He raised his hand, rubbed his eyelids, and sighed.

Lou Chao looked at him in the rearview mirror, "boss, would you like to go back and have a rest first? Go to the old man again? "


Mrs. welling said that once he found out the track, he would immediately report to the hospital

"Yes! boss!”

Lou Chao raised his eyes again and looked at Zhan Mu's tired eyebrows and eyes in the rearview mirror, and asked, "is that really the wife that Miss Wen saw in the hospital?"

He said.

"But miss Gwen said that she had a good relationship with the doctor named rez. Why didn't she admit it?"

Smell speech, Zhan Mu when the eyes flash a deep light.

"This may be like the relationship between us and Xia Bai. If it is Xia Bai, he will never say anything."

There was a cold smile on the corner of his lips.

Such as the night scene department, the mind is very cautious, how can he find a doctor at will?

This Ritz is absolutely different from night view.

When he said "yezhizhi", his facial expression changed slightly, especially when he said that yezhizhi was my wife.

That's enough to show that rez must have been hiding something.

Although he did not find Yan Yan, he did not get nothing, which was enough to make him very excited.

After all, it's been a month and a half, and he hasn't heard anything about his face. He can only search around aimlessly.

Now at least know, Yan Yan is in this country, she came to this hospital.

"Yan Yan is not expected to appear in the hospital recently. The main reason is that after a month, she will definitely come for a medical examination. Even if the Department of night view is already alert, according to his temperament, he will never change doctors."

After that, he pinched his tired eyebrows and said, "since he can be in Provence, he must have a lot of hands here. He can be completely fearless."

"The lady..."

"Step by step, at least find her first."


In the manor, the living room was in chaos.

"Come on, call Dr. Robert!"

"No, no, no, no, hurry to the hospital, miss, bleeding!" The maid saw, saw the night creaky Beige home pants back gradually seeping bleeding.

"Hold on, miss!"


Night Zhizhi, supported by the maid, struggled to support the floor and sat on the ground with her back on the sofa, one hand stroking her abdomen, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of pain.

Hearing the scream of the maid, she trembled and touched her crotch. Then she saw the bloodstain on her fingers, and her white face lost its color instantly.


Night scene division rigid in place, watching from her body gradually spread out of the blood, ear is full of her pain grunt and several maid screams.

He immediately seems to be crazy, a beat her to hold up to the outside.

"Standby car!"


In the car.

Night creak tears continue to flow down the corner of the eye, the severe colic in the abdomen.

She remembers it clearly.

At the time of the accident in Jingcheng, the doctor said that we must be more careful, and if there are signs of miscarriage, it is very difficult for the child to keep.

"Chamushi." She choked and whispered.

Night scene secretary's face was tense, and the narrow carriage was full of bloody smell. He took a look at her in the rearview mirror, punched her on the steering wheel, clenched his teeth and pressed the accelerator to the bottom.

The Housekeeper on the copilot is calling rez.

"Dr. rez, there's something wrong with my young lady. Please get ready!"


"It's bleeding, but the young lady's consciousness is still clear."


Twenty minutes later.

Ruiz had already been waiting at the door of the hospital. When he saw the night creaking which was taken out of the car by the night view department, his blue eyes shrank heavily and pushed the stretcher car forward.

In front of the operating room door.

"Barry, what's going on? I just came to have an examination yesterday, and everything is fine! "

The night scene division leans on the wall, droops the eye to look at own body's bloodstain, closed the eye, way, "I accidentally pushed her."

Raz was surprised and grabbed him by the collar.

Ritz, who was always a gentleman, got angry at him and growled, "Barry, how can you do that! You know she's pregnant! I have told you before, she had two miscarriage omens, the fetus is very fragile, how can you do this! Ah? "

The night scene Secretary opened his hand and did not speak.

He didn't mean to.

He was also impatient. When he released her, he could not help but nudge herSeeing him like this, rez pointed to him, "if there's anything wrong with my child, I'll hate you forever!"

"I don't understand. Since you hate Zhan mu, you go to him. Why do you put all your anger on Zhizhi and the children? Barry, you'll be sorry! No one in the world is more sincere to you than Zhizhi! "

"You don't understand."

"I don't know what? The first time I saw Zhizhi, she was only 13 years old. It can be said that she grew up with her own eyes. She really treats you as a brother. What about you? Did you treat her as a sister? "


"I don't understand you. Is hatred more important than people?" Ruiz put his hands in his white coat, took a look at the operating room, and calmed down for a moment. "When you get revenge, you'll be left alone. Is that what you want?"


The night scene Secretary drooped his eyes to think about it and opened his mouth, "Cham Mu is expected to wait for the news to arrive soon. Then you will..."

Ruiz abruptly interrupted him, his face flushed with anger, his hand shook violently, and his voice was raised. "Barry, it's still unknown whether it's OK for you to think about Cham Mu now, even in the operating room

The night scene division cool cold glanced at him one eye, "I listen to me finish saying!"


On the other side.

At that time, Zhan Mu had just arrived at his residence and had been on a plane for the whole night. He had never closed his eyes. He was very tired and just went to sleep.

Just after arranging the staff in the hospital for more than an hour, the news came. At the same time, there were also photos. The person who received the photos just went downstairs. After clicking on the photos, he slipped and almost slipped down.

His face changed in an instant. He stabilized himself and ran upstairs.

Two minutes later, the man didn't button well. He rushed out with his long legs, and his whole body was filled with the smell of swallowing everything.

Forty minutes later.

The door of rez's office was kicked open. The door bounced against the wall. The loose leaves were torn from the door and hung on the doorframe.

As soon as rez looked up, the black muzzle of the gun was dead against his temple.

The man's face was gloomy and cold, and his deep eyes were full of violence, "man that!"


"I asked you that!" he said

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