She quickly picked up the child. "He drank it."

"I mean, my son hasn't had one since you gave it to me."


She sat down on the sofa with her son in her arms. Just as she was about to pick up her clothes, she suddenly stopped, looked up at him and asked, "Why are you still here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

"I want to feed."

"Well, I won't disturb you."


Her cheek flushed. "You go out!"

Timo some can't wait, crying in her arms, small hands and feet disorderly pedal, crying very fierce.

"Hurry up, my son is hungry."

"Don't you want to be shameless when Cham mu? What are you doing here

"You're my wife. You're going to feed my son. Why can't I be here?"


After a year's absence, Zhan Mu's mouth is still very smooth, saying that Yu Qianyan is speechless.

Finally, she couldn't bear her son to go hungry. She turned her back and began to nurse.

Behind him came a man's quiet voice, "where have I not seen you?"


The man leans on the sofa and looks at

at 4:00 p.m., the 100 day banquet is over.

After all the guests were sent away, the whole family got together.

"Yan Yan, I miss my grandmother. I'm back at last!" The old lady took her hand and cried directly.

"Don't cry, grandma."

She looked up, looked at Zhan hero and whispered, "grandfather."

"Sorry, miss Zhanmu came back and said," I'm sorry, but I'm sorry for her coming back to you. "

Mu Liao looked at her delicate face without a trace of flaws. She took her hand, shook her head and said with a smile, "it's just a little thing. It's just that I didn't expect you to appear in this way. No wonder timoshen looks so good-looking. The real person looks better than the photo."

She smiles a little embarrassed.

After all, it was his own slap that made other girls faint. He slapped himself for no reason. He was not angry and boasted that he was really good tempered. If he left himself, he would go away.

Gu Zhihuan several brothers stand on one side to look at her, still feel some horror.

"Well, have you already arranged it? Do you know that yezhizhi will come today

He shook his head.

"Cut, Zhan Laosan, if you pretend again, I don't believe you will do useless work because of your deep and bottomless city government."

He thin lips micro hook, line of sight falls on the small woman's body, light voice way, "do not believe pull down."


He didn't believe her before she showed up in the bar, but she showed up in the bar and he got the video of her in the bar.

Although the video still can't hear clearly after technical processing, but after her lens zoomed in, he clearly read her lips.

She said she was going to steal the baby.

At ordinary times, she certainly has no chance. The only chance is at Timo's 100 day banquet.

Gu Zhihuan wanted to talk again. He hit a crutch on his shoulder and turned around to see his angry grandfather.

Mr. Gu pointed at him with his crutch and scolded, "get out of here! Don't make a fool of yourself here! I have prepared some blind date for you. If you dare not go to me this time, I will not break your leg

"Grandfather, I don't..."

The old man's eyes glared. He was afraid to speak for a moment

"Lao Gu, how much have you prepared for your grandson?"

"Twenty or thirty girls. I asked people to look for all the famous ladies and ladies in our circle. They are useless."

"Give me some. I'll let my son go on a blind date. He will return to the army in a few days, and he won't find a wife."

"Line, line, line..."

Standing on one side, Gu Zhihuan and Wen Yihan first looked at each other with bitter faces, and then fiercely looked at Zhan mu.

Zhan Mu glanced at them like a smile, then took the night squeak hand, eyebrows gently picked, and slowly said, "I wish you a happy marriage and a baby son early."

"Well, grandfather, I'm going to deliver mushiha."

"Grandma, I'll go too. I'll be back in a minute."

Arrived at the door, the night creaky turned his head and looked at the two men with fierce momentum behind him. He quickly held the child over and said, "give me the child."

Just holding the child in his arms, two people behind him have surrounded Cham mu in the middle.

"All blame you, all blame you!"

"I don't want to go on a blind date. What kind of ladies and ladies, they make people sick one by one."

"Zhan Laosan, you have made us suffer. I will be forced to be a woman. My life will be over. I hate you all my life!""Hate you all your life, let your son give us the old age!"

The three men were in a mess, she sipped her lips, and turned her eyes and saw the Volkswagen Passat, which was not far away.

She held the child silently and leaned over there.

Lesson obviously saw her, and was preparing to fire, and saw a man in front of her.

"Don't make us difficult, madam."

She looked at the man in front of her, and a ferocious scar spread from his head to his hair.

Her eyelashes trembled.

Little six

When she was pregnant for four months, she was at home in a hurry, followed the voice to go shopping, went out to the mall outside snow, she had to go snow, and she was secretly calculated by Zhan qiansen

She remembers how the man of her age was in front of her and was hit and flown by a car.

He was seriously injured at the time, and she remembered that the bones of one hand were all punctured and the flesh was exposed.

At the beginning, I heard Xia Bai say, it will leave behind the sequela.

She was always guilty. She didn't expect to see him. After all, she hurt him like this, and she couldn't do the job of bodyguard.

"How about the hand?"

"Great, white brother said it was a miracle to recover to this."

She nodded and felt less guilty.

She turned her head and saw Zhan Mu looking at her with a bright eye. She sighed and turned around with her child in her eyes.

He was going to hold the child, and was squeaked down by the night, and had to take her shoulder and go to the car. "Let's go."

Until everyone continued to get on and off, Leisen was only gloomy and hit the steering wheel with a heavy blow.

"The night squeak, you fool!"

He was angry. He knew that he could not bring the child out and put her in. He would not let her come even if he broke her leg.

This is good, when Zhan Mu takes home, easy to go, and think out? Ha ha, no way!

On the car.

She had never opened her eyes to see Zhan mu, and she kept her eyes on her son.

Touch the child's little hand, little foot girl, love.

Timothy was reluctant to start crying in the safety chair, and she was a little overwhelmed in the face of her son's crying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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