"You really don't want anything?" The king asked again.

Lane shook his head impatiently, "That's a lot of nonsense." The

king immediately fell silent.

"Let's take what we want to the port." Lane looked at the king and continued, "You follow us, and we will release you when we go to sea." "

Good, good, good." The king quickly echoed.

"I heard that you didn't hurry up to do it, I didn't hear the words of Bloody Jianhao!" The king cursed angrily.

The king did not have such a good temper for other people, after all, this king was in the forefront of the brutality values of the Gothic kingdom.

The minister below heard it and immediately went to do it.

In this way, Lane left the palace with the king, followed by the king's guard and the supplies that had been prepared.

But Lane didn't pay attention to it either, and now their king's life is still in his hands.

Out of the palace gate, Lori hurried to greet her.

Seeing that Lane and they only had some minor injuries on Kid and Kira, Lane Bailey and the two were all right, and they were immediately relieved.

He patted his chest and said, "It's good to come out safely!" Looking

at Loli's action of patting her chest, Lane was worried that Lori would not directly pat flat.

Seeing King Lori asked suspiciously.

"Ryan, who is he?"

"King of the Gothic Kingdom." Lane said lightly.

"Country... King? "

This is to save people and kidnap the king by the way?

"Let's go, I'll explain it to you on the way."

At this time, Lori saw the King's Guard following Lane.

Sure enough, following Lane is even exciting! Kidnapping the king was something that had never been thought of before.

Be sure to follow Lane and they continue their adventure, Lori secretly decided in her heart.

After coming to the place where they lived, Bailey and the others packed up the materials they had bought yesterday, and the group headed for the port.

When he arrived at the port, Lane was also recognized by several workers who were working in the port.

A few of them are still discussing, isn't this the teenager who came with more than 1,000 people the other day?

When he left, he was so loud, and he suddenly became curious about the identity of several people in Lane, and several people were still guessing the identity of several people in Lane.

"Probably a big nobleman."

"No, I guess which prince it should be, you see how mighty the soldiers behind them are!"

At this time, the king, who was held hostage by Lane with a sword, saw that a group of untouchables actually showed a hideous expression after judging himself, and his body exuded a trace of killing intent.

And Lane, who was very sensitive to killing intent, saw the hideous expression of the king just now clearly.

They couldn't recognize the king who was held hostage by Lane, after all, how could people like them, who lived at the bottom of society, have the opportunity to contact the king in this city where the inner city and the outer city were separated.

As for Lane, they didn't know it even more, would they still use their hard-earned money to buy that worthless bounty order?

When Lane and they arrived at the port, the minister and the chief guard Pofitas finally arrived at the palace.

The minister looked at the silent palace, standing in the wind disheveled.

I saw that the residence of the Seventh Prince was now invisible to anyone, only the people who were still lying there and the blood on the ground proved that there had indeed been a battle here.

Pofitas looked at the appearance of the person who was still lying on the ground and revealed a hint of danger: "Interesting, overlord-colored domineering." The

minister beside him felt uncomfortable seeing Pofitas' smile.

Although he had not met Pofitas a few times, he had the impression that Pofitas always had a cold face.

Now Porfitas laughed as if someone had forcibly opened the corners of his mouth.

"Father was taken by them, and you seem to be talking about going to the port." A little boy's voice came from behind.

"Jiawen?" When I turned around, I saw a little boy about 7-8 years old standing there.

"It's me." The little boy said weakly.

You must know that in normal times, an illegitimate son like him has only a slightly higher status in the palace than a slave.

And as the illegitimate son of the king, he is often bullied by some princes and princesses, so Jiawen usually has no opportunity to contact the minister, let alone talk to the minister like this.

The little boy looked extremely uncomfortable.

Jiawen was born to a king and a handmaid, and he had not seen the king since he was born because of his impure bloodline, and the king, who was an admirer of the Draco, was naturally a strong supporter of the bloodline theory.

After all, it was his own bloodline that the king could not kill him, but Jiawen could not become a prince standing in the sun because his mother was a handmaid.

In this way, Jiawen was born in the palace as an alternative identity, and Jiawen was bullied since he was a child, so he developed a somewhat cowardly character in the eyes of outsiders.

"What did you just say? Tell me everything you know. The minister's words interrupted Jiawen, who was still in a trance.

Jiawen told the minister everything he had heard and heard, and Gavin was watching from a distance when it happened. None of those present noticed the eight-year-old boy.

After hearing this, the minister hurriedly rushed to the dock with Pofitas.

On the dock, the wine, swords, and money brought from the palace were all transported on board one by one.

And because there are too many substances. Lane could only leave behind their ship that sailed from Baltirila to the Gothic kingdom.

No way, Lane's previous ship was too small to hold so many supplies.

Looking at the dozen boxes of fine wine, dozens of swords, and the mountain of money. Bailey and several people showed excitement.

Bailey: "That's enough for Ryan and I to drink for a month."

Kira: "Mom no longer has to worry about me not being able to practice swords because I don't have a sword." Kidd

: "Sure enough, what Lane said is right, robbing civilians can rob a few dollars, isn't he fragrant if he robs the palace?"

"Now you can let me go!" An untimely voice reached everyone's ears.

"Bailey, you get on board and leave first, and I'll be there later." Ryan said to Bailey.

"Okay, you be careful."

After that, Bailey took Kidd, and they went directly to the boat without the slightest hesitation, as if they knew what Lane was going to do next.

After Bailey and their ship faded away.

The king groveled, "Now you can let me go."


The king heard great joy, and then in the next second he found that his head and body were separated.

The last expression was incredulous, as if asking why?

Seeing the king's expression before he died, Lane said softly.

"Who made you just show killing intent on those civilians."

"Stop!" A voice came from a distance, it was Pofitas.

Pofitas also happened to be in a hurry, and just arrived at the dock to see the scene where the king was killed by Lane.

Ryan also saw Pofitas and felt the momentum of Pofitas.

Because of the slow combination of cultivation of breathing and seeing and hearing, Lane is extremely keen on human breath.

Lane has a judgment in his heart, this is a master who is not under him.

Looking at Pofitas, who was killing him, Lane did not entangle, grabbed the head of the king on the ground and threw it at Pofitas, then jumped directly into the sea and swam towards Bailey.

Lane is confident that Pofitas can't catch up with him, after all, he is a swimmer who has been practicing for two years, and the other party cannot beat him in this field of swimming.

Pofitas took the king's head and showed grief and indignation.

Although he was not cold to the king, after all, he saved himself who should have died at sea.

Now that his lifesaver has been killed in his face, the only thing Pofitas can do is to find Lane and kill Lane to avenge the king.

Looking at Lane, who had already left, Pofitas just wanted to chase after him, but was pulled by the minister who was belated.

"Lord Pofitas, you can't catch up now, let's take care of the king's affairs before leaving."

Pofitas thought about it, it was impossible to catch up with Lane with his swimming speed in the sea, and he knew that he had been specially trained by looking at Lane's posture.

And now the minister's mind is indeed thinking: "The king is dead, and the next three princes will definitely compete for the throne, who should I support to ascend to the throne?" "

As the king's most trusted henchman, the minister has a lot of power in his hands, plus the power of the minister's family.

Basically, which prince he supports, which prince is the next king.

For some reason, the minister suddenly thought of the little boy who had just met in the palace, the eight-year-old and somewhat cowardly Jiawen.

And Jiawen, who was still in the palace at this time, did not know that a great opportunity would fall on his head next.

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