And other people Lane also do not understand, Tiger they will not know these political means, Lane himself still needs to cultivate, this matter can only be done by Otluk III.

As for those nobles, as long as the situation stabilizes, those with less stains can be won over, and those who do many evils are directly killed, and when the entire country is completely controlled, how to reform and what policy to implement is not what Lane said.

"Why, you object?" Lane skimmed the excited-looking Otluk III.

"No, no, no, how could it be, I raise my hands in favor!" After speaking, he also raised his hands, and the action seemed very funny.

"Well, if you have to serve snacks on this matter, the king and his heirs will be handed over to us, and as for those nobles, they need to be handed over to you!"

Ryan walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

Otluk III's body trembled, he was really afraid of Ryan, and he still clearly remembered the distance of the sword from him at that time.

"Okay, no problem!" Otluk III nodded heavily.

This matter is about his future prosperity and wealth, so Otluk III will do everything in his power to help Saab ascend to the damn throne.

"Very good!" For the statement of Otluk III, Lane was very satisfied, such an obedient smart person is very useful.

"Chief, have all the children of Pachulia been killed?" Tiger asked.

Pachulia is indeed bad, but his children are innocent in Tiger's eyes, especially since there are teenage children among them, and Tiger is a little unbearable.

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"


"No, but!" But when he saw Tiger's hesitant look, Lane explained anyway.

"I know what you want to express, but if they don't die, then there will definitely be careerists who will come out to make trouble under their banner, wildfires will burn endlessly, and the spring breeze will blow and live."

"So we must cut off the thoughts of those careerists, and keeping them will always be a hidden danger!"

Tiger wanted to say something more, but was ruthlessly stopped by Ryan with his eyes.

Tiger, they may not understand this truth, but how can Lane not know that power will make many people lose their minds, and if he is soft in heart for a while, it will cause turmoil in the Goya Kingdom in the future, it will not be worth the loss.

The road to revolution is always accompanied by sacrifice, so why can't it be the enemy's!

Maybe some of them are still young and really innocent, but if they leave their lives, when they grow up, they will always leave hidden dangers, hatred is not something that can be forgotten.

Sacrificing these people can be exchanged for the long-term peace and stability of the entire Goya Kingdom in the future, and Lane feels that this is worth it.

Historically, there have been many incidents where they lost a lot of money because they cut grass without removing their roots.

For example, the orphans of the Zhao family, such as Xiang Yu's release of the tiger back to the mountain, etc.....

There are too many of these bloody examples.

As for the plot of the novel, let alone how many villains let go of the protagonist, resulting in their own death later.

Either you don't do it, as long as you do it, you will kill it all, and don't get yourself into trouble.

This world can change it without blindly being benevolent, blood is also essential, and only by breaking and reforging can the world be completely changed.

As for Tiger, Lane didn't have to convince him, in the previous life, Tiger also died because he was too benevolent, but Lane won't blame him, after all, everyone has everyone's ideas, as long as there is no contradiction in the general direction.

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