Come to The Peak

Chapter 1439: : Fengzhou Yuejia

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Xiaolongmai made a terrible sound, holding his head in pain, and forcibly signing the soul deed would have a lot of pain.

After a while, this little dragon vein slowly opened his eyes, respectfully said: "Master"

"Well, although it is a contract signed with you forcibly, it is better to follow me than to practice harming souls alone. Well, you are integrated into the body, and I will integrate you into my cave."

Luo Yu nodded. The little boy heard the words turned into a colorful light and shot into the dragon vein. The dragon vein twisted in the blood pool, but he couldn't leave the land.

Luo Yu then shot thousands of meters below the ground, and Ziyu changed into a horrible sword that was more than a thousand meters long and began to cut this side of the earth.

Rumble ...!

The purple lotus directly cut the place where the earth's spiritual veins were located, and the whole piece was cut from the ground. Luo Yu opened a huge hole in his cave world.

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The battle dragon slammed in the ground below.

Rumble ...!

Suddenly there was a roar, and the cut piece of Lingshan was shaken by him. The battle dragon flew to the bottom and drank, dragging Lingshan to fly to the open sky of Luo Yu, and the Lingshan flew into Luoyu Cave World in.

This scene also attracted the attention of countless people in the world of Dongtian, staring at each other in astonishment.

After flying into Luoyu Cave Heaven, Luoyu directly mobilized the power of space and dropped this Lingshan into a mountain not far from Jianfeng, and merged into Luoyu's world.

Because the earth spiritual roots, or dragon veins, have not yet reached the required grade, they can not condense the spring of the earth, and they can only be cultivated slowly with some treasures of the soil system in the future. The earth's spiritual roots refine the earth to the point where the **** springs.

After doing all this, Luo Yu's mouth evoked a smile, and now the origin of the Tuxing Shenquan is considered to be in place.

Luo Yu contentedly left Dongtian with Zhanlong, and Zhanlong took off into the realm of Fengzhou.

The battle dragon walked the road of physical sanctification, so he did not need these five elements of the earth's spiritual roots.


Fengzhou, one of the twelve major states on the Tai Cang continent, is the name of the Holy Sect of Fengzhou, and Moonlight City is not far from the border of Fengzhou.

Three days later, Luo Yu and Battle Dragon stopped over a towering giant city.

There are three big characters on the huge white city wall that is one hundred meters high, Moonlight City.

"Hurrying for a year and finally arrived at this Fengzhou boundary"

Luo Yu looked at Moonlight City, and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, the continent is too big, even if it is Emperor Wu, it is not easy to move between the two continents."

Zhanlong sighed that only that saint could really easily swim across the heavens and cross the continent.

The two walked into Moonlight City, which is also very prosperous and has a population of over 100 million. The Moon family in Moonlight City is the first martial arts family in the surrounding city. The clan has the power of the Emperor Wu, and the Moon clan has more than ten city.

The territory ruled by the Yue family is also called Yuehua territory.

The two just inquired a little and knew where Yue's home was.

This is a large group of palace buildings, which is also where the Yue family is located.

The Yue family can also be said to be the Yue tribe. This group of people is born to absorb the power of Yuehua to practice, and the archery is well-known in Fengzhou.

At this time, a large group of people gathered in the main palace of the Yue family, and it seemed that they were discussing something, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

On a silver-white moonlight sculpted emperor chair, a man wearing a moon-white robe with a handsome and handsome face is discussing something with a group of moon people.

There are no less than a hundred people in the hall, and Xiu is not weaker than the Yuantai Realm. There are five people, four men and a woman, including the handsome middle-aged man, and there is a power of space in the body.

The contemporary patriarch of the Yue family, with a frown on the moon and night, said: "This time the Titans and the Yu peoples are menacing. Do you have any plans?"

"Elder Yuesong, you go to the Cisse family for help. What happened?"

Yueming night looked at a white-bearded cave heavenly elder, Yuesong.

"Ah, the Cisse family said they could help us this time, but they asked our Moon family to produce 20 eight-pin Jieshi, and ten eighth-order magical tools promised to help."

Yuesong sighed.

"Twenty eight-pin Jieshi, ten eight-pin Jieshi, why didn't he grab it? The old guy in Cissé's heart is getting darker and darker."

A burly man with long white hair slammed the table angrily.

His name is Yue Zhen, and it is also the elder of the Yue family's cave heaven.

"Well, if our Yue family is breached, their Cissy family would also like to live better? A group of things that only know the immediate interests"

A beautiful white-haired woman also gritted her teeth and hated it.

The location of Fengzhou Yuejia in charge of the city is very special. It is just one of the four deserts on the Tai Cang mainland. The edge of the western wasteland is where the Fengzhou and the western wasteland meet.

There are Chinese and foreign races in the Xihuang. Two of them, the Titans, the Yuren, and the Yuejia, have resentment since ancient times. Now the tribe is at the time of ethnic war.

"Patriarch, it ’s really impossible. Let ’s ask for help from the Sect. We also pay a lot of offerings every year. Does the Sacred Sect really watch our Yue family and so many peoples invade by aliens?

Said the beautiful woman Yueshuang.

"Sacred sect, sacred sect, ask them for help, haha, sacred sect is just a bigger vampire, and sacred sect has always wanted the bow of the moon **** passed down by our ancestors, we went to ask him, they have Won't shoot "

Yuesong sighed.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the elder sister's fall in the war of ancient times, we don't need to ask them now, hey ..."

Yueming Ye sighed, and others also felt deeply, that the strongest arrow skill that passed down the Moon Arrow tactics is only the eldest sister of Yue Mingye.

Only use Lunar Bow to practice the Moon Arrow


At this time, a call came from outside the hall.

A Yue family walked in quickly, kneeling on one knee, and said to Yue Mingye: "Patriarch Patriarch, there are two strong Emperors of the Emperor, and one of them said it was my Yue family friend"

"Oh, Emperor Wudi, come in quickly."

Yueming night heard a slight surprise, and then quickly said, the others in the hall was also a surprise.

At this time, some people dare to come to his month's house and claim to be friends?

Not long after, a young Junlang youth wearing a purple Canglong robe with dark hair like thick hair and a blond burly man with a black robe walked like a palace.

Everyone set their sights on, Yueming Ye took the three elders and stood up. Yue Mingye greeted him with a fist: "I don't know where the two came from, what's the matter to come to my Yue family?"

Looking at Luo Yu's battle dragons on the moon and night, he vowed to never know the two.

"Oh, my name is Luo Yu, this is my brother, Dragon Warrior. Your Excellency is the patriarch of the Yue family, Yue Ming Ye, the two of us came to fulfill a causal promise."

"Causal commitment?"

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