He frowned and looked at the cigarette she had thrown into the garbage can and said, "I didn't light it!"

"That's not good. There can't be a little smoke in Rong Ling's ward."

"I'd rather be drunk."


Gu Zhihuan stood up straight, his hands folded into his trouser pockets, his face hung with a yuppie smile, and said, "do you think Laozi is very powerful? Is there a feeling of worshipping Laozi

She nodded honestly, "yes."

The strong, is everyone yearns for.

This sentence please him, Gu Zhihuan picked his eyebrows, put out a hand to pat on her hair top, "really special? Good! I like it very much. "


Rong Ling has not yet woken up, rather micro drunk is not at ease, must look at the side, Gu Zhihuan also does not twist, he went to the next empty hospital bed to lie down and go to sleep.

The next morning.

Gu Zhihuan woke up at eight o'clock. His head was swollen. As soon as he turned his head, he looked at Rong Ling on the opposite hospital bed.

The young boy opposite, with a blue face, looked at him warily and asked, "who are you?"

Gu Zhihuan came down from the bed, stood up, stroked his hair, raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "your sister's boyfriend."

"No way." Rong Ling looked at his sight more alert.

"Why not?"

"My sister doesn't like you."


Is there something wrong with the aesthetics of Ning family? Gu Zhihuan sneered coldly, touched his face and felt a little heartbroken.

He has always been looked down upon by others, twice in a row, are still Ning family people.

Gu Zhihuan akimbo, looked at him from a commanding position, "why?"

"No way."

Men's feelings of men are particularly accurate. Rong Ling can be keenly aware of the temperament of this person, which is only available to the upper level. What's more, his clothes and the watch between his wrists are of great value. At a glance, he is rich.

This man is not simple.

This is Rong Ling's first impression of him.

Smell speech, Gu Zhihuan bent over, "Hey, boy, do not believe you have to believe, your sister, is my."

Rong Ling's face rose red, "No."

He straightened up and tilted his head. "Ask her yourself."

With that, he walked out of the door with his legs open. He didn't take a bath last night. Now he is not feeling well. He has to find a hotel to clean up.

Just out of the door with rather slightly drunk touch together, he frowned, "why to go?"

"To see my mother."

"Have you had breakfast?"

She shook her head.

"Did your mother eat with your brother?"

She nodded.

Gu Zhihuan is angry and happy, this woman is a fool! He grabbed her by the wrist. "Come on, go out to dinner with me."

"No, I have to watch Rong Ling!"

"What a big man is looking at! I'll be back soon! "


Gu Zhihuan drives around and finally finds the hotel where he can see. Fortunately, he has the habit of preparing clothes all the time in the car. He throws the bag to Ning Weijiu, as well as his ID card and card.

He eyebrows a pick, to the front desk gently pick chin, "go, open room for ye."

Ning Wei was drunk

I can't help it. I can't help it. What's more, she is guilty of eating others' food and taking others' food.

Gu Zhihuan's height and long legs, together with his beauty, immediately attracted a few girls at the front desk to look at this side, while Gu Zhihuan turned his head and slightly hooked the corners of his lips at several people.

"Ah, how handsome!"

"That's it! It's the first time I've seen such a handsome guest

Ning Wei drunk rolled a white eye, secretly scolded Gu Zhihuan, "Sao bag."

Then, she cleared her throat and handed over her ID card and card. "Hello, I want to open a room."

"What price would you like?"

"The most expensive."


After opening the room, she took the room card and walked towards him. She heard several front desk girls whispering, "my God, how can such a handsome man find such a woman?"

"That's right. It's really flowers on cow dung."

Ning Wei drunk a stagger almost fell.

I don't know what to say or not to say!

She's rather drunk. Although she's not a great country, she's also on the school flower list of Jing University! How can it not match with cow dung!

Gu Zhihuan, who has been standing as a vase, reached for her hand and lifted her hair from the side of her face to the back of her ear and said gently, "be careful."

From behind came the exclamation, "ah ah ah, how gentle!"

Rather slightly drunk by his shoulder toward the elevator, roaring in the heart, you are all cheated by him! This is a stink - hooligan! Hooligan!

As soon as she opened the door, the man behind her pushed her in, pressed her backhand against the wall, stretched out her long legs, and kicked the door up, and the overwhelming kisses fell on her lips and chin."Oh --"

"shit, I miss you so much!"

As soon as she struggled, her eyes widened, and she heard him continue to say, "body."


"Gu Zhihuan, I'm not in that mood now." She pushed him, pressed his big hand under her clothes and anxiously stopped him.

Gu Zhihuan put her against the wall and sighed, holding it on her waist, saying, "I'd rather be drunk. I've helped you so much. Do you have to thank me?"

"That's for sure."

Feeling his hand in her waist began to move again, she even said, "but not now, I have to go back to the hospital in a moment, OK? I'll take care of you when I go back. "

Hearing this, Gu Zhihuan put the tip of his tongue against the back teeth and his crotch against her, saying, "are you kidding? You. Mom, your brother is like this. How many days can you go back? Ah? "

He was a little annoyed.

In fact, they are more angry with themselves.

He is not a vigorous young man in his twenties, but in the days of Ning Weijiu, he is really infatuated with her, her people, her body, almost touch her body, so he has always felt that he has no weakness and has a sense of crisis.

It was really said by Zhan Laosan.

He nibbled at her earlobe, suggestive, "uncomfortable."


She moved to one side a few centimeters, and then she pulled back, against her body slowly dallying.

"I came to solve the problem for you without dinner last night. I drove for five hours and was exhausted."


"It's half past eight. I haven't had breakfast yet."


Seeing that she didn't move a bit, he was a little annoyed. He rubbed her waist in a punitive way and said, "rather slightly drunk, is your heart made of stone? How about eating and drinking in Jingcheng? Do you have to come in the middle of the night to solve your problem? "

She shrunk her head.

"Without me, you would have been finished last night." He raised his hand and pinched her cheek, and he couldn't help kissing her. "The doctor has said that you. Mom and your brother are all right and need to rest. This is not your reason to escape."

"But, but..."

He deliberately pulled down his face, "no, but I'd rather be drunk. I think you owe Cao some sunshine, and you will be brilliant. Don't you know that you are a dog tail flower?"

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