Come to The Peak

Chapter 1276: : Six Tier of Warcraft

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When these disciples saw Luo Yu as the newcomer, they stood up and saluted one by one.

"Meet Brother Luo"

Luo Yu's status in the disciples of Jian Xuan Palace is also no less prestigious. This is his strength and the respect he won.

"You guys and boys are kind"

Luo Yu saluted the crowd and then walked out of the teleportation hall.

The teleportation hall is protected by a Bapin spirit formation. Even if it is the Emperor Wudi, it cannot be broken for a while.

There is no shortage of swordsman warriors in the sword world. In doing so, they also provide disciples with a rear guarantee.

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The teleportation hall is huge, and there is an independent palace, which is the residence of the Emperor Jianxuan Palace in the sword world.

Using Jianyu to open the defensive formation, Luo Yu walked out of the transfer hall.

How do you describe this world? The sky of the entire world is foggy, giving a sense of depression, a faint black and red mist lingers on the ground, and the boulder is overwhelming, giving a sense of absurdity .

In the distance there are faint wheels of mountain peaks and forests. From time to time, there are streamers, all of which are experienced disciples.

As soon as he entered the outside world, an energy absorption that Luo Yu had never felt was incorporated into his body. This energy was extremely corrosive and aggressive. When this energy entered the body, Luo Yu's vitality suddenly turned into This stock is excluded.

Luo Yu deliberately felt this kind of energy. The color of this energy is also dark brown, just like the blood that is about to dry out. Several of his exercises can't refine this energy.

"Is this magic?"

Luo Yu was shocked in his heart, and he also understood why the teleportation hall of the sword world was so large. Only in the teleportation hall, the disciples could restore the true power, or they could absorb the original stone refining and restore the true power. Energy, or magic.

Magic energy is also a kind of energy in the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It is just like dead energy of the corpse energy. Unless there is a special method, the human energy can not refine the magic energy into its own energy.

And the energy cultivated by the magic energy is also called the magic element force, which is fundamentally different from the true element force.

Luo Yu flew up into the sky and chose a direction to fly away. There is no sword demon around this teleportation hall.

The purpose of his coming is to seek a breakthrough in battle. At the same time, he also wants to see and see what the legendary sword demon is.

People are always curious about new things.


"Damn, how could you meet a Level 6 Warcraft here?"

In a mountain forest, three disciples of Jian Xuan Gong and a giant beast 100 meters high are fighting madly.

This giant black body with black scales looks like a tiger with sharp minions, but the nose is as slender as the nose, and the nose is like a large mouth with sharp mouthparts.

The 100-meter-long Elephant Proboscis waved like a stout whip, slamming on top of the mountain, blasting the mountain directly and rupturing.

The three disciples are two men and one woman, and two of them are Xiuhuo Xiuwei. One of them is the Emperor Wu of the early Yuantai period.

The trio's real strength surging, and fiercely beat this proboscis monster.

Between the wave of this proboscis beast, the space twitched the space ripples, and a black light was sprayed in the nose and mouth. When shot on the ground, a huge pit was exploded. The three men played extremely Struggling.

"Sister carefully"

After the proboscis beast slaps a young man with a divine fire, a nose slams at the blue woman.

This woman in blue was about to sneak on the jaw of this beast. Who thought that the tadpole responded so quickly.

A huge elephant trunk whipped, and the woman in Yuantai's territory couldn't help but look pale, and Zhenyuan's body was cut off at the same time.


A blue sword light cut on the elephant's trunk, but it left only a shallow mark on the long black nose. This proboscis is the toughest part of the monster's body.

The proboscis smashed the sword awn, smashed it on the woman's sword in the blue dress, and directly ruptured Zhenyuan's body.

Uh ~!

The internal organs trembled, and the woman in blue spit out blood, and flew away behind her.


At this time, the limbs of the proboscis leapt up, and the sharp claws were photographed to the blue-clad woman. It was fierce, and on the claws, there was a dark brown energy gathering, which added to this palm power.

"It's a big game this time"

The blue-faced woman had a pale complexion, a look of panic in her beautiful eyes, and a regret in her heart. She should not rush over to protect the two disciples. However, a small golden sword suddenly appeared in her hand and she was ready to use it.

"Sister ~"

The two male disciples in the divine fire exclaimed sadly.


At this time, a thunder rang, and a purple thunder rushed to the woman almost in an instant, hugging the woman.

The giant monster slapped his palm on the back of the young man. The young man's body was just a meal, and he did not hum.

The woman in blue looked at the man holding herself in shock. She swears that she will never forget his silhouette in her life.


Luo Yu hugged the woman with one hand, snorted, and turned to look at the giant beast.

He didn't shoot the ant with one palm, and the proboscis of the long-nosed monster was shocked.

Then fierce light was released, and the long elephant trunk whipped at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu did not flash or hide, but was still beaten by this proboscis. He let go of the woman, stretched out his hands, the two arms became dragons, Zhenyuanli erupted, and suddenly held the proboscis opened. .

"Ah ... drink!"

Luo Yu roared, holding her proboscis and waving the giant body of the beast, and then hit the ground fiercely.

Uh ...

The earth trembled, and the long-nosed beast roared, and a black divine light blasted out at Luo Yu.

On the surface of Luo Yu's body, a layer of golden spirits lingered, forming a light film. The black **** light blasted on Luo Yu's body, and Luo Yu was unharmed.

Physical spirit pattern, seventh-grade top grade!

"Is Warcraft just that?"

Luo Yu showed a hint of irony, and then punched out, and the power of Kowloon erupted, forming nine purple wild dragons blasting at the long-nosed monster.

嘭 ~ 嘭 ~ 嘭 ~!

Jiulong bombarded the beast. The beast's surface exploded and opened. The internal organs and bones of the beast were all smashed into pieces by the force of this punch.

"Hello ~"

The beast yelled for the last time, and the huge body slammed on the ground.

This strength in the late sixth-level Warcraft, punched and died.

"Brother, me, am I right? He seems to be Brother Luo Yu!"

"Yes, Brother Luo, haha, I even saw my idol."

The two disciples were shocked and looked fiercely at the young man wearing a purple dragon robe.

Some of Jian Xuan Gong's are wearing only Luo Yu, and people who haven't seen him know that it is him at a glance.

Luo Yu flew down and laughed at the three disciples: "Three masters, sisters and sisters are all right?"

The blue woman blushed brightly, and immediately greeted Yingying with a soft voice: "Sister Nan Mengfei, thank you Brother Luo for your life-saving grace"

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