"So miserable?"

"Yes, you don't know. The man was still sending videos of his son's first exercise in the group. Xiaochi was so small, with a snot on his legs and a tear in his arms. The army ruffian directly followed him with the small bamboo pole. The frightened little guy was crying and running."

Smell speech, rather slightly drunk brain to make up for that picture, shiver for a while.

"It's terrible."


"But that's the son."

Gu Zhihuan turned his head and said to her seriously, "honey, you may not understand what I mean. I mean, if our child is a son, I will also treat him strictly. I am the same as Zhan Laosan in their educational philosophy. You can be paranoid, you can be playful, but you can't be a loser or a waste."


After talking for a long time, the man just wanted to tell her that he might become a lunatic in his mouth in the future?

"All right."

"Don't worry. Being strict has the advantage of being strict, but usually it is very gentle to children. When we should be strict, we should be strict. I won't be soft hearted because I got my child in my middle age. On the contrary, it hurt him."

"I know."


"It's true, of course."

"That's great. Come and kiss my husband."

"No, you have a long beard."

Gu Zhihuan raised his hand to touch his chin and sighed. He thought about shaving his beard when he took a bath at night.

He put down the film in his hand, touched her high stomach, smashed it and smashed her mouth.

"Husband." She put her little hand on his big hand and called him gently.


"I'm six months pregnant."

"I know."

"I asked the doctor." She straightened up on her back, pulled down his neck, and whispered a word in his ear.

Gu Zhihuan's brain exploded with a bang, and his whole body became hot. He took a step back, then turned his head and walked outside the door, leaving a confused and slightly drunk.


Er, er, er, what the hell? How scared away!

As soon as he went down, he didn't see Gu Zhihuan. He asked the old lady at home and said that he didn't see him. She called him and found that his mobile phone had not been taken out on the bed.

"What's the matter?" She frowned.

Dinner point, rather slightly drunk to go out to look for him, he just stepped back, mouth bite a cigarette not lit, long legs broad shoulder, a face Yupi.

"Where have you been?" She went over to frown, her face a little ugly.

He took a look at the busy old lady and said to her quietly, "I'll go out and calm down."


He kisses her lip, murmured, "what you say is too exciting for me. I'm afraid I can't help it."


"You are..."

"Shhh, when we get back to our room in the evening, just the two of us."

Rather slightly drunk face a hot, think of that meeting she said with him.

"You, that's why you went out."


He hugged her to wash his hands. As soon as he entered the bathroom, he slammed the door all over his body. A wall thump pushed her against the wall. He was afraid that it would press her stomach and didn't dare to stick her too tightly.

"Ning Xiaojiu, do you know that you are seducing your man?"

She blinked. "You're my man. You can't be seduced."

"What's that called?"

"Cry - please. Huan." She took a small bite on his chin and watched him shiver and his breathing became heavy.

"Fuck, ningxiaozui, it's not dark, you don't tease me!"

"I don't have one."

She blinked her big eyes, a harmless look of human and animal, watching his teeth itch, really want to do her now.

"Don't get angry. You'd better be drunk."

"What's the matter with you?"

She asked knowingly and raised her hand to touch his hot face, which made her shrink.

"Baby, don't overdo it."

"If you don't want to wash your hands again, you don't dare to wash your hands again. If you don't want to have a meal with his mother again, you don't dare to ask her to wash your hands again. If you don't want to have a meal with her again, you don't dare to ask her to wash your hands

As soon as she wanted to wash her hands, she was carefully pulled back by him and deeply kissed her lips.


"Shh." He took the little hand that pushed his chest in his palm. He kissed her on the lips and said, "keep it down, or mom, they'll all hear me. I'll kiss you and I won't do anything."

With that, he clasped his big palm on the back of her head and kissed her out of breath.

Ning Wei drunk went out first. His face was scarlet. He washed it twice with cold water. Gu Zhihuan was sitting on the toilet with a sad face. His head was raised high."I went out first."


"Do it yourself!" She raised her eyebrows, opened the door and went out first.

On the dining table, several old ladies are in place, Gu's mother looks back, "Zhihuan that?"

"He may have eaten something bad."

"Oh, give him some medicine later."


Five or six minutes later, Gu Zhihuan came out and sat down beside her.

He cleared his throat and said, "let's have dinner."

Gu's mother glanced at him, put some food in his mouth, and said, "we've been serving dinner for five minutes."

He took a look, and sure enough, everyone began to eat.

Rather slightly drunk did not hold back, Chuchi laugh out, face almost buried in the bowl.

Under the table, he touched her leg and then gave her a meaningful look.

Ning Weijiu is not afraid of him now, and he laughs harder.

In the evening, several old ladies were still watching the soap opera. Gu Zhihuan took her back to her bedroom.

"Too early!"

"It's late. Take a rest."

She put her hands on her chest. "Mom, they're still out there!"

"Let's be quiet."

After that, he asked again, "really? Did you really ask the doctor? "


"When did you ask?"

"When you get the test report."


Gu Zhihuan was excited instantly.

She is six months pregnant, he has been afraid of problems, two people have not that what, hold these months of men almost feel that he is about to suffocate disease.

When she really wanted to come, she was still afraid.

"I'm afraid."

He took a breath. "I'm afraid, actually. Forget it. I'm taking it. "

He was about to turn over.

She grabbed his hand and said, "but I asked the doctor and the doctor said it's OK."

He is still hesitating.

"Come on."


The tight string in his mind broke in an instant in the word "come on, come here". After a while, he held up his body and said, "I'll be careful."



He touched her high abdomen, the sweat drop drop by drop on her chin, neck, body.

After all, I still dare not be too presumptuous.

He restrained himself in the whole process and didn't let himself act too hard. When she was convulsed, he immediately pulled out of her body, pulled off her nightgown and put it on. He brought a basin of warm water to the bathroom and scrubbed her carefully.

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