“The seed of hope?” Shanks murmured.

“Yes, hopefully in the next generation!”

Regarding what Ryan said, Shanks nodded and agreed.

He has really seen too much pain and tragedy in his life, otherwise he would not say that there is no peace and equality in this world. In this case, it means that Shanks has been completely disappointed with this world.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

The more you understand, the more painful it becomes. The more you know, the more you tear apart!

But the more you know, the more truth you learn.

For example, social darkness, twisted human nature, moral decay, etc.

But what makes people suffer is not these negative things, but their own incompetence, because you will find that you can’t change anything, and some people will not dare to face it.

For example, the Red Earl Baloric Redfield can hear people’s voices because of his natural ability to see and hear. Although it is helpful for fighting, the darkness hidden in people’s hearts also makes him feel sick. So he chose to escape, alone, without any partners around him, because he knew that his partners were not worthy of trust at all. Maybe he had trusted them before, but he had seen too much and heard too much!

The same is true for Fujitora, because he digs his eyes out because he cannot bear to see the ugliness in this world. This is another way of escaping. However, although Fujitora is escaping, he is always looking for hope, and Ryan is his hope.

Shanks in the original history was actually similar. Because he was unable to change everything, he bet his hope and future on Luffy.

“Actually, hope is also in you, Ryan!” Shanks looked at Ryan and said seriously.

“Me?” Ryan was stunned for a moment, then said: “Hope is also in you, Shanks!”

“Changing the world is not about the power of one person. Only the power of unity can have a chance to do it. It’s not just me here. Tiger, Fujitora and others have all paid a lot!” Look! Looking at Shanks, Ryan sighed.

He found that Shanks now seems to have changed a bit from Shanks a few years ago. Shanks before believed that he could change everything, but now he puts his hope in others.

This is true whether it is the emphasis on the Nika fruit or what he just said.

So Ryan wanted to enlighten Shanks, and he didn’t say nonsense. The Goa Kingdom can undergo such huge changes in just one year. Although it is related to his unique forward-looking planning, it is also related to Tiger and Fujitora. The efforts of others matter.

Without people who are serious about executing it, your best plans will be in vain.

Just like Chinese football, no matter how good the tactics, coaching, treatment, and training environment are, if there are no matching players, the results will never meet expectations.

To put it bluntly, it means that people are not good enough, are not motivated, do not strictly implement the training plan and take every game seriously, and without hard work, failure is doomed.

“You’re right!” Shanks smiled.

Yes, isn’t that what Captain Roger wanted to achieve when he started the Great Pirate Age?

“Ryan, you have really changed a lot!”

“Same for you!”

Shanks sighed in his heart: “Your changes are for the better, but I…”

Picking up a textbook from Goa Elementary School, Shanks started looking at it. He wanted to see what these children were learning.

Shanks’s expression suddenly became wonderful, shocked, speechless, emotional, happy, relaxed, etc. In his opinion, this is simply a book against the world government. The content in it is similar to what the current world government is doing. Things are all in the opposite direction.

But there was one thing he was curious about. Shanks asked: “Why do so many Mr. Lane have said this in the book?”

“Ahem, this was written by someone else!”

“Okay, let’s continue looking!” Ryan quickly changed the topic. Because he was busy with daily practice, he hadn’t taken a good stroll for a while.


Ryan took Shanks towards Center Street.

Center Street, High Town, and the Royal Palace, these places are covered with the footprints of Lane and Shanks.

When they all finished walking and came to the base of the Free Alliance to see Tiger, Shanks fully understood the meaning of Ryan’s words about changing the world.

The Kingdom of Goa is no longer an era where nobles are tyrannical and dominate the world with one hand. The status of civilians has gradually improved. Although there are still nobles, the power they enjoy has become smaller and smaller as they continue to be weakened.

And Shanks didn’t even see a single slave here!

After asking Ryan, I learned about the slavery ban. The current industrial park was once a wasteland that was originally disliked by others.

Click to stop.

Unlike civilians in other countries, here, he saw that there was light in their eyes, which was their expectation for the future and their yearning for tomorrow.

If there is an indicator of happiness index, then the current happiness index of the citizens of Goa Kingdom should be at least 60 points.

A score below 60 is considered “unhappy”, a score between 60 and 85 is considered “average”, a score between 85 and 95 is considered “happy”, and a score above 95 is considered “very happy”.

Don’t underestimate this mere 60 points. You must know that in the world of pirates, due to many factors such as war, economy, pirates, nobles, gangs, etc., almost all countries are below 60 points, and they are all unhappy. of,

Therefore, it can reach above the passing mark. At this time, the Kingdom of Goa is ranked at the forefront in the entire world.

“This is Tiger!”

“This is Shanks!” Ryan introduced.

“Freedom Alliance?” After greeting Tiger, Shanks saw the five characters under the fiery red flag.

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