Zhan Mu when licking / licking thin lips, black eyes sharp, "no mistakes in the middle?"

"absolutely not as like as two peas, but even the two hairstyles are the same. But the night vision department we know is intact, and the nightscape division is limp."

"Lame?" He said slowly, a moment later, drooping eyelids suddenly raised, thin lips hook a little arc, "I think I know who is the real night scene secretary."



"Well? Why? "

Smell speech, not only is Wen Yihan and mo'an, they look at him, even Gu Zhihuan, who has been coaxing children.

"At the scene of the massacre, I saw a man carrying the young master of Yejia out. At the beginning, the night scene division was injured in his leg. When he was carried and ran away, the ground was dripping with blood."

"No, I'll straighten it out. According to the current situation, the lame man is a real night vision company, but he has put forward a fake night scene department to handle his external affairs, but now they are breaking up?"

Xia Bai also followed the analysis, "a month ago, the night scene division was attacked by a team of men and horses outside, because the fake night scene Secretary covered his wife and sent the children over. The real night scene secretary was so angry that they shot and scattered each other."

"It must be so!" Gu Zhihuan also put in a word. Timo was scared by him suddenly. He opened his eyes and looked at him for a few seconds. Then he burst into tears with his small mouth.

"Oh, wow."

he quickly stood up and whispered, "ah, my little ancestor, I'm sorry, godfather scared you, darling!"

"Give it to me."

Hearing his father's voice, Timothy pinched his little body and stretched out his little hand to embrace him.

Cham when a son will come over, the little guy immediately clever lying on his shoulder, small hands around his neck, crying heart crack lung, small face are crying red.

He walked around the living room with the little guy in his arms.

"I didn't mean to!" Gu Zhihuan slapped himself on the forehead, and was annoyed that he had not been able to do anything. His son held him and was ruined by himself.

I really want to die.

Half an hour later, chamushi came down from the stairs.

"The child?"

he said faintly, "I'm asleep."

Smell speech, Wen with cold a slap in Gu Zhihuan's back brain spoon, "idiot, blame you! We haven't held them yet

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Gu Zhihuan didn't dare to refute, for fear of being beaten up.

"Prepare a wave of journalists tomorrow." When Zhan Mu sits down, lift Mou to Xia Bai to say.

"What are you going to do for a reporter?"

"Wife fishing."

The crowd was stunned.

At 8:30 in the morning, Zhan Mu took his son to the hospital for review.

With the last incident, the reporter automatically left him a certain distance.

Different from the last time, when Zhan Mu was holding his son, the little guy ate a pacifier, tightly clenched his father's shirt, cleverly lying in front of his chest, his big dark eyes blinking and turning over everyone.

The man turned his head and said quietly, "please delete all the photos of my son's face."

Smell speech, everyone quickly delete photos, no one dares to hide.

No one dares to disclose the photos without the consent of the big man. Since they can't log out, they are also in vain.

Reporter a: "Mr. Zhan, can you disclose the name of the young master?"

"The name should be determined after consulting with my wife. I think you will know about the hundred day banquet."

Reporter B: "Mr. Zhan, why has not seen Mrs. Zhan?"

He said with a thin lip and a smile, "my wife has been sick recently. She is afraid of infecting her children. She didn't follow her, but she will attend the 100 day banquet."


In the exam room.

The doctor asked the child about the amount of milk per meal, sleep time and so on, Cham Mu when the answer.

Half an hour later.

The doctor pinched the little guy. "It's very good. The small hand is strong. The grip strength is up to the standard. The height and weight are up to the standard. The vision and hearing are all very good. We haven't found the sequelae of worry for the time being, but we'll have a review again when we wait for five months."

Smell speech, Zhan Mu when worried about the heart of more than a month, finally put down.

After the examination, Zhan Mu took his son to have a preventive injection. The little guy was lying on his father's chest and cried wrongly. He had run half the way home and didn't cry.

Zhan Mu frowned, poked his son's white tender face, looked at his lotus root like small arm, and said with a smile, "you won't be the same as your mother, especially afraid of pain?"

"Wuwu --"

the little guy bit the pacifier in his mouth and cried. When the pacifier fell off, he cried even more.

"All right, don't cry. Daddy will give you a new one."

Cham Mu quickly from the bag in the disinfection box out of the new nipple to him, the other end in his mouth towel clip."Woo Hoo." The little guy is half lying in the safety chair, with a pacifier, big eyes full of tears, kicking on his little feet and stretching his tender little arms to embrace.

He chuckled and grabbed his son's little hand, kissing, with a touch of doting in his voice, "Timothy, this is in the car, daddy can't hold you, go home, daddy hugs you."

"Wuwu --"

"it's no use crying."


Smell speech, the little guy really did not cry, big eyes wrapped in tears to see him, small fingers tightly clenched his index finger did not give up.

Zhan Mu couldn't see his son looking at him like this most. His eyes were just like a little woman.

"Your mother will be back soon."

"Poof -" the little guy spits out the pacifier, grabs his finger and sends it to his mouth.

He laughed and put the pacifier in his mouth. "Is it angry that she hasn't come to see you?"


On the other side.

Since the last time I saw chamushi in the newspaper, Yu Qianyan has developed the habit of reading newspapers every day for a month. After a month of disappointment, she finally saw Zhan Mushi and Timo again.

She was so excited that her hands shaking with the newspaper.

Last time Timo was discharged from hospital, lying in the cradle completely invisible. This time it was different. The color photos with him could see his son's half face, and the little fat hand holding the shirt, with a small nest on the back of his hand, and his little feet were plump.

She stomped her feet excitedly, "much fatter, much fatter!"

I don't know if it's because Zhan Mu is too tall. Timo is so small in his arms.

"I want to have a hug." She bit her lip and itched badly.

It's good if I don't see it. When I see it, I've repressed the strength of the flood for two months, which can be regarded as a complete breach of the levee. I wish I could run to yingyue lake now to have a good look at my son, hug him and kiss him.

She continued to look down.

"Mrs. Zhan is not in good health and will appear at the hundred day banquet."


After that, she said, "why don't you pick me up? The media will talk nonsense

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