In the end, Ji Lianxing still did not let Jiang Shu take her upstairs, and the two separated in the elevator.

The company has newly opened, there are many things to deal with, Ji Lianxing has been very busy all morning.

It was only when she became the boss that she realized how much time was running out. During this period, Jiang Shu sent her several messages, but she only replied hastily.

After finally making it to noon, Ji Lianxing had not finished the work at hand, and Jiang Shu had already called and said that he had already finished get off work.

"Come and find me in my office."

"Are you bringing food?"

Ji Lianxing hesitated. It seemed like it was a waste of time to go downstairs to eat, so he said, "Bring it here."

She hung up the phone, and there was a knock on the glass door. It was Meng Xiao.

Ji Lianxing put down the phone, raised her head and asked her with a smile, "Is it done?"

"No." Meng Xiao walked up to Ji Lianxing, handed her a USB flash drive, and said, "This is the video and photos they took in the morning, take a look."

Ji Lianxing took the USB flash drive and asked, "What videos and photos?"

"The food introduction taken by the new anchor, you mainly see that her expression is natural and unnatural, and then the photo is the work permit of all employees, you can just look at it. The USB flash drive belongs to Sun Jie, you will copy it and return it later. she."

"Oh~" Ji Lianxing wanted to say that in fact, she didn't need to look at all of this. She was relieved and believed in Meng Xiao's skills, but after hesitating for a while, she still took over the USB flash drive.

After all, it was Meng Xiao who helped, so she had to look at the fruits of her labor.

"Did you have lunch? If you didn't, I asked Jiang Shu to bring one more."

"I ordered takeout with Sun Jie and the others."

"Hmm, that's fine~ Thank you!" Ji Lianxing inserted the USB flash drive into the port, ready to copy videos and pictures.

The corners of Meng Xiao's lips bloomed with a smile, and said, "It's not hard work, I'm not really doing anything. You do it first, and I'll come to you after dinner."


There were a lot of things in Sun Jie's USB flash drive, and it was cluttered. Ji Lianxing clicked several files one after another to find the video, and then she began to look for the file where the photos were placed.

There is one file named "Miscellaneous" and another named "Work".

Ji Lianxing clicked into the "work" file without thinking. As a result, there are still many files in the "work" file, without any directivity. Ji Lianxing's head is a little big, and she can only open nearly a dozen files one by one.

When the fourth file was clicked, many thumbnail photos were lined up side by side. In order to confirm whether it was an employee photo, Ji Lianxing clicked on it, and the computer enlarged the photo.

When he saw the photo, Ji Lianxing's hand trembled while holding the mouse, and then he looked at the two people in the photo carefully, it was Jiang Shu and Sun Jie.

Although Jiang Shu knew about their past, Jiang Shu also confessed, but when he saw the photo, Ji Lianxing's heart was hit hard.

There are many photos, Ji Lianxing only saw one and then exited the file, not even looking at the rest of the pictures.

She unplugged the USB flash drive, leaned on the backrest, and sighed deeply.

She seemed to understand at that moment why Jiang Shu was reluctant to mention the past. Maybe she would be really angry when she saw such a past incident, such as the photos just now.

That kind of anger is not angry with the current Jiang Shu, nor is it angry with the past Jiang Shu. If you really want to get to the bottom of the reason, Ji Lianxing feels that the anger is mixed with regret and jealousy.

Why Jiang Shu did that, and why that person was not him, was similar to this kind of thinking.

After a while, the door was knocked again, and this time it was Jiang Shu who came in with two boxes of bento in her hand.

"Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." Ji Lianxing kicked his feet lightly, the stool withdrew, then stood up and went to pick up the two boxes of lunch in Jiang Shu's hand.

Jiang Shu carefully observed her expression and felt something in just a second or two.

"Why are you unhappy?"

Jiang Shu has always been sensitive to Ji Lianxing's emotions and can always capture her emotions. He has always been accurate on this point, and even Ji Lianxing was surprised how Jiang Shu did it? Obviously she didn't show anything.

"Maybe a little bit." She didn't want to hide her displeasure.

"What's up?"

"Saw the photo."

Jiang Shu didn't realize it was related to him, "What photo?"

"You and Sun Jie's."

The air was suddenly silent, and Jiang Shu was stunned, "Did she show you?"

"No, I accidentally saw it in the U disk." Coincidentally, she saw that folder with so many files in it.

Jiang Shu's mind couldn't come back to his senses, and he really didn't know how to deal with it for a while. She carefully looked at Ji Lianxing's expression to see how angry she was, but she didn't see anything.

"She must have liked you very much before?" Ji Lianxing said this suddenly, and she couldn't tell her emotions from her tone, "Otherwise, the photos would not have been kept for so long."

Sun Jie's smile in the photo just now made Ji Lianxing feel the love, even if the love is one-way.

"She should have been infatuated with me, but I don't think it's too deep." Jiang Shu downplayed it, not feeling how important this relationship is.


"Then... what should I do?" Jiang Shu is still guilty, Sun Jie is not important, but Ji Lianxing is important, and unimportant people make important people sad, this is an important thing.

Ji Lianxing didn't speak. She leaned against the table with one hand on the table, her slender legs folded together at will. She looked at Jiang Shu for a while before saying, "Come here."

Jiang Shu was still unpacking the lunch box and put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Why?"

"Come here." Ji Lianxing hooked his fingers and motioned Jiang Shu to come to her.

The two were actually not far apart, two or three meters apart.

Jiang Shu didn't know what she meant. He just walked in front of Ji Lianxing and wanted to ask her what she was doing. Before she could say the words, she suddenly felt a force on her waist. It was Ji Lianxing who hugged her waist. The next second Ji Lianxing pushed back, Jiang Shu's center of gravity fell back, and when she regained her senses, she was already pressed by Ji Lianxing on the table.

Jiang Shu was taken aback, this woman's tricks are really set.

"Then when she took the photo, did you agree?" Ji Lianxing grabbed Jiang Shu's chin, her tone full of displeasure.

"No, I really want to explain this. I really didn't know when she took the photo. Didn't you see it too? I didn't even look at the camera."

Her explanation was reasonable. In the photo, Jiang Shu did not look at the camera, but only had a profile. Goodbye, she answered so confidently, Ji Lianxing knew it.


"Really, 100 percent true, trust me."

Ji Lianxing didn't let go, her hand tightened a little bit, she pressed down a little, and the two pressed against each other tightly.

"Jiang Shu, you have a lot of love debts."

Jiang Shu's lips curled slightly and said, "Are you jealous?"

"You have so many sisters, and I'm just one of them. Should I be like you, I should find more sisters?"

"No, no, you are the only one from the beginning to the end." It's not good to be stubborn at this time. What can you do when your girlfriend gets angry later, you can't go to my sister.

Ji Lianxing got closer, and her lips almost pressed against Jiang Shu's. "In order to punish you—" She deliberately lengthened her tone and said slowly, "You will be pressed by me this month."

"This month??? A month is too long."

"Okay or not?" Ji Lianxing held Jiang Shu's waist and pinched it rudely.

A little sore and a little itchy.

Jiang Shu observed her closely, stared at her eyelashes, and suddenly laughed out: "Ji Lianxing, I find that sometimes you are really good at rushing ducks to the shelves, even if I agree, you don't see if you can do it yourself. ?"

"You said I can't do it?" Ji Lianxing lifted her knees slightly and touched it somewhere.

"Uh-hey, this is in the office!"

"What's wrong with the office? This is my office, and everyone else has to knock on the door." Ji Lianxing lowered her head, pressed her lips lightly on Jiang Shu's lips, and quickly moved away.

She was accustomed to seduce Jiang Shu like this, and every time she deliberately did not enjoy herself, she let her take the initiative.

And Jiang Shu just couldn't stand this kind of provocation, she raised her head and tried to touch Ji Lianxing's lips, but Ji Lianxing didn't let her touch it, always a little bit.

"Eh? You made me—" Jiang Shu couldn't take it anymore, and stretched out his arms around Ji Lianxing's neck, insisting on sticking to her lips.

Finally posted.

He was used to biting Ji Lianxing's lower lip with appropriate strength, and skillfully pushed out his tongue, and tapped the tip of Ji Lianxing's tongue lightly.

The soft touch, when touched together, is like a flame, burning hot, from the tip of the tongue to the throat, then from the throat to the heart, all the way down, turning into a pool of loving warmth.

Ji Lianxing pressed forward again, his lips quickly downward, touching Jiang Shu's profile, and then following the clear outline.

Jiang Shu was also very cooperative, raising his head, revealing his white neck, feeling the warmth of Ji Lianxing's lips.

Both were wearing work clothes, suit shirts. Ji Lianxing skillfully unbuttoned the second button of Jiang Shu's shirt, and saw that her straight collarbone still had the strawberry print that she had bitten on last time, but after a few days, the red seal had faded a lot.

"It's faded, I'll paint it for you."

"Huh?" Jiang Shu hummed in his nose, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Until Ji Lianxing's lips were attached to it, the hot and soft touch was superimposed with a little pain, but it was more of a sense of pleasure.

"When did you do this—" Jiang Shu wanted to say that, but felt it was awkward to say it, and swallowed it.

"Is that so?" Ji Lianxing answered for her, and then she took a bite before letting go, saying, "There is no way, I can always learn something when I spend time with a bad woman like you. "

Jiang Shu lowered his head, saw a deep red mark, and quickly buttoned it up.

"You really...this is your office, what if your staff sees it."

Ji Lianxing did not shy away: "I think it won't be long before they know that you are my girlfriend, and they will know anyway."

"Then can I ask you a question?"


"Can I not go to my parents tonight?"

"Why did you jump to this question again?"

"I want to sleep with you." Jiang Shu rarely started to act like a spoiled child, "I can't sleep without you."

Hearing this, Ji Lianxing felt a little happy in his heart, but his face was still tense, "That's not good, it was agreed yesterday."

It's okay to be flexible, Jiang Shu thought, but she couldn't think of any way to convince Ji Lianxing, but she really didn't want to sleep alone, she was used to sleeping with Ji Lianxing.

"Why don't... I'll press you tonight? The condition is, let me go home to sleep?"

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