“Thank you, Lord Ryan, for your advice!” Gaji bowed at 90 degrees towards Ryan.

At this moment, he completely surrendered to Ryan. He was previously forced by Ryan’s power and threat, but now after Ryan’s guidance, it was completely different.

As long as Ryan doesn’t die for a day, he will work for Ryan for a day!

Gaji made up his mind.

“It’s a trivial matter!” Ryan did not dodge and received a salute from the Jiazhi.

He could see that the current Gaji was no longer the dissatisfied Gaji before.

“What problems have you encountered in your current research? Our ship’s doctor can help you!”

“Ship doctor?” Gaji looked at Ryan and the others. Does the Blood Sword Pirates have a ship doctor? Why is it not written in the information?

“Keep the change, please!”

“Luo, let me show you what you are capable of!” Ryan smiled at Luo behind him.

“Okay, Captain!”

Luo suppressed the throbbing in his heart and walked to the front of the crowd.

Not only did Jia Zhi, the person who studies bloodline factors, gain a lot, but he, who has been studying medical skills since he was a child, also benefited a lot.

Because if the gene that Ryan just said is true and the theory can be established, then many genetic diseases can be explained, including (white town glass lead disease).

“If all this had been known earlier, maybe everyone in Freifans could have been saved!” Luo couldn’t help but think this.

But now is not the time to think about that.

“Captain, lend me your sword!” Luo stretched out his hand toward Ryan.


The wooden horse on Ryan’s waist was unsheathed and came into Luo’s hands.


Luo stretched out his left hand, making a very handsome pose.

“Why does this look so much like the captain’s actions?” Kidd whispered.

“It’s not like that, that’s what the captain did this morning!” Enelu agreed.

“He actually imitated the captain, how shameless!”

“Yeah yeah!”

Ryan, who heard everything in his ears, couldn’t help but blush, but he turned his back to everyone, so no one could see his expression, and Gaji also focused on Luo, so no one noticed Ryan’s face. Face changes.

“It seems that I will treat Luo better in the future!”



Under everyone’s surprised eyes, Luo Yijian cut off an experimental tube placed on the stage.

But the miracle is that the reagents inside did not flow out, Dettol was on the table, and the experimental tube did not break.

Instead, it split into two and landed on the table.


Gaji stepped forward and held the cut half of the experimental tube in his hand, shaking it constantly. Although the bottom was empty, no matter how Gaji shook it, the reagent inside could not fall out.

When Gaji looked at Luo again, his eyes had changed, and his eyes were full of heat. If there was an assistant like Luo, the success rate of any experiment or research would be greatly improved.

“How, can I help you?” Ryan asked.

This is the ship’s doctor he found!

“Yes, yes, yes!” Gaji kept nodding.

“Luo’s ability can be like this on any object or creature!” Ryan added.

“His ability can save many people’s lives!” Robin, the IQ person in charge of the Blood Sword Pirates, said.

“No wonder the captain asked him to be our ship’s doctor!” Kidd and others also echoed.

Then the way they looked at Luo changed. They didn’t know Luo’s ability before, but now they know.

Where is the ship’s doctor? It’s simply a death guarantee!

As long as they don’t die, even if they are seriously injured in the battle, Yiluo’s ability can save their lives.

“With this guarantee, you won’t have to worry about getting hurt when fighting in the future!” Bailey murmured in his heart.

What Ryan didn’t know was that just because he hired Luo as the ship’s doctor, he would create a group of fighting lunatics!

Originally, Bailey, Kidd and others were fighting with their lives, but now that Luo is here, it will be difficult for their enemies in the future.

Facing an opponent who is not afraid of getting hurt, many people will have a huge headache.

“What a pity!” After thinking for a moment, Jiazhi reluctantly looked away from Luo and said to Ryan: “What Lord Ryan said just now made me realize that some of my previous paths may have been wrong, so now… …”

There was no need for Gaji to continue talking, Ryan understood what he meant.

He corrected the mistakes and incorrect points one by one before starting to study again. We may not need Luo today.

“It’s okay, that’s fine. I believe your research results will definitely shock the world when they come out!” Ryan said lightly.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and he is not in a hurry to get results.

“This is for you!” As he spoke, another hand appeared in Ryan’s hand.

A glass bottle filled with dark red blood.

“You find a way to change the genes here to be like normal people!”

“Okay!” Gaji took the blood from Ryan’s hand and carefully placed it in a grid.

Of course what Ryan took out was the blood of the Happy Nation. Since Ryan agreed, they would definitely find a way.

After Gaji surrendered, Ryan went there and collected their blood.

“Master Ryan, do you have any instructions for my research?”

“By the way, how did you say that the power of Devil Fruit can be used to transform people!” Ryan remembered that Gaji had not answered his question because of the genetic matter.

“That’s it, Lord Ryan!”

Gaji began to tell Ryan about his method.

After listening to this, Ryan also understood what was going on. Gaji had some of the Devil Fruit’s abilities by modifying their genes from embryonic stage to have Devil Fruit characteristics. However, due to the incomplete technology, he would lose ” emotion”. Then through the amplification of the battle suit, the effect of taking the devil fruit can be achieved.

But because it is not a real Devil Fruit ability, it will never have the infinite possibilities of a Devil Fruit.

Obviously, Gaji is on the right path, and it is much better than Caesar’s smile. Apart from the shortcoming of losing his feelings, the other problems are really not big, and losing his feelings is not a permanent loss. Several of his children will follow. I also slowly recovered some emotions.

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