that he had opened the door to a new world, and it was really cool to pretend to be sick and take a vacation!


“Cough ~ see it and save it, nothing special, it is better to say that if I watch such a cute little Lolita being hit by a truck, I will have nightmares at night, so this is for myself.” 」

“Yes yes yes ~ just do it.”

Crazy San smiled, although he said that he was not a good person, but he was gentler than anything, this is what he liked——— of course, occasionally he is more ferocious than anyone.

But this is also his charm, black and white, good and evil, that freewheeling attitude of life, it is simply impossible to take your eyes off it.

“In short, crazy three, don’t you care, just watch a grand firework, well, I really want to see it at the scene.”

Yun Ge licked his lips after eating the fisherman’s toast, and couldn’t help but feel some regret, if he had known that there was such a grand event last night, then he would not have gone to bed early but went to join in the fun.

After he finished his breakfast, Crazy San helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and by the way, he also cleaned the health of the villa, saying that he wanted to try to play the next virtuous wife.

Yunge praised this.

“Then I’m going to patrol around next, do you have any reservations for Yunge students next?”

“Yes, on points!”

Yunge stretched out his waist and said that he planned to be lazy all day today, go to the top, take a nap, read a book, and wait for Erlitor to come over in the afternoon to continue the horse character.

What a full and comfortable life, today there is no silver that drag oil bottle, I absolutely want to be the king!

“Give, three, that’s the list.”

“Okay, I took it.”

Yunge handed a piece of paper to the third person with the names and addresses of several people written on it.

The so-called patrol of the crazy three-point body is to clean up the bad guys around them, with the high crime rate of Sakura Province, even she can’t solve all the bad guys, the number of criminals in the city is like the traitors undercover of the Black Organization, how to kill can’t be killed.

There was no big fuss by many secret organizations, although last night’s did not seem to be suppressed.

The paper just now was the address of all the evildoers within a radius of Gemini’s home, within a radius of fifteen hundred meters, and then the mad three doppelgängers would visit one by one.

After all, the existence of bad people, if you do not clean up from time to time, it will be like a computer’s junk files, the more accumulated, once the number will affect the boot efficiency, so Yunge decided to at least make his own home nearby, to create a pure land in this cherry blossom province!

“Then Yunge classmate, I will say goodbye first.”

“Oh, patrol to refuel.”


After the girls left, the home suddenly became quiet, Yunge squinted his eyes and only felt that he had not been so quiet for a long time, and suddenly he did not want to go to the point, he felt that he was still on the sofa in a daze and did nothing, and he did not lose a beautiful thing

But suddenly it was just at this moment.


Not long after the doppelgangers left, there was a sudden knock outside the door, and Yunge raised an eyebrow and walked over.

“Eh? Violet? ”

When I opened the door, I was surprised to find that it was a beautiful doll girl, and her current state was really something, her light blond hair was scattered, her brown gloves were worn, revealing the metal fingers inside, and her clothes were also torn and dusty.

It’s almost like a doll that is thrown on the ground and let the wheels run over, and it makes people subconsciously feel pitiful to look at.

“What happened to Violet?”

Yunge asked with concern, and the puppet girl with her head bowed did not answer immediately, but raised her hand in self-reproach and guilt, spreading out the palm of the machine, eleven that was the celery of the U disk.

“I’m very sorry Lord Yunge, the manuscript that I recorded so hard yesterday was damaged by me, wasting your time for a day, and I will make corresponding compensation for this matter.”

Violet said and bowed to him.

She searched for a long, long time last night, and finally found the location of the V room in the ruins, and then dug by hand for a long time to find her luggage.

The contents of the suitcase were safe, but Violet reread the story with a USB flash drive before the terrorists invaded, and then under the double damage of explosion and collapse, the U disk was unfortunately shattered by the ceiling, and the zircon earrings were destroyed, which was the saddest thing for Violet, and the important gift she received from the commander was damaged.

“Wait, did you say you were in the hotel that was attacked by terrorists last night?!”

“Yes, I’m very sorry for not being able to protect the manuscript.”

“This little thing is all right, I read the news and said that many people are dead, Willit, you should be injured!”

Yun Ge asked with concern, compared with the girl’s life, the mere 30,000-word manuscript is insignificant, just like Liuli, although beautiful, is not as precious as gold.


Seeing that the teenager did not care about his story, but worried about his own safety, Violet was also stunned, she looked down at herself and found that she was very embarrassed, although her agility was enough to make the terrorists unable to hit, but her clothes were beautiful doll costumes, light skirts, and now there are broken members everywhere she goes.

“Although it is not a state of everything, I think it should not hinder the afternoon work schedule.”

“Stupid, now is not the time to say this! Don’t really think of yourself as a tool, you’re a living person. ”

Yunge held her forehead wordlessly, and the three unrelated girls were so worrying, they were used to looking at things objectively and always being too calm, but they would ignore themselves.

“Hurry into the house, other things will be said later, in short, first change your clothes and rest well.”

“How stunned?”

However, like a mechanical doll with stuck gears, Violet stood in the doorway in a daze, her blue eyes wide and looking at Yunge and murmuring.

“Just now, the commander said the same thing to me, saying that I am not a tool, that I am a person.”

“I don’t know your chief.”

“Yes, very… I’m sorry, but Lord Yunge, you really look like you, you’re like my chief. ”

The automatic handwritten doll suddenly blurred her vision, and she wiped her eyes with her sleeve in doubt, and found that some reason water droplets came out of her eyes.

Yunge scratched her head and was silent for a while, then raised her hand to touch Violet’s head, which was the only comfort she could do, if she needed it, Yunge didn’t mind lending her shoulder to Violet to cry, but she was very strong and could wipe the tears herself.

“Go ahead and I’ll make you something to eat.”

Third, ask for tickets, ask for tips…

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