Come to The Peak

Chapter 1163: : Why fear the background

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There was a loud noise, and a huge collision of power caused the space to make waves of vibration.

Lu Tianchen's body flew back hundreds of meters away, and the black dragon scales on his fist shattered, overflowing with blood.

However, Luo Yu's body only receded dozens of meters, and whoever had the upper hand in this blow would know at a glance.

"The physical strength is even stronger than the refining strength of my Beast Sect"

Lu Tianchen showed a hint of shock.

"Huh, but this is not my full strength"

His eyes were cold, and he saw spiky spines growing on the joints of his whole body, his body covered with a layer of dragon scales, a dragon horn was born on his forehead, and his hands became dragon claws. His A steel whip-like dragon tail was born behind him.


Luo Yu's eyes froze, and the beastization was not unusual. The ancient Cang continent had this kind of exercise method. It blessed the power of the monsters on itself and burst into amazing fighting power.

However, the beastized exercises can be strong or weak. Strong exercises can bless all monster powers, and weak exercises can only bless a few layers.

According to the ranks of heaven and earth and Xuanhuang, the beastization method of Huangjie also blessed the power of 10% of the monsters, up to 40% of Xuanjie and 70% of the rank, and the best practice of Tianjie can bless 10%.

The power of the monsters, plus their own power, the power of the explosion is amazing. Of course, this technique also requires the essence of refining.

You ca n’t exercise the true power of practicing the top-ranking best-beast-bettering method and refining the essence of a garbage monster.

"You try my punch again!"

Lu Tianchen yelled, turned into a streamer and shot at Luo Yu, and another punch blasted out. This punch was more than twice as powerful.

"Do you think that's my full punch?"

Luo Yu sneered, but he practiced the exercises specifically for body training.

In Luo Yu's meridians, Zhenyuan suddenly retracted the Yuan tire and replaced it with five different burning powers. A black flame appeared on a fist.

A punch came out, the heat wave swept through, and he met Lu Tianchen's fist fiercely.



The two fists exchanged, and Luo Yu's fist burst into an astonishing flame explosion, and at the same time a terror explosion broke out, and Lu Tianchen's arm clicked, and he was blown off by a punch.

"Ah ~"

Lu Tianchen made a terrible cry, and his body quickly retreated, but Luo Yu was entangled, one leg fiercely struck Lu Tianchen's head, and thunder and lightning dangled on his leg, forming a thunder knife.

Lu Tianchen's face changed drastically, the other held up a block, and the thunder knife cut on the hard dragon scales, but just split a blood hole.


At this time, one of his dragon tails was suddenly drawn towards Luo Yu. This tail was very sudden, and the strength was extremely huge, and he was severely beaten on Luo Yu's robe.


Luo Yu spit out blood, and was beaten and tossed by this tail. The blood was twitching, and there was a blood mark on his chest. A thin line of ribs cracked out. fist.

"Little Sovereign"

The man in the black robe was shocked and hurried up to help. Although his master was lower than him, his strength was much better than him. This man could beat him and lose both!

"Get away, I'll do it myself"

Lu Tianchen pushed the man in the black robe away and connected his broken bone with his other hand. The bone was healing fast.

At the same time Lu Tianchen solemnly looked at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's pair of phoenix wings trembled and stabilized her body.

"Feather wings! You are a winged human race!"

When Lu Tianchen saw Luo Yu's flesh and wings, he was slightly surprised. There were many ethnic groups in the Yucang continent, the strongest human tribe and other races.

"Well, no matter if you are human or winged, dare to stop me, you have to die."

Lu Tianchen snarled again and rushed to Luo Yu. He had a golden long-handled sword in his hand. This knife's breath was amazing.

At the same time, the top ten swordsmanship superimposed an amazing power.

"Is it a bucket?"

The corner of Luo Yu's mouth was raised, and his strongest strength was also in Kendo, and the purple lotus on the side could not wait to fly into Luo Yu's hands.

Huh ~

The eleven sword intentions behind Luo Yu condensed, and then a huge sword intention was formed, with eleven sword patterns on it. The sword spirit was so strong that the extreme sword shape formed the sword domain. The slight potential disappeared.

Luo Yu's sword stabbed Lu Tianchen's fury.

"This, this is the sword domain! You, you realized the sword domain"

Lu Tianchen was so horrified that he could realize that the tenfold sword is already a genius. For the realm, the only person who can realize the realm in Yuantai Realm is to ask the top 100 peerless geniuses on the monument.

"It's too late to know now"

Luo Yu fell off with a sword, and the sword was superimposed on the sword. A thousand kilometers of purple swordmang fiercely slashed at Lu Tianchen.

Lu Tianchen chopped a knife, but Dao Mang was chopped by this sword, and Luo Yu lifted the sword and cut it quickly.

Suddenly, the sound of the collision clanged, and I saw that Jianguang and Daoguang kept passing and colliding.

"Tianlong sword!"

Lu Tianchen was pressed by Luo Yu and angered. He slashed the sword with a slash, and slashed with force. A black dragon condensed by the sword bombarded Luo Yu, and the space cracked in the roar of the black dragon.

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Luo Yu raised his sword, and a sword stabbed out. The waves of sword waves erupted suddenly. The eleven circles of sword waves condensed into a sword-shaped ripple and hit the black dragon. There was no violent momentum of the black dragon.

Jianbo Qiandie!

嘭 ~ 嘭 ~ 嘭!

The black dragon was impacted by Jianbo, and an inch of explosion opened. This Jianbo hit Bo Tianchen's chest again.

Oh ~!

Lu Tianchen spit out blood, and then Luo Yufei shot and slammed down.

Stepping directly on Lu Tianchen's chest, stepping on the ground, Tianchen slammed on the ground, and a large pit was hit on the ground.

"Young master!"

The man in black robe was frightened, but was afraid to pass.

"Ahem ~"

Lu Tianchen spit out blood with visceral fragments and looked at Luo Yu in horror. The strength shown by this guy was not less than the geniuses he had to serve in his gate.

Luo Yu held the sword, stepped on Tianchen's chest, and looked at Tianchen indifferently.

"You, let me go, do you know who I am? If you dare to kill me, everyone in this city will be buried."

Lu Tianchen was stepped on his feet, extremely angry, and roared.

"I don't care who you are and what your background is. Since you dare to kill my friends and catch me, you have only one way to die!"

Luo Yu directly raised his sword and slashed down.

"No ~ you can't kill me, I'm a million beasts ~"


Before Lu Tianchen finished, Luo Yu's sword had fallen, his head was chopped off, and blood sprayed!

Luo Yu's hand was inserted directly into Lu Tianchen's Dan Tian, ​​grabbed the Yuan tire, and threw it to Xiao Bai, without giving the other party a chance to speak. .

Xiao Bai swallowed Lu Tianchen Yuan's fetus directly into the mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, and the middle-aged man in the black robe was already watching ...

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