Yu Qianyan shook off him, suddenly turned his head and glared at him. He said, "Ji Yichen, the love between you and me has been destroyed by your gun. Since you can't control your lower body and choose Yu chuhuan, don't take care of me again!"

"Qianyan, I really regret it!" He hugged her in his arms with a painful voice.

"Go away!"

He even busy way, "Qian Yan, I immediately cancel the engagement banquet with your sister!"

Then she bowed her head and kissed Yu Qianyan. She turned her head unprepared, but she was still rubbed against her cheek. She immediately became angry and kicked him on the leg, wiping her face with disgust.

"Get out of here, psycho!"

With that, he went into the yard without looking back.

Yu Qianyan's foot used strength. His leg was soft and almost knelt down. His face was black and his foot kicked hard on the body.

Mobile phone rings at this time, he took out to have a look, his eyes across a touch of disgust, directly smashed the phone, and then left the car.


"Oh, miss, why do you smoke again! Girls don't smoke, it's bad for your health Lin Bo just came back from the back garden, quickly took out the cigarette between her fingers, and then frowned and sighed.

The eldest daughter of his family was very good when she was a child. She could play the piano, dance, draw and sing. In those years of wandering outside, she learned the bad habits of drinking and smoking!

"Well, Lin Bo, don't sigh. I know I'm wrong."

"It was Ji Jia who came here just now, didn't it? That boy still has the face. Next time I see him, I will beat him out with a shovel As soon as Ji Yichen was mentioned, he was livid.

He cheated, the illegitimate daughter did not say, but also let his eldest daughter become the laughing stock of Jingcheng!

"The Ji family is really not a good thing. When our Fu family was in the middle of the sun, they came to flatter the master every day. Once the Fu family had an accident, they ran faster than anyone else, and they were in a hurry to get rid of the relationship!"

Lin Bo babbled on about his dissatisfaction with the Ji family, and his face was red with anger.

"Lin Bo, don't be angry. Don't say it after all." She quickly patted Lin Bo on the back and comforted him, "this is also a good thing. A man with a fierce heart and a fierce heart should recognize it early. Do you think so?"


Half an hour later, the man came with a mixture of anger.

She did not know, so she jumped to the front of the car and laughed like a flower, "Lord boss, how can you Ah

Yu Qianyan's left hand was pinched by him and pinned on his back. He really used his strength. The whole arm was like breaking, and he was in a cold sweat when he was in pain.

With a little more effort, her wrist must be broken.

"Chamushi!" Her facial features crumpled into a ball, the pain of the air conditioning.

"What a disobedient wench, she just ignored what I said The man's gloomy and terrible voice rings in the ear. The voice is very light and light, but it makes Yu Qianyan's feet cold.

"Zhanmu, you..."

The man didn't speak and didn't give her a chance to speak. He opened the door directly, pushed her in, and then sat in by himself.

Seeing this, Liao Fan quickly raised the baffle around the window, and then got out of the car. He made a warning sign to several guards not far away. He went out 20 or 30 meters to smoke.

A hot face to meet, the results of the cold buttocks.

Yu Qianyan was angry and ran to her head. Even though she knew that Zhan Mu might crack her, she still couldn't hold back and threw her right hand violently.

"Pa --"

the crisp clapping sound was especially loud in the narrow carriage. Even Yu Qianyan was stunned, and her palms were numb. You can imagine how much strength she used.

In contrast, the man's handsome face, a bright red palm imprint on it.

The man's face was gloomy and almost dripped out of the water. His dark eyes were covered with frost, which made people shiver. The whole carriage was filled with extreme sense of oppression, which made people breathless.

Knowing that she had made a big accident, she bit her lower lip tightly, and even the numb hand was shaking with the hand that was almost broken by him.

It's over.

This time it's really over.

She's very aggrieved, OK? Seeing him coming, he came forward with joy to say hello, but the man didn't come to start with her. The hand was still so heavy that her left wrist was still in pain.

"Yu Qianyan, you are really tired of life!" The man jumped out of his teeth word by word, and his black and dangerous eyes locked on her like a prey.

Her back is cold, close to the door, obstinately pursed her small mouth to look at him.

He suddenly raised his hand, that good-looking big hand suddenly grabbed her neck, and the handsome face was constantly enlarged in her trembling eyes, "do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Yu Qianyan's eyes suddenly shrunk, but he couldn't say a word because the man's hands were constantly tightening."What a disobedient little thing. I have told you many times, don't betray me!" Then he sniffed her face and bit her white, round earlobe.

"The front foot promised me not to betray, and the back foot kisses me with her fiance. Yan Yan, how can I punish you?"

so far, Yu Qianyan knew why this man did this.

It's not surprising that he put so many people on her side, and her every move was under the control of this man. Ji Yichen came to see her earlier, and the picture of two people pulling must have been watched by this man.

She immediately said hello to all the 18 generations of Ji Yichen's ancestors. She was even more unjust than Dou E!

"I No Betray you She said, holding her breath.

"Did he hold you?"


"Did he kiss you?" His voice sank a degree.

Yu Qianyan knew that he couldn't hide it, so he nodded, "well."

The man's face immediately changed, full of disgust, thin lips gently opened, spit out two cold words, "really dirty!"

"Cham mu, I No! "

The man sarcastically raised his lips, snorted, and let go of his hand, as if she were something dirty. He took out a square handkerchief and wiped the hand that had just caught her neck.

Seeing him like this, her heart unexpectedly inexplicably sad, she tried to hold back choking, watery big eyes still stubbornly looked at him, "I didn't, I didn't kiss me with him, he took advantage of my not paying attention to hold me, I didn't let him kiss my mouth!"

Cham Mu seems to have not heard one side, turned to get out of the car and slammed on the door.

See him into the driver's seat, she reached out to open the door to get out of the car, but was suddenly locked by the man.

She did not know why, and did not dare to talk to him, had to poor shrink in the seat, fell to the left wrist, where has begun to swell purple, pain is severe.

It's been many years since I've suffered such a heavy grievance. In the past, whether I was a second master or bullied by Yu's family, or was practicing in the devil's Island, I didn't feel so wronged at the moment.

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