Both Sun Jie and Meng Xiao felt each other's subtle emotions. After the incident just now, they always felt strange when they looked at each other, so they didn't look at each other if they could.

After coming out of the escape room, they were going to eat a Southeast Asian food on the downtown street.

This is a prosperous area, the crowd is shouting, and it is very lively everywhere, but neither of them speaks.

Especially Sun Jie, she usually kept chattering, but now her voice seems to be closed, and she can't utter a word.

It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I don't know how to say it.

So Meng Xiao said first: "Do you know about Xiaoji?"

"She told me about it during the day today, so do you have to discuss what to do tomorrow?" Sun Jie was relieved, but fortunately, Ji Lianxing, who was talking about it, felt like she had escaped disaster.

After talking a few more words along this topic, it was no longer so embarrassing, and the two gradually let go, and it became the previous atmosphere.

"I'll go back after a while."

"Well, will you come here again after that?" The sense of loss in her heart increased again. Meng Xiao left, and she was no longer having fun.

"That will definitely come back, but my work is busy for the time being. I should stay for a while when I go recently."

Sun Jie nodded, "Then I'll go to you when I'm free, and take a look at your bar?"

"Of course you can!" The word "Yah" was said very lightly, showing how happy she was.

I walked to the place to eat unknowingly, and after the meal, there were not many people in the restaurant. Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them went to the reserved seat and sat down.

Meng Xiao scanned the code on the table, and then handed over the phone, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll invite you today."

After taking over the phone, Sun Jie was already hungry and ordered a few dishes.

There is a piece of pure music in the restaurant with a brisk rhythm. It is said that the speed of the music can determine the speed of people eating.

The two sat facing each other, and the warm light fell on Sun Jie's face. The lip glaze and lipstick she had put on were radiant. After a closer look, she found that she seemed to have changed a bit today. Makeup, as if it was done on purpose.

Feeling that her lips were being looked at, Sun Jie began to feel uncomfortable. She pursed her lips, took another piece of paper and wiped it at the corner of her lips. Although this action was redundant, it was obvious that she cared about what Meng Xiao was looking at.

"Haha, the lipstick number is very beautiful, why do you sip it?"

"I thought my makeup was dirty!"

"It's not dirty, but it's pretty good-looking." Meng Xiao took another look. In fact, Sun Jie is pretty good-looking.

But the hairstyle is free, she can dye it how she likes.

Soon a few dishes came to the table, and the two of them were really hungry.

"Hurry up and eat..." Meng Xiao took a piece of the special dish and put it in his mouth. He could only say that the flavor was really good. He even thought the taste was a bit strange. The mint and fennel were mashed and sandwiched together. smell.

Here Sun Jie tasted it and said that the lemon juice was a little too sour, so she changed the course.

The two were enjoying their meal when two customers came in, a middle-aged man and a younger lady. The women were exquisite in appearance, dressed in extravagant clothes, and when they approached, holding the man's hand, it seemed that they were clearly a couple.

Meng Xiao, who was eating, accidentally glanced at the woman's face, the spoon in his hand paused, and the soup inside spilled out.

Sun Jie noticed her abnormality and thought that the soup wasn't hot.

She followed Meng Xiao's gaze, and happened to see the woman. And the woman's eyes were also over, and the moment she saw Meng Xiao, her pupils were obviously slightly opened, and that kind of surprise could not be faked.

With intuition, Sun Jie felt that the two knew each other absolutely. She thought that Meng Xiao would say hello, but the woman passed by and Meng Xiao still didn't speak.

Acquaintance, but do not say hello. Either an ex or an enemy.

Looking at the man next to the woman, he was obviously fat, and it was difficult to hide his upstart temperament even if he was wearing a famous brand. Looking at it this way, Sun Jie had already figured out some content.

Shouldn't it be the ex?

The woman left quickly and went to the front desk with the man to check out.

During the checkout, she glanced this way, but Sun Jie was facing her, so her eyes met her. Perhaps it was the woman's intuition. When she saw it this way, Sun Jie instantly understood what was conveyed in her eyes.

The man settled the bill, put one hand on the woman's shoulder, the gesture was very intimate, the woman forced a smile, and the fake smile went up, kissed the pig's face, and the two quickly left chatting and laughing. .

The food in Sun Jie's mouth choked, and even the taste became unpalatable.

The opposite Meng Xiao didn't speak. Compared to her just now, she seemed a little too silent.

Sun Jie pushed a dish to Meng Xiao, "Try this, it's delicious."

Looking at the mashed potatoes on the plate, Meng Xiao nodded, dug a little and put it in his mouth, with a faint cheese aroma, "It's delicious."

That's all, without the following, she was a little absent-minded. The spoon in his hand stirred several times in the bowl, but he didn't drink a single sip.

Sun Jie also put down his chopsticks, "You can tell me anything you want, don't keep it in your heart."

"Actually it's nothing." Meng Xiao wrinkled her nose, feeling that she was in a normal mood, "Just now the girl was my first love, and seeing her was a little uncomfortable."

Unsurprisingly, it did.

"and then?"

Meng Xiao smiled bitterly, "Then she talked about her boyfriend."

"Straight women's clothing Ji?"

"Well, I saw the photo of the man just now. She told me that it was her brother before, and then I believed it. This is the most outrageous." Meng Xiao frowned, "I will see him later. The two beds are taken."

"This..." Sun Jie didn't know where to start complaining, Meng Xiao was a little too unkind, and suddenly felt a little distressed for her, "Oh, I'm stupid, I can only say that the old don't go to the new. not coming?"

Meng Xiao laughed, "Actually, I walked away from her a long time ago, but I still feel a little sick when I see it. You know that feeling, right?"

"Understood, which Ji cub didn't encounter a few scum when he was young?" Sun Jie poured a cup of tea for Meng Xiao, "Drink a cup of tea, rinse your stomach, it's over, don't be disgusting."

Meng Xiao took a sip of tea and felt a little more comfortable.

After dinner, when they came out of the restaurant, the people on the street gradually disappeared. Sun Jie stopped a taxi along the street, and couldn't help but glance at Meng Xiao.

She knew that Meng Xiao recently stayed in a homestay, and the conditions were good in all aspects. It was arranged by Ji Lianxing, but Meng Xiao often said that it was too boring. She was a night owl and slept late, and sometimes she went home too early at night without knowing it. what.

Sun Jie glanced at the time. It was ten o'clock in the evening.

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Jie still issued an invitation: "Would you like to go to my house for two drinks?"

Meng Xiao would never refuse an invitation to drink, and since she had few things to do recently, she was so busy that she was more willing to have someone find her to pass the time.

Meng Xiao agreed without any hesitation, so the two drove home together...

Sun Jie really doesn't have any other ideas about drinking and drinking. For her, it's almost impossible to have **** after drinking. Although she has a little feeling for Meng Xiao, it has not developed to that point.

With this mentality, Sun Jie took Meng Xiao home.

In Sun Jie's house, the most in the refrigerator is wine, both national and foreign wines. She is not an alcoholic, but she usually likes to drink a few glasses.

Meng Xiao was sitting on the sofa. This was not the first time she came to Sun Jie's house, and she looked more casual.

"What to drink?"

"What to drink, I don't pick."

"Turn on the TV, "XX" is very popular recently, how about a look?"

So Meng Xiao picked up the remote control to adjust the TV, and Sun Jie brought the wine for her. The two have similar personalities, they are both casual people.

Sun Jie handed a bottle of old Wusu to Meng Xiao, and said, "Drink this? This is good."

Looking at Wusu Beer, Meng Xiao sneered, "I can't get drunk with this stuff."

"After drinking it, don't talk too much, I'm the enhanced version." Sun Jie put the bottle on the coffee table and sat next to Meng Xiao, shoulder to shoulder, not caring.

With a bang, the bottle opener opened a bottle of beer, followed by a second bottle, one for each of them.

"If I'm drunk, I won't go home tonight."

"Okay, you sleep on the sofa."

"Tsk, I still want to sleep in your bed." Meng Xiao's joking tone, Sun Jie didn't take it seriously.

The two clink glasses and drink directly, and sit on the sofa while drinking and watching TV.

"Actually, I think it's very happy to be with you, very relaxed." Sun Jie said suddenly.

She took a sip of the beer, grunted, and the taste of wheat slid into her throat with a pungent taste.

"Me too." Meng Xiao said.

Both watched TV, not each other, but their attention was on each other.

"So I'm still a little reluctant to leave you, really." Sun Jie took another sip of beer, seemingly casual, but in fact swallowed her nervousness with each sip. She didn't know why she wanted to express this, but it was want to say.

"I'm a bit too." Meng Xiao's voice was a little dry. After saying this, she glanced at Sun Jie, "Don't you think it's weird? Between us?"

Sun Jie understood Meng Xiao's meaning very well, but she wasn't really sure what it was like. Sometimes the right one is not necessarily love, it may be sisters, good friends... And the difference between these relationships is that love has a unique feeling, wants to get closer, and wants to do more intimate things.

Is there really no such urge in my heart? Sun Jie felt a little bit, but she didn't dare to take that step, for fear that Meng Xiao would think she was sloppy, after all, she didn't know each other for a long time.

"Then what? I don't know how I feel about you." Sun Jie said.

Meng Xiao put down the beer bottle in his hand and asked her, "What do you think is the difference between love and friendship?"

"Well... the most direct one is desire?"

"Do you have any desire for me?" Meng Xiao was direct.

Sun Jie shook her head, "I don't know, we don't have any physical contact."

Soon Sun Jie heard a sigh, very low, but because she was close to Meng Xiao, she still heard it. She looked at Meng Xiao sideways, and found that Meng Xiao's face was full of "what can I do with you" expressions.

"Why don't we kiss? Do you feel that it's not obvious? If we don't continue to be friends, if there is—" Sun Jie paused, she was really thinking about this question, and after a long time said: "If Yes, let's talk about it then?"

Meng Xiao didn't refuse. She had expected this possibility. After Sun Jie finished speaking, she leaned in front of her and touched Sun Jie's lips. It was only 0.1 seconds or less.

Although it was only a slight touch, Sun Jie's heart was still filled with ripples. When her lips touched, it felt warm and soft, with a little wine fragrance, she felt very comfortable, if she could do it again... .

"How do you feel?" Meng Xiao asked her expectantly.

"It's too fast to react, you kiss again." Sun Jie lied, blushing and not beating.

Meng Xiao thought to himself, how could he not feel it? She was a little lost, lowered her head again, this time a little slower, touched Sun Jie's lips again, and stayed for a while.

She didn't know how Sun Jie felt, but now her heartbeat was so fast that it almost jumped out of her throat, and the girl's lips were too soft.

Meng Xiao suppressed his urge to taste lipstick and lip glaze, and quickly separated. Looking at Sun Jie again, she found that her eyes were closed, and her face was a little red in the dim light.

"What about this time?"

At that moment, Sun Jie was at a loss for words. She didn't know how to describe her feelings, and it was difficult to open her mouth. It turned out that she had feelings for Meng Xiao, and they felt very strongly.

"Speak! Why are you being bored!" Meng Xiao was a little anxious.

"Also—it's pretty good." Sun Jie lowered her head, not wanting Meng Xiao to see her blushing like this.

Meng Xiao laughed: "Ah, are you shy?"


"You're just shy!" Meng Xiao reached out to lift Sun Jie's chin, but Sun Jie refused, insisting on lowering her head.

The two were just twitching for a while, Sun Jie felt like she couldn't beat her, so she suddenly raised her head and pecked Meng Xiao's lips, which caught Meng Xiao by surprise.

"Why are you kissing me!" This time Meng Xiao was a little shy.

Sun Jie said confidently, "You just kissed me and I came back, why can't you?"

"No!" Meng Xiao pecked her on the mouth again and kissed her back.

"What are you doing!" Sun Jie felt like she was at a loss, and went back to kiss her.

The two went back and forth like this for a few times, like chickens pecking at each other.

During this period, Sun Jie struggled and said, "Don't kiss me!"

Meng Xiao held on to her head and pecked wildly, "You kiss first!"

Sun Jie whimpered, "You bully me! I'm going to kiss you to death!"

"Ahhh! I'm going to kiss you to death!"

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