Come to The Peak

Chapter 1119: : Be aware of the conspiracy

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"Master Wang comes out!"



A & | ^

A figure came out of the practice room, he was still in a white robe, dressed neatly, without the decadent color of imagination, but there was more vicissitudes in those eyes.

As soon as it came out, a large group of people gathered around him, including his parents, brothers, lovers, and sister and son.

Looking at the worried faces of the people, the young man smiled slightly and said, "Everyone rest assured, I'm all right"

"It's okay, it's okay, Yuer, I've heard about it, Qing'er's child can never do that kind of thing, she must have any unspeakable distress"

Na Lanfang came over and hugged her son, who was taller than himself, and comforted him.

Qing Er was also raised by Na Lanfang, who is like a mother and daughter. She knows Qing Er no less than Luo Yu.

Luo Yu smiled slightly and said, "Mother, that thing is over, don't worry about it, don't mention it, I will handle it myself"

"Ah ... so best"

Na Lanfang sighed, Luo Yu looked at the crowd again, and laughed: "I've made you worry these days, I'm sorry everyone, I'm already fine with Luo Yu, brother, thank you"

Bai Yutong laughed and said, "Have you seen it?"


Luo Yu nodded, his eyes contained a ray of fierce light.

Then a group of people hosted a banquet in the Palace of Kings, and did everyone get together once.

Today, Luo Yu ’s brothers and sisters are not the marshals of a country, the president of the imperial union, or the reserve monarch of a country, and he is one of the four rulers of the Zixia Tianzong. It was a rare gathering for everyone.

Among Luo Yu's brothers and sisters, Li Yu became the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Soldiers and became a family member of Dongfang Yueyao.

Dongfang Yuehua and Fu Xuanxuan also settled for life, and each of them ended satisfactorily.

"It's been more than two decades, hehe, the teenager who once killed the purple sword Shura in Qingyang City at the age of fourteen has now become the peerless sword emperor of the mainland. It is really sighing that the time has changed and the world is impermanent.

Dongfang Yuehua shook the glass of wine, and someone was drunk, and sighed.

"Yeah, remember that when Liu Di met with me for the first time, this guy also used small black to tease me. Now he has become a generation of masters, who can think of this."

Fu Xuanxuan laughed, she is now in charge of the castor hall of Dai Luoyu, and her status is also aloof.

And Luo Yu heard that those past thoughts also flowed quietly in my heart.

The impulse and frivolity still engraved in his mind.

Today, he has more wisdom to see through the world and two points to reason, but what has not changed is that his edges and corners have not been obliterated.

His edge is only hidden in his heart, and he still feels embarrassed when he appears. He is still a young man with a lot of affection. No matter how impermanent or earthly he is, his martial arts will never change.

Luo Yu drank a lot with everyone today. Later in the night, the talents gradually dispersed, and Luo Yu alone dispelled the alcohol and walked alone to the Overlord Hall of Discussion.

There was only one person waiting in the hall of the Overlord Hall.

The man had red hair and a cold face, wearing a red python robe, exuding the breath of divine fire.


The red-haired young man respected Luo Yu as a gift.

If Ao Qian used to say that Luo Yu was subservient because of Qinger Cai, but now Ao Qian can be described as a human tribe in front of Xinyuecheng.

Because he also followed him all the way, witnessed too many miracles, and was convinced by his affection.

Luo Yu sat in the emperor's seat and waved to Ao Qian: "Sit!"

Ao Qian sat down, then looked at Luo Yu, who was called by Luo Yu from the East China Sea.

"Xiao Qian, I want to ask you something"

Luo Yu said in a deep voice.

"Master, please say"

Ao Qian nodded.

"You go back to the demon tribe"

"What, here, Lord, you have to drive me away!"

Ao Qian's complexion changed, and the demon clan lost Luo Yu, and the relationship with Luo Yu is not good now. Ao Qian knows this.

He thought that Luo Yujie had his identity as a demon, and especially a dragon.

"Hehe, where do you want to go, how could I drive you away, one day my brother is a lifelong brother, I let you lurk to the demon tribe, return to Qing'er, and be my eyes and ears of Luo Yu, I will thoroughly investigate Who was the one who lied to me that day? "

Luo Yu smiled helplessly and explained, then narrowed her eyes and revealed a ray of coldness.

As Bai Yutong said, things were very suspicious that day. How could Luo Yu who was sad afterwards not find the difference in it?

You can imitate a person's appearance, temperament, even the soul, but how can you imitate feelings that do not belong to you.

Although Qinger said on that day that he still loved him, he could not see a trace of emotion in her eyes.

I was afraid that Qing'er really wanted to leave him, but the affection from childhood to marriage, the grace of the husband and wife for many years, and broke off without a trace of nostalgia?

Here, he didn't believe, he didn't believe that Qing'er would hurt him so much, even if he died, he also believed that Qing'er didn't want to say half a sentence that hurt him that day.

Today, he is no longer desperate. He has learned to think more. He may not be able to think of those in his emotions, but after calming down?

But he was puzzled that that piece of dragon jade was indeed Qinger's unique dragon jade, how could it be in the hands of Anhu.

"So it is ..."

Ao Qian heard the sigh of relief, and now he was really afraid that Luo Yu would drive him away. He also had feelings for Luo Yu. He can do what he does today, and he cannot do without the strong cultivation of Luo Yu resources.

Regarding Qing'er and Luo Yu's affairs, he had already learned from others' words when he returned to Bawangfu, and he naturally did not believe it.

"That's okay, it's not difficult for me to mix into the demon race."

Ao Qian laughed. He was originally a spirit beast. He was also a member of the Dragon Family among the four royal families of the Demons, and had a much higher status than the general Demons.

The members of the four demon clan are spirit beasts, with the blood of divine beasts. As for the divine beasts, there are only a few heads of each clan.

You know, the qualifications of this beast are quite innate.

"Well, but you have to be careful, you can't reveal your identity as my brother, otherwise you will be suppressed, and that will cause you to be killed."

Luo Yu solemnly urged that Ao Qianwen was warm in her heart, and then she realized that a golden birthmark of soul was condensed in the sea, and the soulprint appeared in her hands.

"Master, accept him"

"Birth of the soul, what are you doing, are you afraid I don't trust you?"

Luo Yu saw this soul mark frown, said.


Ao Qian heard the conclusion, and he did mean it, but it was for the sake of reassuring Luo Yu that he condensed his soul.

As long as Luo Yu receives his soul seal, he will master his life and death, and naturally he will not worry about it.

"I will not collect this soul seal. You are also my brother Luo Yu. I never control my brother's freedom of life and death. Most importantly, I believe in you. This is enough."

"Royal ..."

A warm red eyes in Ao Qian's heart, I believe you this is enough to warm the heart.

Employing people without doubt, brothers and hearts, this is the charm of Luo Yu, even if there is a risk of loss, so is he.

Ao Qian received the soul seal, and he could only keep it in his heart.

"That being the case, then I will go, Lord, take care of you"

Ao Qian got up, fisted at Luo Yu, and was about to leave.

"Well, remember, be careful, as long as you can mix in the demon tribe and go to Qing'er, don't immediately tell her what happened here, and act according to the situation, try to send a message to me if you have something, and you should be safe. I don't want to lose my brother casually. "

Luo Yu repeatedly told, Ao Qian nodded and understood, and then left the Overlord Hall, directly transformed into a red owl flying into the night sky clouds and flying away.

"Anhu, if all this is really just a game you set, even if you are the son of the demon emperor, I will not spare you"

There was a ray of coldness in Luo Yu's eyes, which was hidden but not hair ...


Tens of thousands of miles away in the White Tiger Palace in the Linhai Wanwan Valley.

On the soft bed, the two bodies were intertwined, moaning softly.

After a long time, Qing'er lay on An Hu's chest, exhaling like blue, breathing heavily, looking flushed with passion.

But then her appearance changed dramatically, and she turned into another face, which was much inferior to Qinger's peerless face just now, but it was also a beauty.

This woman is the phantom of the iguana tribe.

This tribal practice and racial characteristics are good at changing appearances, and can imitate even the breath of human beings, qizhi, cultivation to the higher, and even the soul.

In the war of the ancient demons, this group was like the assassin's spy, lurking in other races, and might be information for the demons.

"Your Highness, are you satisfied?"

The Wonder Woman looks at Anhu, and her beautiful eyes contain a spring of water.

"Hey, although you imitate it again, you are not her after all"

An Hu holding the phantom girl's body, sighed, said phantom girl's eyes darkened.

Indeed, she is the princess of the entire ancient Cang Yao clan, the future power holder, and she is just a small clan leader of a clan demon clan.

"My Highness, I don't understand. This plan can be performed by me in the disguise of Luo Yu. Isn't it easier for you to be with the princess?"

Wonder Woman is very clear about her identity, so she puts herself in the right place. After all, she is just his temporary plaything.

"What do you know, Luo Yu doesn't know the magic lizards, does the princess still know? And the princess's blue dragon is overwhelming, and you still haven't revealed the filling? As long as Luo Yu can get the effect, Luo Yu will die first.

"As long as Luo Yu does not write to the princess, the princess also controls the circulation of correspondence everywhere, and the relationship between the two will fade sooner or later, plus my means, the princess will be mine sooner or later"

"It's just that Zhu'er should pay attention to not let him leave Tiannan Linhai to see Luo Yu."

An Hu said with a sneer, the cold color flashed in his eyes, and then the beast's hair became big, and he pressed the phantom girl under him.

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