Her face froze.

"You don't have to worry about children. My people are everywhere in the hospital, and there are arrangements outside the neonatal monitoring room. The child's safety is certainly no problem." After a pause at night, he added, "since you have made up your mind, don't let other things interfere with your decision."

After half a ring, she nodded, "I see."

Smell speech, night scene division nods, restart car.

She held her hand tightly, and after a while, her eyes were still red.

After returning to the manor, she went straight upstairs and never went down again until evening.

Unconsciously, a week has passed.

She tied up her fake stomach and went for a walk in the yard with Linda.

She's been going crazy for a week.

Open eyes and close eyes are all children, last night was sleeping, suddenly heard the child crying, she suddenly woke up, only to find it was a dream.

It's been a week since I saw Timo last time. She wanted to go to the hospital to see her son many times, and finally she resisted.

She begged rez to take some pictures of Timothy for her, even one of them was rejected. She knew that this must be what brother meant.

Seeing her dispirited look, Linda asked, "Miss, are you not feeling well?"

"No She shook her head.

This time I came out to play for the backyard, but I didn't expect to touch it.

After more than ten meters, she stopped, and then as nothing happened, she stroked her abdomen with one hand and walked slowly.

I didn't want to say hello to him.

I didn't expect

"Night creaks!"

He called her.

She stopped and turned to look at him.

Linda, who was holding him, tensed up.

The first time I looked at him at such a close distance, I found that this face was really similar to my brother! If he didn't limp and didn't speak, she would really think this was brother.

The night scene secretary is very strange to smile a, the cloudy eye son squints, ask a way, "know who I am?"

She didn't speak.

The man's look at people is like a snake staring at its prey, which makes people uncomfortable.

The night scene division laughed again, and then realized to move down slowly and put it on her abdomen. She scratched a light in her eyes and asked, "is it born soon?"

She lifted her hair, which had been blown to her mouth, and nodded, "well."

"How much longer?"

Smell speech, her eyebrow tiny can't observe a wrinkling.

Since they came to this manor, he has lived here. Besides, there are so many people in the manor that she doesn't believe he doesn't know.

Her eyebrows light, alienated and polite said, "there is still half a month, when I will let my brother inform Mr. night."

"Good." He laughed twice, took a deep look at her high abdomen again, and said meaningfully, "when the baby is born, I will give you a big gift!"

"Thank you, Mr. night."

Finish saying, no longer pay attention to him, she turns slowly, walk slowly.

Looking at her far away figure, the night scene Secretary squints his eyes playfully.

"Oh, it's delicate. Barry keeps his little sister tight enough, but it's a pity that it's cheaper than chamushi."

Good uncle looked at yezhizhi and said with a smile, "young master, when you kill Zhan mu, kill Bai Rui. At that time, yezhizhi is yours. Do what you want to do!"

"Yes, so you must take good care of yezhizhi for me recently! Let me know as soon as there are signs of production! It's about whether we can succeed in the end, and we must not fail! "

"Yes! Young master

When she went out for a distance, she realized that her palms were full of cold sweat.


Linda looked around and called her in a low voice. She was obviously frightened.

"Shh --"

she gives Linda a look, and then they continue to walk forward.

She touched her stomach. Just now she was really worried. If that person was abnormal and had to touch her stomach, she would be exposed.

Ten minutes later, they went back to the front yard.

The night scene division is sitting on the sofa to read the newspaper, looked up at her one eye, "back?"

"Brother." She walked quickly to him and sat down. "I just met night vision."

Smell speech, he turns the action of newspaper a meal, did not flinch fiercely, "what did he say to you?"

At the thought of the man looking at her, she felt a chill in her back. "Nothing. He always looked at my stomach and said he would give me a big gift when I had a baby."

He was silent. After a moment, he said, "don't go out recently. There is still a week to prepare."

Her breath was stagnant, her hands were tightly twisted together, and she did not speak.The night scene secretary seems to have seen through her mind for a long time, and in a serious tone, he warned, "put those ghost thoughts away for me! Has reached this critical point, squeak, you have no way back! Step back, the child is a dead end

Half way through, she said in a stuffy voice, "I know."

Smell speech, night scene Secretary tone slow down, put down the newspaper in his hand, turned his head and looked at her for a moment, "everything has been arranged, and the people on the road have been arranged. The Department of night view has been staring at me closely recently. I can't send you many people."


"Cheep, you have to rely on yourself."

She took a deep breath, looked up again, her eyes were red, and she said hoarsely, "brother, I know."

Go back to your room.

She lay down for a while, then got up and took out all the small clothes and toys she had prepared.

"Ah --"

she sighed, took out the neatly folded small clothes, and then folded them again.

His face was wet with tears.

She wiped a tear with the back of her hand, and then folded it as she cried.

I feel very sad.

What's the difference between her doing this and Fu rujun's leaving her?

At that time, Yu Liangsheng didn't want them. She was ridiculed and bullied by many students and even dropped out of school.

Later, Fu rujun disappeared and everyone pointed to her.

She still remembers how she felt, and because she knew, she didn't want her son to try again.

She didn't know whether, without her, her Timo would be ridiculed or not, and she didn't dare to think that when she grew up, she would complain that she didn't want him and would hate her.

Although it was just some small clothes, she folded it for a whole hour. Finally, she could not help crying on the quilt.

There are two weeks to go before the expected date of delivery and one week to implement the plan.

For the next few days, everything was calm and under their control.

But they never thought that they did not have a problem, but Timo had a problem.

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